
Drums thundered. Fireworks exploded. Hands held. Arms extended...As __1__ went out at the Bird’s Nest, Beijing turned the closing ceremony into a __2__ farewell party.

The closing __3__ opened at 8:00 p.m. with more than 90,000 audience packing the stadium counting down from the number of “29”, indicating the __4__ Olympic Games.

__5__ burst on top of the Bird’s Nest as the countdown ended, forming a great circle in the sky, leaving the audience in raptures(极度欢喜).

Amid(在……中) thundering music and roaring cheers, thousands of athletes from 204 countries and regions walked into __6__ enmasse(adv.一起,全体). They mingled in the center of the stadium, laughing, shouting, jumping, hugging...turning the evening gathering into __7__.

A touching moment came __8__ 12 representatives of volunteers, led by 12 children, walked to the center of the stadium and __9__ flowers by the new IOC members of the Athletes’ Commission.

“I __10__ so much helping journalists and watching them work over the past days. I feel __11__ that this is all over and I probably will __12__ see them again,” said Tan, a volunteer from the press operations at the Bird’s Nest.

During the Games, about 100,000 Olympic volunteers were working day and night, __13__ athletes, officials, reporters, spectators and tourists in Beijing __14__ the six cohost cities.

After the Olympic flag was lowered and handed over to __15__, the 2008 Olympic host staged a short __16__ to showcase the British enthusiasm. British famed __17__ David Beckham stirred up the audience as he showed up and __18__ a football to mark the start of London’s Olympic journey.

The evening pageant(盛况) __19__ a dancing party as audience and athletes swung to the chorus of a group of Chinese singers, chanting “Come, come, please stay. Tonight, guests from afar, please stay...”.

As an old Chinese saying goes, __20__ good things must come to an end. To many who have come to Beijing with scrutinizing eyes, the Beijing Games ended well.

1.  A. the Olympic flame       B. players

C. athletes               D. actors

2.  A. sad                  B. boring

C. jolly                 D. disappointed

3.  A. event                B. ceremony

C. party                D. festival

4.  A. 1st                  B. 28th

C. 29th                    D. 30th

5.  A. Lighting              B. Lights

C. Fireworks             D. The Big Fire

6.  A. the ground            B. the stage

C. the street              D. the stadium

7.  A. a fun party       B. a broken-heart celebration

C. a funny memory     D. a festival

8.  A. where                B. if

C. when                D. though

9.  A. were presented         B. bought

C. sent                 D. gave

10.A. looked forward to       B. enjoyed

C. practiced              D. minded

11.A. happy                B. lucky

C. pride                D. sad

12.A. ever                    B. still

C. never                D. only

13.A. helping               B. preparing for

C. favoring              D. working with

14.A. and                 B. except

C. except for             D. but

15.A. British               B. London

C. Washington            D. New York

16.A. party                B. ceremony

C. speech               D. farewell

17.A. basketballer           B. baseball player

C. worker               D. footballer

18.A. kicked off             B. threw

C. laid                 D. played

19.A. began with            B. ended in

C. formed               D. succeeded

20.A. not all               B. every

C. any                 D. all



1.A。go out是“熄灭”的意思,由此可以猜测此处是奥运圣火(the Olympic flame),而不是演员(players, actors),或运动员(athletes)。所以本题的答案为A。




5.C。能在鸟巢的上方爆炸,形成一个圆的一定是烟火fireworks,而不可能是lighting“闪电”,lights“光”或the Big Fire“大火”。所以本题的答案是C。


7.A。运动员们欢笑、呼喊、拥抱……把晚会变成了一个欢快的聚会。a broken-heart celebration的意思是“伤心欲绝的庆祝”,这与前面讲述的运动员的表现不符;a funny memory“一个可笑的回忆”,也不符合语境;a festival“一个节日”,不确切,只是一场晚会而已。所以本题的答案是A。



10.B。look forward to“盼望”;enjoy“喜欢”;practice“练习”;mind“介意”。奥运会志愿者们当然“乐意”为记者服务。所以应该用enjoy。



13.A。志愿者们夜以继日地工作着,是在帮助运动员、官员、记者、观众、游客等。这里是现在分词作伴随状语。prepare for“准备”;favor“爱好”;work with“与……一起工作”。




17.D。贝克汉姆是个足球明星,所以用footballer。下文的a football也有提示。

18.A。kick off是“踢飞”的意思;throw是“投掷”的意思;lay是“放置”的意思;play是“玩耍、打闹”的意思。此处是说贝克汉姆把足球踢了出去,所以用kick off。

19.B。begin with“以……开始”;end in“以……结束”;form“形成”;succeed“成功”。这里表示最后演员、观众和运动员都随着动听的音乐翩翩起舞,闭幕式在最后变成了歌舞的盛会。

20.D。中国的谚语“天下没有不散的宴席”用英语表示就是“all good things must come to an end”,用all来表示所有的。

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