1.外出购物 2.替房东还书 3.Tracy 来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消2)此事已告知Susan 3) 尽快回电



Mrs Wilson,

I’m going out shopping, and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change.

Li Hua

[解析] 作文题属于提纲式要点作文,要求学生就所给内容写一张留言条,是学生比较熟悉的题材,体现了英语学习应该注意实用性,生活型的原则。应注意下面几点:1)注意人称,应该用第一人称的形式给房东(第二人称)写便条;2)注意时态的正确使用:从试题的内容上可以看出在表达要点1和2时应用将来时;而要点3中的几个方面则需要注意时态的替换,会用到一般过去时,现在时和将来时。3)注意恰当使用逻辑词语,是各个要点间逻辑连贯,行文通顺。提纲类书面表达不是简单的逐条翻译,而是将所给的几个要点合理的组成比较通顺的语句,因此要仔细组织语言,合理安排结构。在语言方面,要特别注意简洁明了,开头要开门见山。


3. There used to be a church in our school, ___________?    

 A. used there B. did there C. usedn’t there  D. wasn’t there 4. Whether we’ll hold the sports meeting depends on the weather, ___________?   A. won’t we  B. shan’t we C. doesn’t it D. won’t it 5. If you don’t study hard, you’ll regret, ___________ you?   A. won’t  B. don’t   C. will  D. do 6. - Alice, you feed the bird today, ____?    - But I fed it yesterday.   A. do you  B. don’t you C. didn’t you D. will you 7. - Be sure to get there on time, _____ you?    - Of course, we _____.   A. will; will B. won’t; shall C. don’t; do D. can; must 8. - Oh, Rose. ___ you gave us!    - Really?   A. How a pleasant surprise  B. How pleasant a surprise   C. What pleasant surprise  D. How pleasant surprise 9. Not everyone likes everyone else, ___________?   A. does one B. does everyone C. do they D. don’t they 10. My hometown has taken on a new look. ___________!   A. Great changes have been taken place  B. What great change    C. How it has changed    D. How great it has changed 11. He was lucky in the accident, but his ___________ car is under repair.   A. hurt  B. damaged C. destroyed D. ruined 12. Not that I’m unwilling to lend you a hand, __________ I’m too busy for the moment.   A. because B. but that C. but  D. however 13. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand ____________.   A. feels so cold   B. is felt so cold C. feels so coldly D. is felt so coldly 14. In some parts of the world, tea __________ with milk and sugar.   A. is serving B. is served C. serves  D. served 15.In order to prevent the fire spreading, some of the houses nearby _____before the firemen arrived.   A. have been pulled down     B. have pulled down   C. had been pulled down     D. had pulled down 16. I need one more stamp before my collection _____________.   A. had completed   B. completes  C. has been completed   D. is completed 17. Neither of the young men who had tried to get the job in the company ________.   A. has been accepted    B. have been accepted   C. was accepted    D. were accepting 18. If the building project ___ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company ___ fined.   A. will be completed; is to be    B. to be completed; will be   C. being completed; will be  D. completed; was 19. The air pollution of the city ____ by 20 percent thanks to the strict measures taken by the  government.   A. has been fallen down       B. has been increased   C. has been reduced        D. has been risen 20. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may ____ run over by a car.   A. have  B. get  C. become D. turn 21. I feel it is your husband who ___ for the spoiled child.   A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame 22. The silence of the library ___ only by the sound of pages being turned over.   A. has been broken B. breaks    C. broke D. was broken 23. Take care! This kind of glass ___ easily.   A. is broken B. was broken C. breaks D. has been broken 24. When we returned from the ball, we found that our house ___ and many things __   A. has broken into; has been stolen   B. has broken into; had been stolen   C. had been broken into; stolen D. had been broken; stolen 25. He ___ the heavy rain when he was on the way to school.   A. had caught in  B. was catching   C. caught by D. got caught in

