
Part  1

inspire  hold  honor  involve  host  kick  joke  imagine  ignore  import

1) The evening party the children are looking forward to will be      this evening.

2) His noble example _________ the rest of us to greater efforts.

3) There is a new problem     in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved .

4) September 10th, Teacher’s Day in China is to _______ the teachers the glorious profession in the world.

5) Nowadays many young people get into the habit of smoking in public and can’t _____ it.

6) As is well known, China has successfully won the right to _____ the 2008 Olympic Games.

7) --- You have made a lot of mistakes in the exam.

--- You must be ________ I checked it several times.

8) When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she _________ me and walked on.

9) You can’t __________ that a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.

10) The government has an interest in _________ scientific equipment from foreign countries.

Part  2

judge  impress  increase  improve  include  insert  inspect  indicate  inform  insist

11) What __________ me most was that they never lose heart.

12) To __________ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English.

13) The cost of the hotel room doesn’t usually _______ that of breakfast.

14) Since the operation, the player has taken more exercise to ________ his strength.

15) Statistics ________ that unemployment has caused over 70 percent of low-income residents to live in poverty.

16) David apologized for his not being able to _________ me of the change in the plan.

17) I _______ the key in the lock, but it wouldn’t work. That wasn’t the key to the lock.

18) The boy ________ that he hadn’t stolen the money and he be set free at once.

19) The Queen accompanied President Hu Jintao in ___________ a Guard of Honour (仪仗队).

20) _________ to be the top winner in the contest, Tom felt as if he were on the top of the world.

Part  3

join  interrupt  insure  intend  interview  introduce  instruct

21) A computer only does what you have __________ it to do.

22) Insurance companies usually don’t ________ old people.

23) ---I thought you were coming back from Shanghai next week.

  ---Oh, I had ________ to stay there for one more week, but I changed my mind.

24) There was a second knock at the door. It was the second time I had been ___________ that evening.

25) As a former president, his views are treated with respect when he is __________.

26) After the new technique was __________, the factory produced twice as many cars in 2007 as the one before.

27) You may go ahead, I will _______ you in five minutes.


Part  1

how  home  hope  however  hobby  hungry  hopeless  hostess  honor  honestly

1) His _________ include reading, cooking, and enjoying drama; he enjoys doing many things.

2) As the mountains beyond our village are becoming greener and greener, they have become ______ to a large amount of wild life.

3) --- What do you think of last night’s lecture?

--- ________ speaking, I thought it was rather boring.

4) The soldier's brave deeds brought him _______ and glory.

5) When asked whether there was any ________ of saving the patient, the doctor said firmly that there was.

6) Mark became ___________ because he could not see any ship except endless water.

7) The job of an air ________ is to serve food and drink to passengers on a plane.

8) Please tell me _____ you would like to have your coffee --- black or white.

9) If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _________ great it is.

10) Is it lunch time yet? I'm getting ________.

Part  2

idiom  idea  humor  identity  illegal  importance  impossible  hurricane  ill  knowledge

11) He is a man full of a sense of __________ and what he says never fails to please us.

12) There are strong winds and heavy rain in a _________.

13) Candy and toys are a child's ______ of happiness, while a grown up's is quite different.

14) Only when your ________ has been checked, will you be allowed in.

15) The more __________ students have about the school, the easier it will be for them to adapt  to the new environment.

16) To “be hard up” is an English _________ meaning “to lack money”.

17) She is unlucky, and she’s always suffering _____ luck one after another.

18) It is _______ to sell tobacco to someone under 16.

19) A scientist in China made another wonderful discovery recently about human genes (基因), which I think is of great ______________ to science.

20) To hold back the wheel of history is ________.

Part  3

independent  institute  industry  income  injury  initial  innocent  injured  instant  impression   kindergarten 

21) When it comes to job interviews, first ____________ are important.

22) With such a small _______, a great many workers in the factory can’t get enough to eat.

23) Robert aimed to be ___________ of his parents by the time he was twenty.

24) Heavy __________ was concentrated in the north of the country.

25) Now children are taken good care of in the __________.

26) After she'd overcome her ________ shyness, she became very friendly

27) He was charged with murder but found _________ later and he went out of the police station with his head held high.

28) After the fight, a caretaker (管理员) found that a young man was seriously _______ so he telephoned for an ambulance immediately.

29) Hold on, please. He'll be back in an __________.

30) He graduated from a famous foreign language _________.

