第二节: 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

   Friday was a day I will remember for the rest of my life. A day I have dreamt of since I was a little girl  36   to be swept away by Prince Channing. That day the world could have stopped turning and it wouldn' t have  37   at all.

   Friday night my boyfriend proposed to me during  38  . We were at a fancy restaurant in St. Louis and everything was going  39  . The mood was romantic, the lighting perfect and the  40   was more than I expected -- way more.

    When the waitress brought out our dinners, they were covered so they wouldn' t get  41She brought out his and uncovered his chicken parmesan, then  42   my "pepper - loin,"which was  43  a diamond engagement ring.

    I was so surprised that my first  44   was to laugh and cry at the same time. I  45  over and hugged him and he asked me to marry him. I will never forget that  46  .

    We have taken a huge  47   in our relationship. I' m still very young; I’ll be 21 next month,  48  it seems like the perfect time in my life to take everything one step further into

the  49  . There' s no need to rush though, so we are going to  50   about a year and a half to make sure we have plenty of time to get everything just the  51  we want it.

   With 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, I want to make sure we  52  our time and do things right. I have read plenty of stories about people who have gotten mala4ed for the wrong  53, and I don' t want to be another statistic.

   For those who are  54  of proposing, or waiting for someone to pop the question, don' t rush it. Wait until you don' t have a  55   in your mind that he or she is the one for you. It will be very much worth your wait.

 36. A. wishing       B. waiting      C. thinking     D. missing

 37. A. realized       B. swept      C. mattered     D. expected

 38. A. party        B. ball       C. banquet     D. dinner

39. A. finally       B. perfectly     C. slowly      D. suddenly

40. A. service       B. dishes      C. food       D. wine

41. A. burnt       B. burst      C. dirty       D. cold

42. A. brought      B. fetched     C. uncovered     D. discovered

43. A. surely       B. actually     C. totally      D. luckily

44. A. reaction      B. idea      C. thought      D. thing

45. A. walked      B. reached     C. took       D. turned

46, A. word       B. waitress     C. moment      D. place

47. A. trip        B. direction     C. decision      D. step

48, A. so        B. as        C. but        D. or

49. A. relationship    B. future      C. month       D. year

50, A. rush       B. run        C. wait        D. watch

51. A. way       B. place       C. people       D. time

52. A. spend       B. cost       C. make       D. take

53. A. dream       B. ring       C. result       D. reasons

54. A. dreaming     B. thinking      C. hearing      D. planning

55. A. question      B. idea       C. doubt       D. problem

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