would rather , would sooner, had rather, would (just) as soon,would prefer(希望)也用来表达主观愿望,它们之后的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气。谓语动词用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成式表示与过去事实相反。表示”宁愿做什么”或"对过去做的事的懊悔"。

(1).I would rather he came tomorrow than today.

(2).John would rather that she had not gone to the party yesterday evening.

(3).Don' t live in the world, I would rather( I would just as soon) you die.

(4).I would rather you go tomorrow.

(5).I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.

(6).The manager would rather his daughter did not work in the same office.经理宁愿她女儿不与他在同一间办公室工作。

(7).To be frank,I'd rather you were not involved in the case.坦率地说,我希望你不要卷入这件事。

(8).You don't have to be in such a hurry.I would rather you went on business first.你没有必要这么着急,我宁愿你先去上班。

(9).I'd rather you didn't make any comment on the issue for the time being.我倒希望你暂时先不要就此事发表意见。

(10).Frankly speaking ,I'd rather you didn't do anything about it for the time being.坦白地说,我宁愿你现在对此事什么也不要做。

(11).Wouldn't you rather your child went to bed early?为什么你不愿让你的孩子早点上床呢?

(12).I would just as soon you had returned the book yesterday.我真希望你昨天把这本书还了。

注:①若某人愿自己做某事,would rather后用动词原形

I would rather stay at home today.

②would rather...than...中用动词原形

I would rather stay at home than go out today.

10.The guard at gate insisted that everybody obey the rules. 


(错)11. You pale face suggests that you (should) be ill.

(对)12. Your pale face suggests that you are ill.

(错)13. I insisted that you ( should) be wrong.

(对)14. I insisted that you were wrong.

例题分析:15.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ______ after 11 o'clock at night.

A. were not played  B. not be played

C. not to play   D. did not play

全句意思是:“旅馆管理部门恳请客人晚上11点后不要打开收音机”。句中的谓语动词request(请求)所引出的从句应当用虚拟语气,即动词原形或“should+动词原形”。本句的主语从句中,主语radio是谓语动词play 的客体,谓语应当用被动语态。所以,答案是C) not be played。在上述这类句子中不能用动词过去时形式表示虚拟语气,所以A)不正确。选项B) not to play是动词带to的不定式,不能在句中作谓语。选项D)did not play也是动词play的过去时形式,同样不能在本句中作为虚拟语气来使用。而且,它是主动语态形式,而本题要用被动语态。


16). The chairman requested that .

[A]the members studied more carefully the problem

[B]the problem was more carefulnessly studied

[C]with more carefulness the problem could be studied

[D]the members study the problem more carefully

17). The committee recommends that the matter at the next meeting .

[A]would be discussed

[B]will be discussed

[C]be discussed

[D]may be discussed

18). The doctor insisted that his patient .

[A]that he not work too hard for three months

[B]take it easy for three months

[C]taking it easy inside of three months

[D]to take some vacations for three months

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