55.We can infer from the text that     .

A.The combination of big companies may possibly lead to trust.

B.All Gillette’s thirty-two factories are in fourteen countries

C.P&G made less profits than Gillette in 2004

D.P&G’s products are worse than Gillette’s


Your particular relationships with your parents, not God or genes, determines your academic performance. In my case, it was my father who made the difference.

I had three sisters and my father never showed much interest in their success. He took no notice of the school reports of one of them. They all made it to university. But this was largely because of my mother’s encouragement. However badly I did, and it was usually very bad, he always told me I was clever and that I could do well.

When I was eight and remained at the bottom of my class, he tried to coach me in Latin and maths. His main goal was to show me that, if I could make myself concentrate on the dull tasks, I could do them.

He chose the head of my house at public school with great care. He found a man who made a huge effort to teach the backward, raw material with which he started when I was 13. Together, they convinced me to take exams seriously. But the most important factor was that I knew my dad loved me. He expressed this in many kind letters. When we were together, he would take me in his arms. He encouraged me to think for myself and to enjoy what I enjoyed. He once watched me eating a huge amount of chocolate and said, “Eat as much as you like - you won’t always enjoy it that much.”

So I started working hard. I agreed with his own clever ways. And I started to enjoy the learning of knowledge and the expression of ideas. Although exams gave little opportunity for that, I could sort of see the point.

A lot of parents do not realize how important the emotional aspect of the relationship is. It determines their child’s performance. I recently heard a parent discussing what school their child might get into. “I don’t know how bright he is,” she said.

Many parents are troubled by their children’s marks at school. Their relationship with the child is almost wholly built around this. It was not at all like that with my dad. Until I was eight, he did not seem to worry about marks. And, after that, it was never exam performance that he was concerned with. Rather, he concentrated on my self-perception(自我感知). He constantly showed me that I was not stupid by pointing out things I had said that were signs of intelligence. It meant I had a reasonable self-regard. I kept failing exams. But, my father thought there was a difference between my failing one exam and whether I would be a success or failure in life.

51. The bones have clearer shadow on the photographic film than do muscles or other organs, because ______.

A. the bones are harder than them

B. the bones can help absorb more rays than them

C. the bones can block more rays than them

D. X-rays cannot pass through the bones


Procter and Gamble(P&G)has announced that it’ll enlarge its household products empire by combining with Gillette. The deal is expected to close this autumn because it should get permission from US Antitrust Regulators(反垄断管理协会),P&G said in a statement.

P&G is to gain all of Gillette’s business, including its producing and technical equipment. It will add a product variety popular with men. P&G said it expected the combination to bring in totaling US $14-16 billion. But it also said it was planning to cut the combined workforce of 140,000 by about 6,000 or four percent.

P&G is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, US. It has about 110,000 employees in almost 80 countries. Its brands include Tide laundry detergent and Head & Shoulders shampoo. Gillette is famous all over the world for its shaving(刮脸)products. It’s based in Boston, Massachusetts, US and has 32 factories in 14 countries. P&G ranks No. 1 in the world in its household and personal furnishing parts and the company had US$ 5.8 billion in profits(利润)in 2004. Gillette ranks No.5 and has a market capitalization(资本)of US$ 45.5 billion.

This combination of two best of their class, at a time when they are both operating from a position of strength, is a special opportunity, and the combination is going to create the greatest consumer products company in the world. It’s a dream deal.

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