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(2) 26. Now, children, it’s time you _______.   A. washed and dressed  B. are washed and dressed   C. will wash and dress  D. were washed and dressed 27. I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but ______.   A. I was not invited  B. I’m not among the invited   C. I had not been invited  D. I have not been inviting 28. In 1960, this was the longest bridge that _____________.   A. was ever built   B. had ever built   C. has ever been built   D. had ever been built 29. It’s up to you to decide whether to _____ physics or chemistry.   A. take off  B. take on  C. tale in  D. take up 30. I suppose reading this book will ____ your taste for music.   A. add  B. add up C. add to  D. add up  to 31. Now he has been used to ______ early for morning exercise.   A. get up  B.  getting up C. got up  D. going to bed 32. Zhong Nanshan is a famous expert who has _____ to ____ the origin of SARS.   A. devoted; studying     B. been devoted; studying   C. devoted; study   D. been devoted; study 33. Do you know the girl _____ just now?   A. to who I nodded         B. I nodded to     C. I nodded to her         D. that has been seen 34. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics___ now   A. has been completed  B. has completed   C. will have been completed  D. will have completed 35. None would have dreamed of there _____ such a beautiful place.   A. being  B. be  C. to be  D. is 36. -You seem to have had that car for years.  ---Yes, I should sell it ____ it still runs.   A. before  B. during C. until  D. while 37.--- Excuse me, is this Mr. Brown’s office?   --- I’m sorry, but Mr. Brown ____ works here. He left about three weeks ago.   A. not now B. no more    C. not still  D. no longer 38. Early ____ the morning of May 1, we started of _____ the mountain village.   A. in; for  B. in; to   C. on; to  D. on; for 39. He has been caught ____ the rain and is wet ___ the skin.   A. by; to  B. in; to   C. in; through D. with; in 40. We need fifteen more people ____ our team to do the job.   A. but   B. except  C. as well D. besides 41. _____ my finishing reading the novel, you shall have it immediately.   A. On  B. At   C. For   D. With 42. She looks quite young _____ her age.   A. at  B. by  C. for   D. to 43. Books are the most important records we keep_____ man’s thoughts, ideas and feelings.   A. up  B. of  C. for  D. on 44. My daughter comes home from school and then spends an hour on the phone talking  to the very people she has been at school _____ all day.   A. for   B. on  C. 不填  D. with 45. He is ____ China Daily. In other words, he works ______ China Daily.   A. on; for  B. for; on C. in; at   D. at; on 46. -How far is it to the railway station?   -It’s only three miles _____ my house.   A. out of  B. to  C. away  D. beyond 47. When I handed the report to John he said that George was the person ______.   A. to send B. for sending it  C. to send it to  D. for sending it to 48. You can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from ____ the lake.   A. across  B. through C. on  D. in 49. This room is fifteen feet long ____________ twelve feet wide.   A. to  B. of  C. by  D. in 50. Our country has a ____ history of 4000 years.   A. recording B. recorded C. record D. records

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(3) 51. -When shall we meet again?  -Make it any day you like; it’s all ___ to me. A. similar B. the same C. different D. the right 52. I don’t feel _____ about it. How can I go to sleep?   A. strange B. worried C. easy  D. interested 53. It wasn’t long before they found that there was much trouble ___ the plan.   A. to carry out    B. carrying out    C. with carrying out  D. to have carried out 54. Have you got any books ____ problems with children?   A. treat  B. to treat C. that treat D. what treat 55. If we want to succeed we must ____ what we do and who we are.   A. believe in B. believe C. trust  D. believe about 56. I’ll do everything in my _____ to help you out.   A. energy B. power  C. right  D. reach 57. If only he _____ in time tomorrow, I’ll take him along to Beijing.   A. will arrive         B. is going to gel     C. arrives           D. is about to reach 58. _____ quickly and soon his resignation(辞职)became the talk of the town.   A. Words spread   B. Word spread    C. The word was spread     D. A word spread 59. -I hear our manager wants to hire a new secretary.  - _______?   A. What’s up   B. Who does he think he is   C. Does he have anyone in mind D. Does he have anything on his mind 60. There is a small group of words which even some native speakers and writers of English find ______.   A. puzzling  B. to be puzzled C. to puzzle D. puzzle 61. I’ll come and see you _____ I go to Hong Kong.   A. when  B. while  C. before  D. the moment 62. ____ the rain has stopped, let’s start again.   A. Because of    B. Now that C. For  D. That 63. I went to bed very late that night, _____, early the next morning.   A. or rather B. at least C. at most D. in a word 64. -How long did you do your homework?  -______.   A. Before it struck 10  B. Since supper time   C. So long as I stayed up    D. Until 10 o’clock 65. My mother bought me a new pair of boots on my birthday _____she had promised.   A. which  B. what  C. with  D. as 66. We liked the oil painting better ___ we looked at it.   A. as  B. while  C. the moment D. the more 67. Through English we will be able to communicate_____ part of the world we come from.   A. in which B. even if  C. whatever D. wherever 68. This photo of mine was taken ______ stood the famous high tower.   A. which  B. in which C. where  D. there 69. Come early, _____ you’ll miss the film.   A. or else  B. else  C. however D. and otherwise 70.It is often said that an American starts speech with a joke, __ a Japanese has an apology to make.   A. as   B. when  C. which  D. while 71. She had to _____ from school for a week to take care of her sick mother in hospital.   A. keep away B. leave away C. stay away D. take away 72. You must be strict with your children _____________.   A. in the future B. in future C. from now  D. ever since 73.John got the first prize in the speech competition, and he was so excited _____us ___theatre.   A. to treat; to      B. that he treats; to   C. as to treat; for    D. as to treat; to 74. It is necessary for us to learn _____ second language ____ our mother tongue.   A. the; besides B. a; except C. the; except D. a; besides 75. Hu Mei, ___ daughter of a teacher’s family, was made ___ monitor of the class at the meeting.   A. the; a  B. the; 不填 C. a; the  D. the; the

