

 In your English class, the teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates may have different understandings.

  Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how YOU understand it.

Vocabulary support:

千里马:   swift horse


磨坊:    mill


(A possible version)

   Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “being a good partner”.

In this busy, modern world, if we want to complete our work more efficiently, we must all learn to cooperate with others, because not only can cooperation save us a lot of time and energy, but also we can learn much from each other.

We’ll be lucky enough to find someone we like to cooperate with due to the fact that we can share our joy and sadness with him. However, it can be difficult to cooperate with someone we dislike. In this case, we'll have to learn to put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages.

In my opinion, to be a good partner, we should try to listen to others’ opinions, never force our ideas on others and if he makes mistakes, try to point them out in a polite way.

Thank you for your listening!


Possible version 1:

 As is depicted in the picture, a horse is grinding the wheat into flour in a mill. Swift horse as it is, it seems to spare no effort to do this tiring job.

The picture vividly delivers a message to us all that we are supposed to plant our feet on solid ground despite the fact that we may sometimes possess outstanding abilities. It is an established fact that those who have distinguished abilities are expected to achieve higher goals. Nevertheless, they would be well advised to reach their goals step by step or even by performing some boring tasks. Just like the swift horse in the picture, it trains itself by grinding the wheat, which can serve as a preparation for its long journey in the future. Doing the seemingly tedious work can not only build up our strength but also shape our character. In other words, treating the boring work seriously can develop our patience as well as responsibility, which is of vital importance to our sustainable development.

As for us teenagers, there is no doubt that only by committing ourselves to daily practices can we fully realize our potentials.

Possible version 2:

As is vividly depicted in the picture, the “Swift Horse”, firmly restricted in a simple and crude mill, has no alternative but to slowly grind the wheat into flour just like an awkward donkey.

The ridiculous picture reflects a common but thought-provoking social problem that usually talented people are merely assigned with some trivial tasks, which is definitely regarded as a waste of resources. Able as they are, they have no chance to carry out their ideals. As a matter of fact, the “Swift Horse” is supposed to have achieved more success or accomplished more challenging assignments. However, he is bound to the improper working environment and required to do the simple and boring job, which absolutely retards his progress. In addition, we should make it clear that everybody has the potential to succeed. Thus, employers must provide employees with suitable opportunities to make good use of their talents, while teachers must recognize students’ advantages and teach them in accordance with their aptitudes.

In a word, as far as we teenagers are concerned, only if everybody is given the opportunity to display his talents fully, we’ll have an infinitely bright future.


Text 1

M: So how much was your plane ticket?

W: More than I could really afford. I had to dip into my savings.

Text 2

M: What happened to your hand?

W: Well, I was chopping carrots the other day and the knife slipped and nearly took my finger off!

Text 3

M: I give up! I hate to admit this, but getting a job at a newspaper is just impossible.

W: No, it isn’t! You’ve wanted this your whole life. You can be a journalist if you just keep trying.

Text 4

W: Where are you now, sweetie? Our home line is busy now.

M: I’m playing on the swing in the park. Aunt Tina is on the phone.

W: When she gets off the phone, have her call me. I need directions to the tailor’s.

Text 5

M: Our policy is to deliver books within two days. You should have received it long ago.

W: No kidding! So where is it? I want it tomorrow or I’ll cancel my order.

M: Oh, sorry madam. It appears it’s never been sent. I will personally send it tomorrow.

Text 6

W: What’s the matter?

M: Nothing really – it’s just that when I lift my right arm up, I get a sharp pain here in my chest.

W: Well, it’s certainly got nothing to do with your heart. How long have you had the pain?

M: A couple of days. I thought it would pass but it seems to be getting worse.

W: You haven’t taken a knock there, have you?

M: I don’t think so.

W: So what are you going to do about it?

M: I’m going to see a doctor in the afternoon. I asked our manager for a couple of hours off and he agreed that I should get some medical advice.

W: Well, give me a ring when you get back.

Text 7

W: What’s up? You look a bit down.

M: I got my results this morning for my end-of-year exams. I failed one.

W: Oh, no. I’m sorry. What happened? I thought you revised really hard for them.

M: I did, but the questions were too hard for me and I tried to answer them, but …

W: Can you re-take it?

M: Yeah, but I’ll have to take the course again next year.

W: What? You have to repeat the whole year?

M: Yeah, it’s normal. No?

W: No, not in my country. When we fail an exam at university, we usually get the chance to re-take the exam, but you don’t have to do the whole course again.

M: Oh, right. Well, here you have to repeat the whole course. And pay for it, of course.

Text 8

M: Mum, I’m back.

W: How was your visit to your grandmother’s?

M: It was great! I can’t believe how much I ate when I was there!

W: My mother does like cooking. How was the train ride? It’s a very long journey.

M: There was no one on the seat next to me, so I got to lie down for most of the trip. I got really tired after the first hour.

W: Did your grandmother see you off at the station?

M: She did. But as soon as I got on the train, she started crying. I felt bad that I couldn’t stay longer.

W: It’s really nice that you went down for a week. She gets lonely. How come your train was late? I expected you half an hour earlier. I was worried that the train would never show up.

M: We were held up a few stations before this one.

W: Well, let’s get you home so you can unpack.

Text 9

W: All right class. Quiet please. Thank you. I want you all to listen carefully because I want to talk to you about something very important. Steven, are you listening? Good. Now, as you know, this week is Environment Awareness Week and I think we should get involved by taking part in Recycling Day on Saturday, March 15th. I know it’s the 12th today and there should be enough time for you to prepare. Now on that day, anytime between 9 and 6, you can take any recyclable materials that you have down to the Maple Avenue Recycling Centre. By recycling materials, I mean things like glass, old newspapers, aluminum, etc. Does everybody understand? Great. For more information you can always call the local recycling centre on 321-5643. Here I’ll write it on the blackboard for you.

Text 10

M: Hello! My name is Steven. I used to play the violin in the National Orchestra. But now I’ve begun a new career. I’ve always loved music. I started violin lessons when I was 6 years old, but I mostly played for fun. I never thought about music as a career until my last year of high school. I learned it in the City Youth Orchestra, and our conductor helped me get a scholarship for the Academy of Music and from there, I joined the National Orchestra. We spent most of the day practicing, and sometimes we had concerts in five different cities in one week. After a while you get tired of the routine – the same concerts, the same composers, the same big audience that you can never see clearly. I really wanted to play music that’s more personal. So last year with three other musicians I started a band to play music at people’s weddings. I love it! The music we play is so romantic. It really creates a beautiful feeling for people. I still enjoy working with the orchestra but I love playing at weddings the most.

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