第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






Benjamin, aged twelve, worn glasses and loved to read books.         66.     

Some boys in the school laughed at him, even though, and said he          67.     

was not bright in practical matters. To prove his point, they would          68.     

approach him with a nickel and a dime in hand and asked him to           69.     

choose one he preferred. To the boys’ great delight, Ben would            70.     

always choose the nickel. Once, when the teacher saw Ben choose          71.     

the five cents over the ten and heard the boy laugh, she asked him          72.     

how he did it. “Surely, you know the difference, Ben!” she said.           73.     

“Yes, of, course, I do,” he replied. Then with a smile in his face, he         74.     

whispered “And if I ever take the dime, they won’t do it any more.”        75.     

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