Part  4

insurance  instruction  irrigation  intelligence  instrument  inviting  interval  interest  intention  jewellry   key  junior    justice

31) Taken according to the _________, the medicine will have a positive effect on the child’s disease.

32) The piano is a sweet musical ____________.

33) People without ____________ had to pay for their own repairs.

34) He equals me in strength but not in ___________.

35) Li Ping has decided to go abroad for further education with the _________ of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns.

36) Tom sounds very much    __ in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it.(07安徽)

37) They held the meeting for the common __________ of the Third World.

38) At the end of every sentence, teacher will give us a ten-second _______ to wirte down what we have heard.

39) The food was so _____________ that the child couldn’t help tasting it.

40) ____________ is needed to make crops grow in dry regions.

41) She wore so much ____________ that she seemed to be covered in gold.

42) He is a _________ member of the committee; he hasn’t much experience.

43) The run-away criminal was finally brought to __________.

44) The ______ to solving the problem between the company and the customers is to meet the demand made by the customers.

1. 单项选择:

1) We want to rent a bus which can     40 people for our trip to Beijing.

A. load     B. hold     C. fill       D. host

2) Li Lei wanted to tell her everything, but something made him ________.    

A. hold up   B. hold back     C. hold on    D. hold out

3) Washington, a state in the United States, was named _______ one of the greatest American presidents.

 A. in favour of  B. in the hope of  C. in honour of   D. by means of

4) The young man went there ______ a job with a higher pay. 

A. with the purpose of finding    B. in the hope of finding 

C. hoping to find         D. all of the above

5) The committee is discussing the problem right now. it will _______ have been solved by the end of next week.

  A. eagerly      B. hopefully       C. hurriedly     D. gradually

6) --- Michael was late for Mr. Smith's oral class this morning.

  --- ______? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

   A. How come   B. So what   C. Why not   D. What for

7) ___________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

 A. However late is he         B. No matter how he is late

C. However is he late         D. However late he is

8) If you______ your belief, you promise to succeed eventually.

A. hug     B. stick up for    C. keep up with   D. hold up

9) Zhang Jiajie is well-known for its_______ area of forest and beautiful natural scenery.

A. big     B. huge    C. great      D. hopeful

10) Mike didn't play football yesterday because he had ______ his leg.

A. damaged    B. hurt     C. hit     D. struck

11) My ______ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.

A. idea     B. opinion     C. idiom     D. thought

12) The computer will ______ your fingerprints before it allows you to enter the building.

A. tell        B. realize      C. identify    D. imagine

13) Don’t ______ your carelessness. It may lead to serious problems.

  A. improve   B. keep    C. impress      D. ignore

14) Look at the trouble I am in. ______ I had followed your advice.

A. Only if      B. If only          C. But for       D. As long as

15) --- My children are always arguing. 

--- ________.

A. Just ignore them   B. That's right   C. Are you sure  D. How old is the boy

16) Can you imagine _________ across the big desert?

   A. Tom going    B. Tom goes   C. Tom is going   D. Tom to go

17) The policemen went into action _______ they heard the alarm.

A. suddenly    B. hurriedly    C. quickly  D. immediately

18) --- How was Robert's cooking?  --- Oh, pretty good. I was quite       .

A. admired            B. interested         C. impressed      D. inspired

19) ---You look beautiful _______ the red skirt.

---Thank you, and it surely looks wonderful _____ you.

A. on, in    B. in; on    C. with; with      D. at, at

20) The serious __________ along the border increased our fears of the war.

  A. accident     B. affair     C.incident    D. event 

21) --- How come a simple meal like this cost so much?

--- We have _______ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke.

  A. increased    B. included   C. contained   D. charged

22) He stays at home every day without a job, but he gets good _______.

   A. wage    B. pay      C. salary    D. income

23) One of the consequences of our planet's being warming up is a(n) ______ in the number of natural disasters.

A. result     B. increase     C. reason     D. income

24) The research results seem to _______ a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health, but more work must be done to test it.

A. indicate    B. analyze     C.identify      D. prove

25) Being always excellent at his _____, he can easily find a new ____.

  A. job; work   B. jobs; work   C. work; job   D. works; job

26) The bell _____ the end of the period rang, _____ our heated discussion.

A.indicating; interrupting       B. indicated; interrupting 

C. indicating; interrupted        D. indicated; interrupted

27) Have you got any new ______ about the results of the exam?

  A. news    B. ideas    C. notices     D. information

28) The managing director of our company is in charge of this office, so all the other employees are ______ him.