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(4) 76. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but __ the smog around me.   A. enjoy  B. enjoying  C. enjoyed D. to enjoy 77. Don’t forget: it’ll be the first time ___ in public.   A. I’ve spoken B. I shall speak C. I’ll speak D. I speak 78. There’re few pieces of electronic equipment ____to raise fears regarding future employment.   A. likely  B. more likely C. possibly D. more possibly 79. I promise that she ___ get a nice present on her birthday.   A. should B. must  C. would  D. shall 80. He ___ without saying good-bye to them, for he always has good manners.   A. mustn’t have left  B. may not have left  C. shouldn’t have left  D. can’t have left 81. He was not brave. He ____ jump down from the roof.   A. dare not  B. dared not C. dares not  D. dare not to 82. -Is your mother still a teacher?   -______.   A. Yes, she was  B. She didn’t use to  C. No, but she used to  D. No, but she used to be 83. -Shall I go and buy two more bottles of beer?   -No, I’ve already bought twenty. That ___ be enough for us two.   A. can  B. may  C. ought to  D. might 84.-Did you visit the museum? -No, we ____ it, but we spent too much time shopping.   A. could have visited  B. must have visited   C. can’t have visited  D. shouldn’t have visited 85. Crusoe had to stay in cave, ___ go out, even for food.   A. daring not to   B. not daring to    C. not daring   D. daring not 86. If you want to borrow a football after school, your student ____ here.   A. has to leave   B. must leave    C. has to be left D. must be left 87. Since she is angry, we ____ her alone.   A. had better to leave      B. would rather to leave   C. might as well leave     D. should as well leave 88. At that time she ___ sit here like that for hours.   A. will  B. would  C. had to  D. shall 89. Jack, don’t worry. You ____ get the textbook tomorrow.   A. shall  B. will  C. may  D. can 90. The travel costs ____ 2,000 dollars.   A. reach as many as    B. are added up to   C. come to   D. add up 91. The man didn’t choose __ of the suits and went away without looking at ___ third one.   A. both; a B. any; the  C. neither; the D. either; a 92. -Will $200 ____?    -I’m afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars.   A. count  B. satisfy  C. fit  D. do 93. The husband gave his wife _____ every month in order to please her.   A. half all his income         B. his half all income    C. half his all income         D. all his half income 94. ____, I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as John.   A. As much as I have traveled    B. Now that I have traveled so much   C. Much as I have traveled  D. As I have traveled so much 95. The waterfall can be seen _ __. Its sound may be heard __ two miles. It looks even more beautiful____.   A. at a distance; in a distance of ; from a distance   B. from a distance; in the distance of; at a distance   C. in the distance; from a distance; at a distance   D. in the distance; at a distance of; from a distance 96. After the war, a new school building was put up __ bad once been a theatre.   A. in which B. where  C. where it  D. where there 97. The most of his time is ____ to prepare for the college entrance examination.   A. used  B. spent  C. taken  D. made 98. The other day, my friend John drove his car down the street at  I thought was a dangerous speed, and ____ surprised everyone in the car.   A. which; that   B. which; it C. as; which D. what; that 99. --- How did you pay the workers?   --- As a rule, they were paid ______.   A. by hour     B. by the hour   C. by hours   D. by an hour 100. Several years later he ___ writer.   A. become B. turned C. become a  D. turned a

