第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


6.When did the woman talk with Mike on the phone?

    A.The day before yesterday   B.Last night.    C.This morning

7.When does the man think that Mike will go back to work?

    A.Nearly 10 days later   B.Another 3days later.       C.Another 3 weeks later.


8.What is wrong with the man?

    A.He has a slight cough.     B.He has been feeling unwell for some time   

   C.His blood pressure is 99.

9.How many cigarettes does the man smoke a day?

    A.less than 20.       B.30 or 40.            C..20 or 30

10.What  advice does the woman give the man?

    A.Cutting down on his smoking. B.Losing some weight

    C.Having a good sleep.


11.Why does the woman want to make some money?

    A.To take a trip to the north. B.To buy a new car       C.To open a dog hospital.

12.What is the man’s first suggestion?

A.Delivering letters         B.Walking dogs.        C.Carrying papers.

13.What does the man tell the woman about the job of walking dogs?

    A.It needs a dog.       B.It can bring her more money   C.It’s good for her health


14.What does the man do probably?

    A.A musician.        B.A singer.               C.A student

15.Why is the man not sure of joining the group?

    A.He does not think the group is good enough.     B He doesn’t have time to practice         

C.He isn’t interested in joining it.

16.What can we know about  the woman? ZXA.She is in charge of the group           

    B.She has never played the guitar    C.She has made a lot of friends[


17.How old is the speaker?

    A.5.               B.17     C.22

18.Why has the speaker long been looked down upon?

    A.She’s hearing-disabled.  B.She can’t get on well with her classmates.   

    C.Something is wrong with her brain.

19.What does the speaker want to improve?

    A.She is a non-disabled person                                     

    B.She’s better at studies and sports than any other student.

    C.She’s not different from the average teenagers

 20.What makes  the speaker a strong person?

    A.Her physical limitation and her courage.             

    B.Her gift for studies and sports .

    C.Her family and school background

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