摘要:2.字数:120左右. [参考范文] Nothing Is Small In our daily life, some great disasters frequently happen not because of something big but something small. As are shown in the pictures, a train is turned over because a rail spike is loose without being fastened; a great forest fire breaks out because of a lighted butt thrown without being put out; a great dam is destroyed as a result of a tube fountain in a dam without being found out, which have all caused a great loss to both people and society. We can learn from the above examples that nothing is small in our work and life and any behavior of carelessness or no responsibility or a small fault will result in great damage or disaster. So we should be very strict with ourselves and learn to be responsible and careful in our life and work. Passage 27 (辽宁省沈阳二中2008届第四次模拟考试) 假设你校举行题为“网吧的危害(harmful influence of cyber centers) 的征文活动.请根据下图写一篇英语短文.就其反映的现象发表评论并提出解决方案. 注意:


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