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(5) 101. __ U.S.A. lies on the other side of ___.   A. The; Pacific B. /; Pacific C. The; the Pacific  D. /; the Pacific 102. Beyond ___ stars, the astronauts could see nothing but _____space.   A. the; /  B. /; the  C. the; the  D. / ; / 103. He is ___new comer to ___ chemistry but he has made a few important discoveries.   A. /, /  B. a, /  C. a, the  D. the, the 104. Many animals have little connection with ___ animals of ___ different kind if they don’t kill them for food.   A. the; a  B./ ; a  C. the; the  D. /; the 105. ___ youngest though she is, she is ____ wisest.   A. the; the  B. /; /   C. /; the   D. The; / 106. September 10th is ____ Teachers’ Day.   A. /   B. a  C. the  D. an 107. Later, the chance to enter _____ came and he took it.   A. into college       B. to college    C. into the college     D. college 108. __  Mr. Jones called while you were out. He was in _____ very bad temper.   A. / ; a  B. A; /  C. The; the  D. A; a 109. Many ___ scientist wants to be __ second Newton.   A. a; the  B. a; a   C. /; a   D. /; the 110. When __ New Year’s Eve arrives, I can still remember the wonderful night in _______ winter of 2002.   A. /; the   B. a; the  C. /; a  D. the; the 111. When it comes to bringing up children, some people say ____ discipline produces __  ____ happy, well-behaved child.   A. /; a   B. the; a  C. a; /   D. a; a 112. She thought it __ great experience as she enjoyed the beauty of ___ nature.   A. a; /  B. a; the  C. the; /   D. the; a 113. What ___ of blood does Jack have?   A. sort  B. type  C. category D. kind 114. Deer____ mainly on grass.   A. live  B. lives  C. feed  D. feeds 115. Why didn’t you come? Haven’t you __________?   A. allowed B. promised C. invited D. agreed 116. This dictionary is _____ to my reading, but that one is __________.   A. great help; helpless  B. a great help; of no use   C. important; of few importance D. very helpful; of no any use 117. We can hope ___ the best but we must prepare ____ the worst at the same time.   A. for; for    B. for; /   C. /; for   D./; / 118.Professor White has received a letter ___ to give a lecture in Peking University.   A. to be invited    B. being invited    C. invited D. inviting him 119.The ____ in these villages has to get its water from well-spring.   A. people B. villagers C. peasants D. population 120. -Where is your Chinese teacher from?     -I’m not sure, but his Chinese ____ Hebei.   A. listens  B. suggests C. hears  D. sounds 121. The birds flew ___ the direction of the south.   A. for  B. in   C. to  D. towards 122. Soon came the bad news _____ the ship sank when it sailed ____ the coast.   A. that; off   B. which; on   C. that; away  D. which; along 123. I was disappointed with the film I had expected __ to be much better.   A. that  B. one  C. this  D. it 124. Strangely the story ___ is popular ___ the young.   A. made up; with  B. made up; to   C. made up of; with  D. made up of; to 125. The cat ____ Mimi belongs to _____.   A. named; the Green’s    B. named; the Greens   C. named by Green  D. whose name was; the Greens

