40. A.husband     B.children       C.relatives      D.neighbors

答案  21-25 CCDBC   26-30 ADACB  31-35 CABBA   36-40 DBACB

Passage 72


  Many people believe everything or almost everything they read in newspapers or hear on radio.A few years ago I  36  a story about a husband and wife who made a  37  mistake.They had gone shopping and had taken their small baby  38   with them.After they had finished their

 shopping,they returned to their car to go home.  39  they reached their car, they put the baby in the plastic baby carrier that  40  rode in for safety.The couple then  41  in their car towards

home.After they had driven a few miles.They  42  the back seat to see how the baby was.To

their surprise,they baby was not there.According Io the  43  ,the couple had put the plastic seat and the baby on the top of the car but had  44  to put him inside the car.They had driven away

 with the baby on the top of the car.

   The couple drove back  45  the store but did not find the baby.They called the police,and police said that they  46  their baby and that the baby was  47  .The baby had fallen from the top of the car but had been  48  by his plastic seat.The  49  couple took their baby home and were always careful after that.

There was one thing  50   with the story.It was not true.Stories such as this one are often

  51   in newspapers and on radio and television.Because they are read and heard  52   that

usually report the truth,many people believe them.People also believe them because,like the

story  53  ,their have something unusual or frightening about them.What is  54  is that

newspaper and radio reporters  55  believe them.

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