【题目】 Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didn't like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again.

Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Vince’s parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didn’t like soap or water, either.

The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were playing, Vince looked at Toby's hands and then went back to Toby’s parents and said proudly (骄傲地), “Toby’s hands are dirtier than mine,

“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am,

【1】Vince’s mother asked him to______three or four times a day.

A. wash his hands B. do his homework

C. clean his bedroom D. wash his teeth

【2】When Vince saw Toby’s hands, he felt ________.

A, sorry B. proud C. sad D. terrible

【3】Vince’s hands were a little______than Toby’s.

A. dirtier B. cleaner C. bigger D. smaller

【4】From the story we know that_______ .

A. Vince liked soap and water, but Toby didn’t

B.Toby liked soap and water,but Vince didn’t

C. Vince and Toby liked soap and water

D.Vince and Toby didn’t like soap or water

【5】How many people are there in the story?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven,

【题目】Mr. Gao lives in a town. When he was twenty-five, his son was born. He calls him Gao Ling. The little boy is clever. He and his wife love him very much. It’s September 1st today. A new school year begins. Gao Ling is happy and

wears his most beautiful clothes. He’s going to school with his new bag. “Let me take you to school, dear.” said

Mrs. Gao. “Thank you, Mummy,” said the boy. “The school is not far from here.I can go there myself.” At school a

teacher met the little boy and asked, “What’s your name, my little friend?” “Gao Ling, sir.” answered the boy.

“How old are you?” “Six, sir.” “What’s your father’s name?” “Gao Daling, sir.” “How old is he?” “He is six, too,

sir.” “Oh,” the teacher said in surprise. “Is he as old as you?” Yes, sir,” said the boy. “He became a father only on

the day when I was born.”

【1】Mr. Gao is _____now.

A. six B. twenty-fiveC. thirty one D. thirty-five

【2】Mr. and Mrs. Gao love their son because_____.

A. the boy is clever

B. he likes to go to school

C. he can go to school himself

D. he can answer their question

【3】Gao Ling didn’t let his mother take him to school because_____.

A. she was too busy

B. his friends could took him

C. the policeman could help him

D. the school is near and he could take care of himself

【4】Gao Ling went to school_____

A. by car B. on foot C. by train D. by bike

【5】 Gao Ling thought_____.

A. his father and he were born on the same day

B. his father was younger than him

C. his father forgot to tell him about his age

D. Gao Daling became a father only for six years

【题目】“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, milk may work in the same way!

Milk is the natural food for mammalian(哺乳动物) babies. It helps them grow strong because it is rich in protein(蛋白质), calcium(钙) and vitamins. Milk can also help you sleep better because it calms you down.

But remember to drink milk with care. Find out how old the milk is. Make sure it is fresh and hasn’t gone bad. Don’t drink milk when your stomach is empty. Eat some bread or corn at the same time. That’ll help you take in more protein and vitamins.

Doctors say teens need at least 500ml of milk a day. That’s two or three cups. Milk-drinking started long ago, as early as 6,000-8,000BC. At that time people started to keep cows, sheep and goats to get their milk. Of course what you drink today isn’t that fresh from the cow. People cool the fresh milk down to 40C to stop the bacteria(细菌)growing. In factories, milk is pasteurized(灭菌) to stop it growing bad. After disinfections(消毒) and packaging, it goes to the supermarkets.

Yoghourt also comes from milk. People make some special bacteria to change the taste of milk and make the nutrients(营养) in it easier for people to take in. Maybe that’s why it’s getting more popular with people!

【1】Milk helps people grow strong because it is rich in ________.

A. Calcium B. protein

C. vitamins D. A, B and C

【2】The sentence “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” tells us that________.

A .the doctor likes to eat apples every day

B. the doctor doesn’t like apples at all

C. the doctor eats an apple each day

D. apples are good for our health

【3】When you drink milk , you’d better________.

A. find out when the milk was produced

B. make sure it’s fresh and hasn’t gone bad

C. not drink milk when your stomach is empty

D. do all of the above

【4】Why is it better to eat some bread or corn while drinking milk ?

A. Our body can take in more protein and vitamins in this way.

B. That’ll help us grow taller and stronger.

C. That’ll help us taste milk better.

D. We’ll still feel hungry without eating some bread or corn.

【5】Which of the following statements is true ?

A. One cup of milk is good enough for teens each day.

B. Drinking milk is likely to make teens sleepy.

C. To stop the bacteria growing , people cool the fresh milk down to 40C.

D. Yoghourt is one kind of milk which has gone bad

【题目】It’s never easy to admit(承认) you are in the wrong. We all __ to know the art of apology(道歉).Think how often you have done wrong. Then count how many ____ you have expressed clearly you were ____. You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do ____ about it.

A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with diffident kinds of signs: headaches, heart trouble and insomnia (失眠症). ____some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing wrong with him and said, If you don’t tell me what’s ____ you, I can’t help you.” The man admitted he was cheating (骗取) his brother to his inheritance (遗产). Then and there the clever doctor _____ the man write to his brother and _____ his money. As soon as the letter was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried, Thank you,” he said to the doctor I think I have got well.”

An apology can not only save a broken relationship (关系), but also make a person ____ . If you can think of someone who should be ____ an apology from you, do something about it right now.

【1】A. decide B. have C. need D. try

【2】A. mistakes B. people C. ways D. times

【3】A. sorry B. weak C. sad D. wrong

【4】A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

【5】A. Before B. After C. Till D. Since

【6】A. hurting B. hanging C. touching D. worrying

【7】A. made B. helped C. let D. saw

【8】A. give B. keep C. return D. send

【9】A. happy B. glad C. strong D. healthy

【10】A. received B. given C. known D. forgotten

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