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(6) 126. You shouldn’t stand there _____ the milk ____ over.   A. watching; boiled  B. watching; boiling  C. to watch; boiling  D. to watch; boiled 127. I remember ____ him ____ the bike needed ____.   A. to bear; say; to repair    B. hearing; saying; repairing   C. hearing; say; repairing  D. to hear; saying; to be repaired 128. When he came in, I happened ___ on the bed ____.   A. lying; and read B. to lie; reading  C. to be lying; reading  D. to have lain; reading 129. -Anything ____?    -Yes, Something as ____, two coffees, one bottle of beer and some fruit.   A. following; following B. to follow; followed  C. to follow; follows D. followed; follows 130. -How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?   -The key ___ the problem is to meet the demand ____ by the customers.   A. to solving; making  B. to solving; made  C. to solve; making D. to solve; made 131. The meeting ___ over, I found her ___ at the desk and ____ to the music.   A. to be; sitting; listened    B. is; sitting; listened   C. was; seating; listening   D. being; seated; listening 132. There were signs here and there, _____ people to look out for ___rocks.   A. warned; fallen  B. warning; fallen  C. warning; falling D. warned; falling 133. From his ___ voice, I have to say that you are really ____.   A. disappointing; disappointing B. disappointed; disappointed   C. disappointing; disappointed D. disappointed; disappointing 134. -Why did the girl spend the whole day __ up in her room, ____?   -She failed in the college entrance examination.   A. locked; weeping B. locking; wept  C. to lock; weeping D. being locked; wept 135. When ___ this medicine, it is a good idea to avoid ______ alcohol.   A. taking; drinking  B. taken; drinking  C. taking; to drink  D. taken; to drink 136. My father ___ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick ___ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.   A. advised; up  B. persuaded; out   C. intended; up  D. managed; out 137. It’s difficult to ____ a conversation in a noisy room.   A. carry out   B. carry on      C. speak of    D. talk to 138. Can you make a sentence to _____ the meaning of the phrase?   A. show out  B. bring out C. turn out  D. work out 139. In China today women ___ 40% of the workforce, and nearly half of the others with children are  in paid work.   A. build up   B. hold on    C. make up D. stand for 140. If you look at the sentence more closely, you’ll find there is a ______.   A. play words B. words play C. play on words D. play in words 141. Tom and I had each a bedroom, and a third room ____ as our study.   A . in common  B. in common with  C. out of the common   D. by common 142. Not only ____ everything he ____ taken away but also his German citizenship.   A. 不填; has  B. has; had  C. has; was D. was; had 143. The medicine ___ as soon as you take it. But it ____ the blood.   A. brings into effect; effects   B. takes effect; has a bad effect on   C. comes into effect; has little effect on  D. is carried into effect; has much effect on 144. -When are the traffic police strong?   _---When they ___ up cars with one hand.   A. put  B. hold   C. pick  D. lift 145. When we ___ a foreign language, we’d respect its ____, or we can’t really learn it well.  A. speak; idioms B. study; ways C. learn; customs D. master; manners 146. Some animals are in danger, and the scientists are doing ___ they can ___ them.   A. that; to save  B. whatever; to save   C. what; save   D. the thing; save 147. The Olympic Games in the year 2008___ in Beijing of China, which  known to us all.   A. is to hold; is   B. is to be held; was   C. are to hold; is  D. are to be held; is 148. If law and order _____, neither the citizen nor his family is safe.   A. are not preserved     B. is not preserved   C. were not preserved  D. have not been preserved 149. The boy and girl each _____ their own toys.   A. has   B. have  C. are having D. is having 150. He is, however, one of those restless people who never ___ content with their present environment.   A. have seemed   B. seemed C. seems  D. seem

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(7) 151. One or two days ____quite enough to complete the work. ___ you or he going to work with me?   A. is; Is   B. is; Are  C. are; Is  D. are; Are 152. Your new clothes fit you, but mine_____ me.   A. don’t fit for B. doesn’t fit for C. don’t fit D. doesn’t fit 153. It is not I but you who ___ the first to run to the goal in the competition.   A. was   B. were   C. are   D. is 154. What he says and what he does ___ agree.   A. doesn’t B. don’t  C. isn’t  D. aren’t 155. Although the first part is easy the rest ____.   A. is supposed difficult  B. are difficult   C. has proved difficult  D. could have been difficult 156. Rain and freezing temperatures ____ to make snow.   A. combined B. combine C. combine with  D. combined with 157. The express No.12_____ at two pm.   A. reaches B. gets in  C. cuts in D. knocks 158. Our city has changed a lot; who can tell what it will be like in ___ ten years?   A. other  B. next  C. more  D. another 159. She fell and hit her head, but she ___ to be all right now.   A. seemed  B. appears C. has  D. seems 160. ____ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.   A. Not knowing           B. Knowing not    C. Not having known       D. Having not known 161. I don’t like the way____ she talks to her teacher.   A. in that B. in what C. by which D. 不填 162. Many great men rose from poverty, Lincoln and Edison ____.   A. like that B. as though C. for example D. such as 163. Marry notices are placed in the park warning people to ____ the grass.   A. keep out B. keep out of C. keep away D. keep off 164. Let’s hope the weather ____ for Saturday’s tennis match.   A. keeps up B. picks up C. carries on D. puts up 165. You can’t imagine what difficulty I took _____ your home.   A. find  B. to find  C. finding D. found 166.Every time I express an opinion, he always argues ____ me ____ it.   A. with; against   B. with; for   C. against; against   D. against; over 167. I won’t give you any help ___ you tell me the truth. It’s none of my business.   A. unless    B. since     C. as is      D. even if 168. --- _____?   --- He is kind but sometimes a little silly.    A. What is your brother       B. What does your brother like    C. What does your brother look like  D. What is your brother like 169. Generally speaking, it is about ____ on the mountain than in the valley.   A. three degrees colder       B. three degrees as cold   C. colder three degrees       D. as cold three degrees 170. She bought the ring for ¥5000 three years ago, but now is it worth ____ the amount.   A. double more than       B. more double than   C. more than double       D. double than more 171. It’s dangerous to let the children who are ____ walk across the crowded street.   A. too young to  B. so young   C. not old enough too   D. so young as to 172. The Spring Festival is ___ us and we have a lot of things _____.   A. to; to buy   B. for; to be bought   C. nearby; bought   D. upon; to buy 173. They stayed with me three weeks, _____ they drank all the wine I had.   A. which     B. which time    C. during which time   D. during which 174. ____ is mentioned above, the number of the senior schools is increasing.   A. It      B. What      C. As       D. Which 175. The knife and fork ____ different uses at meals, and every westerner has ____ knife and fork.   A. have; the    B. have; a     C. has; the     D. has; a

