

6. What is the Red Apple?

A. It’s a Beer Bar.     B. It’s a meeting room  C. It’s a dummy(虚拟的) space.

7. How many Chinese places has the American been to?

A. Three     B. Four      C. Five

8. What is the American’s QQ number?

A. 5284736      B. 52874836      C. 58824763


9. What did the man think of the film?

A. It’s very good.      B. It’s very bad    C. It’s neither good nor bad.

10. Where did the couple in the film live?

A.   They lived in their own house.

B.    They lived with the husband’s parents.

C.    They lived with the wife’s parents.

11. What happened to the couple in the film in the end.

A.   They bought a house of their own.

B.    They continued to live with the husband’s parents.

C.    They continued to live with the wife’s parents.


12. What color are the trousers the woman wants to buy?

A. Pink      B. Black.     C. Brown

13. What season will be when the woman is in Europe?

A. Spring        B. Summer       C. Winter

14. Which of the following will the woman buy?

A.  A white sweater.       B. Black trousers.      C. A cotton jacket.


15. What is Mare like now?

A. Fatter     B. Thinner    C. Worried.

16. What made Tim become so fat?

A.   Eating too much cakes and sweets.

B.    Sleeping too much.

C.    Eating more fruit and vegetables.

17. What can make Mar fatter according the man?

A.   Eating more vegetables and fruit every day.

B.    Eating more meat.

C.    Moving out of the flat.


18. What did the store sell?

A. Juice     B. Jewellery       C. Fruit

19. What did the store owner catch a man doing?

A. Stealing a necklace   B. Stealing some fruit   C. Stealing money

20. What did the store owner want to do immediately?

A. To call the police    B. To beat the man     C. To drive the thief out.

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