5.右下图为某物质的分子模型示意图,其中“ ”代表氢原子,“ ”代表氧原子。下列叙述正确的是 ( )
A. 此物质属于混合物
B. 此物质的化学式为HO
C. 此物质的一个分子由4个原子构成
D. 此物质中氢元素与氧元素的质量比是1:1
4.面值100元的新版人民币的数字“100”采用光变色防伪油墨印刷,垂直看为绿色,倾斜看为蓝色。在防伪油墨中含有MgF2,其中F元素的化合价为 ( )
A. +1 B. +2 C. -1 D. -2
3.蒸馒头时,面碱(主要含Na2CO3)放多了会发黄。为除去过多的面碱,做馒头时可加入适量 ( )
A. 食醋 B. 食盐 C. 黄酒 D. 白糖
2.下列物质中属于氧化物的是 ( )
A. 食盐 B. 水 C. 空气 D. 酒精
1.运用2008年诺贝尔化学奖的研究成果,可依据生物发光现象检测超微量钙的存在。这里的“钙”是指 ( )
A. 分子 B. 原子 C. 元素 D. 单质
25.You much more easily in a foreign company,on condition that you have a good spoken command of English.
A.will promote B.promote C.will get promoted D.are promoted
答案 C
24.-Have you seen Jack in his office?
-Yes,he the report on the market research since eight this morning.
A.has preparing for B.has been preparing
C.prepared D.is going to prepare
答案 B
23.-Which hotel are you in?
-I in a hotel.A friend I met on the train from the south to put me up for a couple of
A.haven’t stayed;has offered B.am not staying;offered
C.am not staying;is offering D.do not stay;offers
22.Cold winters in Europe almost entirely by 2080 because of the continuously global warming
A.are disappearing B.have disappeared C.will have disappeared D.will be disappeared
21.-Why are the Woods selling their belongings?
-They to another city.
A.had moved B.have moved C.moved D.are moving
答案 D