21.drop “out” 22.know-recognize 23.drop “of” 24.drop “again” 25. speak-say
16.a-her-either 18.quick-quickly 19 drop “that” 20. tell-telling
11.must-can 12.which-that.13.drop “he” 14.anybody-somebody 15.anywhere
6.drop “the” 7.had been-came 8.drop “for” 9.heard of 10.which-it
1.Everyone-Every one 2.caught-had 3.where-which 4.Following-Following 5.what-that;or drop “all”
510.There are more than fifty students in his class, but only few of them like music.
509. The boy told the teacher all had happened.
508. Of all the students I made few mistakes in the exam.
507.John and I have done our homework, Mother. So let me go for a swim, will you?
506.I was running after Tom’s bike while I fell over a stone.