My hobbies

Sport is funIt can improve our  1  and help to open our mindsI play tennis every Saturday morningVolleyball is my another  2  sportIn the summer  3  is funIn the winterice-skating and skiing are  4  interesting sprats

Traveling with friends is joyfulEnjoying nature and  5  different people will enrich (丰富)our life experience

Listening to musicreading a book or doing some  6  lets me enjoy a quiet time with my own thoughts

Dancing is my new  7  It helps me to stop feeling  8  and helps me to meet new people

What is moreI am working as a volunteer for libraryTaking  9  in social(社会的) activities improves my communication skills and helps me to  10  a lot of great friends

   1Astudies    Bhealth                    Ctook                      Dluck

   2Afavorite       Bstrange                Camazing                 Dboring

   3Arunning       Bclimbing               Cswimming              Dhiking

   4Aall             Bboth                    Ceither                      Dneither

   5Afinding        Bbeating                 Cmeeting               Dhelping

   6Awriting    Bshopping                Ccleaning                 Dtalking

   7Asubject       Btopic                    Cinterest                  Dides

   8Afree          Bstressed               Clazy                       Dhappy

   9Aa part        Bparts                    Crole                       Dpart

   10Araise        Btake                     Cmake                     Dset

 0  569  577  583  587  593  595  599  605  607  613  619  623  625  629  635  637  643  647  649  653  655  659  661  663  664  665  667  668  669  671  673  677  679  683  685  689  695  697  703  707  709  713  719  725  727  733  737  739  745  749  755  763  97155 

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