  A. junior to   B. junior of   C. junior from   D. junior towards

29) The _____ the bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom.

  A. immediately   B. hurriedly   C. hardly    D. instant

30) Violence on TV may turn out to be a strong ________ on some young people.

 A. impression   B. expression    C. influence    D. influential

31) Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _____ known for his plays.

  A. the best    B. more    C. better      D. the most

32) The manager promised to keep me ________ of how our business was going on.

   A. to be informed    B. on informing   C. informed   D. informing

33) We insisted the girl ______ the job, but the boss insisted that we ______ to her.

A. didn't fit; offered  B. wasn't fit for; offer  C. wasn't fit; offered   D. be unfit for; offer

34) Always read the ______on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations   B. instructions   C. descriptions    D. introductions

35) The international agreement,     encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on February 27.

A. intending to    B. inspired to   C. intended to   D. inspiring to

36) I'm sorry, Henry. It wasn't my ______ to cause a quarrel between you and Tony.

  A. meaning    B. instruction    C. intention    D. attention

37) ---Is there anything________ in today’s newspaper?

---Yes. Two places______ have just been opened to the public in Xi’an.

A. of interest; of interest       B. interesting; of interests

C. interested; interesting       D. interesting; of interesting

38) The doctor's mistakes in _______ can lead to the death of the patient.

   A. judgement  B. survey   C. information   D. resolution

39) If you can't come tomorrow, we'll _______have to hold the meeting next week.

   A. yet      B. even     C. rather     D. just

40) As Senior 3 students, it is the most important to     a good state of mind in face of failure.

A. keep up     B. keep on    C. keep out     D. keep off

41) One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _____ good knowledge of basic word formation.

    A. /     B. the      C. a      D. one

8. 选用下列单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文:

              Text  1

apology  chance  courage moment  though  admit  breathe  blame  admire  appear  accept  recognize   surprise  grow   forget   

The next day after the incident, a woman came to 1)_______ it was she, not the boy, broke the eggs. I was shocked. I 2)________ the woman’s 3)_________ to admit her mistake. In my heart I 4)_____ myself. I waited and waited for a 5)________ to say sorry to the boy. But he didn't 6)_______ until one morning fifteen years later. That morning I 7)__________ him the 8)_________ he entered the store 9)________ he had 10)_______ into a young man. He was quite 11)__________ when I told him about the broken eggs. He seemed to have 12) __________ all about it. I made an 13 )_________ from my heart. He 14)__________ it honestly. At last I 15)_________ freely again.

              Text  2

part  ability  abroad  even  as  anyhow  also  prevent  attend  destroy  keep off   as well as  be addicted to

In my opinion, the Internet is helpful rather than harmful 1)______ someone else thinks. As is known to all, the Internet is playing a more and more important 2)______ in our daily life. On the Internet, we can read news at home and from 3)_______ and get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails or make phone calls to our family 4)____ _______ _____ to our friends. We can also 5) ________ the net school, read many books and even teach ourselves English. We can 6)_____ enjoy music, watch matches and play computer games on the Internet. We can 7)______ do shopping on line. Besides, we can improve our 8)_______ to operate the computer.

But we should not 9)____ ________ _____ the Internet, or we’ll get our life and study 10)_________. Besides, we should 11) _____ _____ the harmful websites. 12) _______, this doesn’t 13 )_________ the Internet becoming our friend. We can’t throw away the apple because of the core (果核), can we?


Part  1

appeal to  apply for  answer for  approve of  be anxious about  be aware of
one … another  apply…to  anything but  apart from 

1) When living in the city, he was always being disturbed by the noise of ______ sort or _____.

2) I ______ really ________________ you. You shouldn't have left home without a word.

3) The program “Super Girl” on Hunan TV _______ especially ______ young people.

4) Mrs. Forester has ____________ my attending the conference that I am expecting.

5) _____________ a flat tyre, we had faulty brakes.

6) He is _____________ a fool. He found out your trick at once.

7) You will have to ____________ your wrong doing one day.

8) A youngster ought to have some practical experience in a library before he or she _____________ a place at a library school.

9) More and more people _______________ the dangers of drinking and driving.

10) In this way they can better ________ theory ____ practice.

Part  2

as good as  as much as  as well  as well as  might as well  as it is  as it were
as if  as far as  as with  as for  attend to  set aside  argue with  attend to

11) When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks __________ it were broken 

12) On that rainy night, he walked ___________ the small town which was 20 miles away to call a doctor in.

