70. The author argues that _____.

  A. more and more evidence shows college education.may not be the best thing for high school graduates.

  B. college education is not enough if one wants to be successful.

  C. college education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick–learning people

  D. intelligent people may learn quicker if they don’t go to college.

Ⅳ Writing

Section A (10分)


Read the following passage and fill in the chart with suitable words or phrases according to the passage. (Notice: Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank)

One of the major concern in conservation is the use of plastic bags. Plastic bags are given away too freely by many stores. The amount of wastees is alarming as we are reaching tons of wastes each year. Plastic waste are polluting the environment and we need to address them now.

 There are several thing being done to bring plastic recycling to the forefeont where these plastic bags are concerned. The government requires the companies to place recycling bins fpr plastic bags at stores. When customers come to the store they can bring their bags and recycle them easily. What’s more. There are drop-off spots that are almost as popular as aluminum can drop off points. Your local recycling center should also gladly take the bags fpr you.

Some stores have started to encouge the use of cloth shopping bags and some stores ask the costomers to purchase their own bags. Some others also use recycled plastic bags instead of new bags. These bags come from the old plastic bags and they allow for the bags to be used over and over again without extra pollution during the production process.

Another thing you can do is to reuse the bags instead of putting them in the garbage. There are many ways to reuse the bags at home. They are oretty easy to reuse and you can carry syuff. They can be used In the garden as a plastic layer to cut weed growth,too. With a little imagination you can find many ways to recycle plastic bags.

 plastic bags has no place in the landfills. IT has been such a big concern that environmentalists have been speaking of banning them. The simpeist solution is recycling. The option is available and it is made quite convenient. There really is no reason for so many of these plastic bags to be winding up in landfills. You can do your part by not throwing out plastic bags and recycling them instead.

         Title:  71  -Recycling the plastic bag

We produce tons of wastes each year.
The environment   73 
The government and companies
1) placing  74  for plastic bags at their stores;
2) placing  75  in public places;
3)  76  local recycing centers,.
1) encouraging the use of cloth bags and  77   ;
2) encouraging the purchase of their own bags.
1) recycling the plastics-  79  over and over again at home;
2)   80  plastic bags everywhere;

Section B (10分)  

Directions:  Read the following passage. The passage is followed by 5 questions. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write the required words limit.

Small, moutainous and wealthy, with a population of just 7.5 million, Switzerland is well-known for its enviable quality of life in a country that ticks along like clockwork.. Its products are sought all over the world, from its delicious cheese and chocolate to luxurious watches whose timekeeping is as sharp as a Swiss Army Knife, another popular export from this Alpine ( 高山的,阿尔卑斯的 ) nation.

Switzerland’s famed political neutrality ( 中立的 ), financial power and isolated location, which is ring-fenced by breathtaking mountains, have enabled it to play a safe but central role in European affairs. The conveniently central locationin tne middle of Europe has also made Switzerland a favourite meeting place for conventions and international conferences – Geneva, for instance, is the headquarter of the United Nations.

Switzeriand is not only a place for professionals, though. As a stylish tourist detination it offers such top ski resorts as Zermatt, Verbier and celebrity-studded (名人云集的) St Moritz, while the white peaks of moutaina set against blue skies make a wonderful backdrop for summertime hiking. The ancient capital of Berne provides  superb opportuinties for sightseeing, shopping and traditional folk entertainment while the largest city, Zurich leads the way in arts, design and nightlife, from opera and world-class theatre to stylish bars and nightclubs.

Switzerland’s unique political model is based on consensus-building, and considering that the country consists of several culturally different groups speaking different language ( Swiss German, French, Italian and Romansh), its peaceful domestic situation is admirable. And while the Swiss in practice have been neutral in foreigh affairs for several centuries, they are increasingly willing to get more involved in world affairs and distribute the skills in democracy and diplomacy they have developed domestically on the international stage. Switzerland finally joined the United Nations in 2002, and signed the Schengen treaty in 2005, showing their support for the European Union.

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