In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New York with Long Island. However, experts throughout the world thought that this was  36 . Even so, Roebling could not  37  the idea in his mind. After much discussion, he  38  convince his son Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. They hired their  39  and began to build their dream bridge.

Only a few months  40  the project was underway a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and 41  injured his son, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or  42 . Surely now the project would have to be  43 . Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed, he was not  44  and his mind remained as  45  as it was before the accident. Suddenly an idea  46  him. All he could move was one finger, so he  47  the arm of his wife with that finger,  48  to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his  49  with one finger until the bridge was  50  completed.

Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that  51  a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible  52 . Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives, our problems seem very small  53  what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the most  54  dream can be realized with  55  no matter what the chances are.

36. A. impossible       B. unnecessary   C. hard       D. excellent

37. A. recognize         B. accept       C. ignore       D. believe 

38. A. attempted to     B. sought to         C. failed to          D. managed to 

39. A. family        B. crew         C. class         D. team     

40. A. since            B. before       C. after        D. when  

41. A. severely      B. slightly       C. poorly        D. hardly

42. A. work             B. say          C. eat          D. talk 

43. A. continued         B. abandoned        C. interrupted  D. accomplished 

44. A. defeated         B. hurt             C. frightened    D. destroyed 

45. A. sharp            B. broad        C. noble         D. advanced    

46. A. beat         B. occurred         C. happened         D. hit 

47. A. waved           B. felt             C. touched      D. held 

48. A. appealing         B. speaking         C. indicating     D. advising

49. A. orders        B. instructions  C. suggestions    D. movements

50. A. quickly       B. partly        C. eventually        D. slowly 

51. A. overcomes    B. acquires         C. fights        D. removes

52. A. award         B. fortune        C. status        D. goal 

53. A. combined with     B. separated from   C. compared to   D. concerned about 

54. A. primary        B. distant      C. lifelong        D. good   

55. A. determination    B. knowledge       C. confidence       D. strength


36.A. 从上文的however和下文可知,其他专家认为这项工程困难太大,不可能完成,故impossible正确。

37.C. 由上下文可知,John Roebling认为工程是可以完成的,所以不愿放弃,故C项ignore符合文意,此时,应特别注意空前的否定词not。

38.D. 由下文可知,父子二人共同开始这项工程,说明John Roebling说服了儿子,只有managed to能表达这一含义。Attempt to 和seek to都可表示“试图”,但并不一定成功。

39.B. Crew指“(有专门技术的)一组工作人员”,而建设桥梁这样的工作正需要这样的人,所以B. crew为正确答案。其它选项与文意显然不符。

40.C. 由下文可知,工程刚开始不久就发生了事故,父子二人一死一伤,连词after最符合文意。

41.A. 由下文leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move可知,儿子Washington Roebling伤势严重,故选A. severely。

42.D. 由下文Washington Roebling用敲打手指的方法来传递信息可知事故使他失去了行走及说话能力,故选D. talk。注意say及物动词,要有宾语,从语法角度可以被排除。

43.B. 由文意可知,既然工程的两位工程师都无法指挥,那么工程应该放弃了,故B 项abandon正确。

44.A. 由上下文可知,儿子Washington身体受到极大创伤,但(精神)没有被厄运打败,故defeat正确。

45.A. A选项sharp可以用来指人的头脑、眼睛等敏锐,由上下文可知,Washington身在医院,但头脑仍十分敏锐,所以能成功地指挥工人完成桥梁建设。其它选项与文意不符。

46.D. 由上下文可知,Washington无法走动和谈话,但他想到可以用手指敲打来传递信息。D项hit表示“使(某人)突然想起”;occur to也可表达此意,但要注意介词to丢掉是错误的。

47.C. 由上下文tapping her arm可知,Washington开始用手指敲打来传递信息,所以C.项touched正确。

48.C. 由文意可知,Washington用手指敲打,是想“告诉”妻子如何去做,indicating符合此意。 

49.B. 由文意可知,Washington作为桥梁的工程师,“指挥”完成了工程,所以instructions正确。

50.C. 由上文可知,工程浩大而困难,但最终他们完成了,此处只有eventually能表示此含义。

51.A. 由上文可知,Washington身残志坚,克服了重重困难完成了工程。正是这种永不言弃(never-say-die)的精神,使其克服了身体的残疾,所以A项overcome最符合文意。

52.D. 由文意和achieves可知,Washington达到了一个原本不可能完成的目标,故goal正确。

53.C. 由文意可知,作者在从此事中告诉读者,很多情况下,我们的问题和其他人面临的问题相比较是微不足道的,故compared to正确。

54.B. 由上下文可知,即使是看起来不可能的梦想只要有决心就会实现的,故distant正确。

55.A. 这个故事告诉我们要想成功,要有顽强的决心,故determination符合文意。

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