Two sisters were having fun on the swings when a new girl joined them. After a few minutes,

the girl asked the older sister, “  36   you’re so pretty,” and then to the younger sister, “and you’re so  37  ?”

Though the third girl was a complete stranger ,her words  38  the younger sister’s self-esteem, and caused  39  and comparisons between the two sisters for years  40  .

      41  said “Sticks and stones will break my bones ,but words will never harm me” was a total fool! Unkind words can  42   you. So can other stuff ,like failing a test or  43  the divorce of your parents.

    What do I  44  by self-esteem ?Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself. It  45   by other names ,including self-image ,self-confidence, or self-respect .I like the  46  self-worth best because it says something the other terms don’t. What is your self-worth? Get it?

    And just how much are you worth ? More than you can probably imagine. As the Yiddish  47   goes. “ All of us are crazy good in one way or another.”

    What you do about your self-worth is one of the most important  48   you’ll ever make as a teen. To be positive ,you need to see your best self ,build your character and  49   ,and learn to like yourself. Of course ,you’re always  50  to be negative by listening to the opinions of others, doing  51   to improve yourself ,and being critical of your imperfections.

    Having a healthy  52  of self-worth doesn’t mean you’re full of yourself ,it simply means you’ve got  53   self-confidence and that you’re ok with who you are.

    “Low self-esteem is like  54  through life with your hand brake(闸)on.” The good news is: whatever you may think of yourself today, you can build your self-worth simply by thinking and acting a little  55  . It’s not that difficult.

36.A.How come      B.What if        C.What about      D.How much

37.A.perfect         B.ugly           C.mild          D.mean

38.A.encouraged      B.improved       C.protected       D.hurt

39.A.campaign       B.friendship       C.conflict        D.understanding come spend find live

41.A.Anyone        B.Whoever       C.The one        D.those who           B.adapt          C.ruin           D.touch

43.A.defeating       B.surviving       C.causing        D.succeeding

44.A.stand          D.mean

45.A.goes          B.calls           C.happens        D.owns

46.A.phrase         B.way           C.Idiom         D.term

47.A.meeting        B.saying         C.thinking        D.telling

48.A.decisions       B.mistakes        C.contributions    D.sacrifices

49.A.patience        B.experience      C.competence     D.influence

50.A.happy           C.afraid

51.A.everything      B.something      C.nothing        D.all

52.A.sense          B.idea           C.thought        D.opinion

53.A.extreme        B.ample         C.permanent      D.temporary

54.A.walking        B.running        C.jumping        D.driving

55.A.carefully       B.elegantly       C.differently      D.regularly

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