13) He was expecting to have completed the job by now. _______, he's only halfway through it.

14)The scholar has knowledge and ability _________. He is equal to the research work.

15) __________ running, learning a foreign language requires a strong will.

16) Now that you have got a chance, you ______________ make full use of it.

17) You can ask the others, but _______ myself, I’ll be busy in the office.

18) --- I wonder what has become of your company?

--- Haven’t you heard about it? It is _________________ ruined because of bad management.

19) __________ I know, she can earn ______________ 500 dollars a week.

20) He is my best friend, my second self, ____________.

21) E-mail, ______________ telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.

22) We __________  the waiter about the price of the meal.

23) Rip was a kind man. He was ready to ________ everybody's business but his own.

24) The old couple tried to __________ some extra money for some purpose.


            Part  1

attack  analyze  apologize  avoid  appear  answer  announce  appreciate  arrest  arrange  attempt 

1) David __________ for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan.

2) He was ________ by the police and charged with ________ murder.

3) When the bell rang ____________ the end of the class, students came out by twos and threes.

4) I knocked at the door and nobody _______.

5) Ten minutes earlier and we could have __________ the accident.

6) If you have a lot of things to do, just make a list and ______ them in order of importance.

7) You need to sit down and _________ why you didn’t pass this examination.

8) It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to _________ their beauty.

9) Mr. Smith is one of those men who ________ to be friendly, however, it is very hard to deal with.

10) Beijing was _________ by such a terrible sandstorm as few citizens had ever experienced before.

              Part  2

attract  appeal  approach  attend  assume  arm  annoy  arise  argue

11) ____________ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.

12) The crowd _______ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.

13) How many of us ___________ a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?

14) He _______ that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding.

15) We must __________ him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.

16) The mosquitoes _________ me so much that I couldn't sleep.

17) Many difficulties have _______ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.

18) With spring ____________, the wind became warmer.

19) The movement _________ to the public to donate money generously to the poverty-stricken areas.


Part  1

anyone  arrangement  appreciation  anyhow  approach 
astronaut  available  athlete  appointment  average

1) I wrote him a letter to show my ____________ of his thoughtfulness.

2) You are all new comers here. Try not to make ___________ to strangers.

3) There were no tickets ___________ for Friday's performance.

4) --- Hello, is _______ home?

  --- Yes, we're here.

5) --- How can I run a mile in such a short time?

--- I think it possible, for the __________ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.

6) The family are making ___________ for his birthday party.

7) You should phone his secretary if you want to make an _________.

8) Alice, you should learn to help your mother with some housework. You have grown up, ________.

9) --- Ann wants to be an _______.

  --- Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?

10) It was discovered that three of the Olympic ________ had taken drugs.

            Part  2

arrival  awake  attention  article  anniversary  anxious  amount  atmosphere  appearance  attempt   

11) The couple celebrated their 20th wedding __________ in January.

12) ______________ of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.

13) The _________ made of leather cost much more than those made of plastic.

14) He might have been killed but for the _________ of the police.

15) ---Why do you drink so much coffee?

--- Well, so long as it doesn’t keep me _________ in the night, I see no harm in it.

16) The Chinese are looking forward to the first __________ to land on the moon after Yang Liwei’s successful trip to space.

17) You will never be through all your homework tonight if you don’t pay your _________ to it.

18) After an ______ wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe.

19) Women are more concerned than men about their personal _____.

20) The girl’s being educated in an__________of simple living was what her parents wished for.

Part  3

appropriate apparent  approval  ashamed  applicant  appetite  anxiety apology angle  analysis  artificial  authentic  aspect  average  awkward  anywhere  authority

21) She was so ________ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.

22) Don’t eat the cake, or you’ll spoil your _______.

23) We agreed with his acute __________ of the political situation.

24) Try looking at the affair from a different ______.

25) He caused his parents great ___________ by cycling long distances alone

26) Please accept our __________ for any inconvenience we have caused.

27) She had many good qualities despite her __________ rudeness.

28) As the wages were low, there were few ___________ for the job.

29) Plain, simple clothes are ____________ for school wear.

30) It is just three months since we received official _________ to go ahead with the project.

31) This orange drink contains no ___________ flavouring or colouring.

32) On the course she received a thorough training in every ______ of the job.

33) The government is the highest ___________ in the country.

34) In France dogs can go ________ their owners can because people there love pets very much.

35) You’ve put me in a very ______ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter.

36)This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with _____ incomes.

37) Is that an __________ painting or a copy?

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