第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Dear Bob,

I am pleasant to learn that you’re coming to Beijing           76.     

to study Chinese. I’ve got some informations about foreigners        77.     

learning Chinese. Here I’d like to recommend you famous          78.     

language school-Elite Language School.

It reported that such a Chinese training course will satisfy       79.     

your demands. It starts in February 20th and lasts a month till        80.     

March 19th . It is given in No. 1 Lecture Hall but it’s intended       81.     

for beginners like you. Besides, the tuition is reasonable. It cost       82.     

only 2,000 RMB. I think it suits you and you will enjoy them.        83.     

If you have more questions, please let me know or just sufing    84.     

www. Elite.org. The more you will know, the more eager you will     85.     

be to come.

Hope to see you in Beijing soon.


Li Hua

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