
Choosing a career is a complicated process that is based on a number of things, including your interests, skills, work-related values, and personality. You might want to meet with a career development professional, i.e. career counselor ___31____ career development adviser. A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, skills and values, ___32_____ is called a self-assessment. He or she will then show you ___33___ all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career.

If you lack money, don’t let that keep you from getting ___34____ help you need. Check with your public library since some offer career planning help. Also check with local colleges and universities. Most have career development offices which may offer services to members of the community. Programs that train career counselors often have  students work with members of the community in order to gain experience. There are self-assessment tools you can use ___35__ your own. Many are available online.

  36   you should end up with is a list of suitable careers based on your self-assessment. Obviously you can’t do everything on your list,  37   will you want to. Here’s where you need to do some research. You should begin to gather information about these careers which will include a job ____38_____( describe), outlook for the field, and required training and education. When you have narrowed down your choice to just a few, you should investigate even further, perhaps ___39______(conduct) some informational interviews with those working in the field. You can now make __40____ educated decision about what career to pursue.

第一节 听力理解 ( 5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1. Which day does the man make a reservation finally for?

A. March 20th  B. March 21st   C. March 22nd 2. Why doesn't he want to reserve the suite?

A. It doesn't have a nice view.  B. It doesn't come with a sauna bath.  C. It's too expensive.

3. Including tax, how much is the man's room? A. 80 dollars   B. 88 dollars    C. 96 dollars


4. What is Stuart planning to do with his friends?

A. go for a drive and have a picnic  B. watch a football game  C. see a movie and have dinner

5. How is Amy getting to the activity?

A. She's driving her car.  B. Stuart is giving her a ride.  C. She's taking the bus.

6. What time does Amy want to be home?

 A. at 10:30 p.m.      B. at 11:30 p.m.      C. at midnight


7. How many women will take part in the Athens Olympics?

 A. About 50%  B. 44% of all participants  C. 38.2% of all participants

8. For the Athens Olympics, how many delegations will be all men?

  A. 26.      B. 21         C. 4 or 5 or even less

9. When were women first allowed in the Olympic Games?

  A. 1896       B.  1912         C.  1956


10. According to the conversation, which item did the woman NOT purchase with her credit card?

 A. a digital camera     B. a TV      C. a stereo

11. According to the man, what is one reason for NOT having a credit card?

 A. People generally have a difficult time getting out of debt.

 B. Students often apply for more credit cards than they need.

 C. The interest rates on student cards are very high.

12. What does the woman imply about how she plans on resolving her credit card problems?

 A. She hopes that someone will give her the money.

 B. She plans on getting rid of her student credit cards.

 C. She is going to return the items she purchased on the card.


13. With on-campus housing, students should remember that_____

  A. they may have to follow certain housing rules.

  B. a deposit may be required to rent an apartment

  C. on campus apartment are very limited

14. What’s one advantage of off- campus living NOT mentioned in the report?

  A. Tenants(房客)are generally responsible for maintenance

  B. Students can prepare their own meals

  C. Students have freedom to select their roommates

15. What should renters living off-campus be prepared to do?

  A. Pay a refundable deposit

  B. Provide their own furnishings.

  C. Sign a housing contract

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