
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

     My name is Li Hua, I have the honor of being your guide tomorrow,





Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,

   My name is Li Hua.I have the honor of being your guide tomorrow. Now I'd like to give you a brief introduction to our tour.  

   We’ll meet at the school gate at 8:00 am and set off by bus.As the old Chinese saying goes,“He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.The first place we will visit is that world famous spot.When you are standing on the wall,you will feel amazed at this man-made wonder on earth.After two hours there,we’ll leave for a snack street where varieties of foods will be waiting for you to try.The afternoon tour will begin from the Summer Palace at about 2:00 pm.You can take a boat to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the garden and feel free to look around there until 4:00 pm.In the evening,we will watch a wonderful Beijing opera which will let you experience a real Chinese culture.After the show, we’ll return to the school at about 9:00 pm.

   Thanks for your listening and I hope you can enjoy your tour tomorrow.

Passage 22



 In your English class.the teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it.Your classmates have different understandings.

Look at title picture carefully and tell the class how YOU undemtand it·


As we can see from the picture,two people,father and son,are talking to each other.The

Boy, standing on the ground,is looking up at his father,slightly scared,while his father, seated high on a big Chinese character“fu”,meaning“father” ,is shouting to his son.

   Such a situation seems fairly common in our society.When talking to each other, father and son are not in equal positions. Fathers simply tell their sons what to do rather than listen patiently.Therefore,sons will have few chances to share their own ideas or open up to their fathers.They often look up to their fathers with respect,fearing that they might not live up to fathers’expectations.

   1 hope our parents will listen to us more instead of just giving us orders.

Passage 23



In your English class,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.


As we can see in the picture.two men are standing side by side,smiling.They share one characteristics.strong in one am,while weak in the other.I guess they smile because they find someone who can help them accomplish a task that cannot be completed by either of them alone.

   Like the two men in the picture,we all have strengths and weaknesses,and what we can do is limited.However,weaknesses don’t necessarily mean failure,but may indicate the possibility of cooperation.By working with others.and making the best use of each other's talents,we can always achieve a better result.

Passage 24



letter      telephone        computer

My favorite way of communication



As we all know, communication has been playing an important part in people’s life. As can be seen in the pictures, there are three ways of communication, of which I like communication by computer most. My reasons are as follows.

  Firstly, by computer, people can easily send emails to each other at any time and at any place, while it is too slow a way to communicate by writing letters. Moreover, it is easy to lose letters. Secondly, by computer, people can chat to each other face to face, while it is difficult for us to do so on the phone. Finally, surfing on the Internet can provide people varieties of information, which is very convenient and useful to our study as well as to our life. It is really a good way to broaden our horizons and improve people’s understanding of the world.

In a word, communication on the Internet helps bring people all over the world closer.

Passage 25





Dear Tom,

It was great to hear from you again.                            


All the best ,

Yours ,

Li Hua


Dear Tom ,

It was great to hear from you again . There are many things going on in our school . In fact things have got much better since  we started a different way of learning .

In the past our teachers stood in front of the class talking all the time while we students listened , busily taking notes . After a tiring day at school , we always had a lot of homework to do . Sometimes we even worked late into the night . Now we are active in class . We often have discussions in pairs or in groups . After class we enjoy all kinds of activities , such as going in for sports , dong experiments or surfing the Internet.

We are extremely happy about the changes in our studies .

All the best ,

Yours ,

Li Hua

Passage 26


假如你准备参加《中国日报》组织的题为“Nothing Is Small”的中学生英语短文比赛。比赛要求简要描述下列三幅画的内容,并陈述你从画中悟出的道理。

参考生词:1.道钉:rail spike      2.烟头:butt



This cartoon tells a miserable story. As you can see, a young man, who is obvious a senior high student, is going away on a trip. As the two Chinese characters on the staircase suggest, the young man has reluctantly given up the coming college entrance examination. Why?

The above things are now quite common in China. In recent years, it's more and more difficult for college graduates to find jobs. Their parents spend a lot of money supporting them in colleges or universities, but their efforts cannot be paid off. So their parents believe it’s no use for their children to go on to college.

I feel sorry for the young man, but I don' t think it's a right decision that he has made, but what can he do? I think the government should take some measures to solve this problem.


Liu Fang

Passage 18


上周末你陪你校的外籍教师Mr. Brown游览了长城,请你按照以上四幅图的顺序写一篇英语短文。词数不少于60个。



Last weekend, I took our foreign teacher Mr. Brown to the Great Wall, who came to China

for the first time. Having been told about the history of the Great Wall, he was amazed at this

world wonder. He was struck by the beauty of the Great Wall. So I took photos for him, which

would be a good memory for him. At the top, Mr. Brown was so interested in the activity of

protecting the environment that he was eager to join in and signed his name. Only when a Chinese

girl brought back his bag did he realize he had forgotten about it. Mr. Brown expressed his thanks

to her.

   Both the Great Wall and the Chinese people impressed him deeply.

Passage 19



    In your English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.



We can see in the picture a man is feeding a chick. In order to get it to grow quickly, the

man puts all the nutritious food into the chick’s mouth without considering whether it can take in

all the food or not.

   The picture reflects a common social problem vividly. Many parents, as described in the

picture, try to offer their children much more than they need. For example, though students

should be relaxed after a week’s study, their parents still insist on their going to several weekend

courses, with the result that the students are tired of studies. In my opinion, students should be

allowed to make their own decisions about their studies.

Passage 20



In an English speech competition.you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understands it.


As can be seen in the picture, a tree is broken by the strong wind, while the grass still stays as it is , Weak and small as the grass is, it can stand the strong wind,

    It is the same with human beings, Some people look very strong, but they are easily defeated by difficulties, Weak as some people may seem, they are actually strong in mind, just like the other picture , This kind of people can adapt easily to changing situations and achieve more,

The ready to face challenges and never give up in time of difficulty, So a person’s inner strength is more powerful than physical strength.

Passage 21




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