高三总复习错题跟踪(二)(8) 176. -Do you have anything more ___, sir?  -Not at the moment. Have a rest then.   A. typing  B. to be typed C. typed  D. to type 177. Which do you enjoy ___ your spare time, reading or playing chess?   A. to spend B. spend  C. spending D. being spent 178. The way she thought of _____ enough money was to sell her hair.   A. getting B. to get  C. and got D. for getting 179. Well, who would you rather ____ with you to the theatre, George or me?   A. have to go  B. have gone C. to have gone D. have go 180. Wang Hua is said ____a new computer program recently, but I don’t know when she will finish it.   A. to design B. to be designing  C. to have been designing  D. to have designed 181. We didn’t expect them ___ for us when we arrived there so late.   A. to be waiting  B. to have been waiting   C. to have waited D. to wait 182. It is careless ___ the same mistake in your composition.   A. for you to make B. for you making   C. of yon to make   D. of you making 183. Henry Ford’s introduction to the assembly line vastly reduced the time it look _____.   A. to make a car  B. for making a car   C. making a car D. a car to make 184. They had all children well looked after ____ their parents relieved(放心)   A. making B. being made C. to make D. made 185. If the building project __ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company ___ fined.   A. will be completed; is to be    B. to be completed; will be   C. being completed; will be     D. completed; was 186. The teacher advised me to be a doctor, but ____.   A. I didn’t want to  B. I didn’t want to be  C. I don’t want to  D. I don’t want to be 187. In a way I can see what you mean, even though I don’t ___ your point of view.   A. recognize B. share  C. agree  D. permit 188. Tom hurried back only _____ his friend ____ in a hospital.   A. to find; dying   B. find; dead C. finding; dying D. to find; die 189. It’s a good rule to _____.   A. according to  B. lead to C. go along D. go by 190. Miss Wang felt _____ by his words.   A. wounded B. injured C. to be wounded D. to be injured 191. Mike’s newly-bought car ______ in the great fire last month.   A. was burnt down  B. was burned up   C. burned down D. burned up 192. It was a great ______ for him to be pleasant to people he didn’t like.   A. trouble B. effort  C. sorrow D. horror 193. We are using ___ of law ______ great effect.   A. the arms; in   B. the weapons; of   C. the weapon; with  D. the arm; by 194. The man needed _____ for one of his legs was badly injured.   A. to look after    B. looking after   C. look after  D. being looked after 195. I’ll spend the evening ______ in your room waiting for the thief to arrive.   A. locking    B. in locking   C. being locked  D. blocked 196. -Car 18 won the race.    -Yes. But its driver came close to ______.   A. having been killed   B. have been killed   C. be killed      D. being killed 197. ___ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time may produce variants(变异体)of genes in human bodies.   A. Being exposed   B. Having exposed    C. Exposed      D. After being exposed 198. Michael never dreamt of ____ for him to be sent abroad very soon.   A. being a chance   B. there’s a chance   C. there to be a chance  D. there being a chance 199. Once your business becomes international, ___ constantly will be part of your life.   A. your fly    B. your flight    C. flight  D. flying 200. I can hardly imagine such a little boy ___ across the Nile.   A. swim  B. to swim C. swimming D. to have swum

高二总复习错题跟踪(二)答案 001-005  CACCA  006-010  DABCC  011-015  BBABC  016-020  DCBCB  021-025  ADCCD 026-030  DADDC  031-035  BBBAA  036-040  DDABD  041-045  ACBDA  046-050  DCACB 051-055  BCBCA  056-060  BCBCA  061-065  CBADD  066-070  DCCAD  071-075  CBDDB 076-080  AABDD  081-085  BDCAB  086-090  CCBAC  091-095  DDACD  096-100  DDDBB 101-105  CABBC  106-110  ADDBA  111-115  AABCB  116-020  BADDB  121-025  BADAB 126-130  BCCCB  131-135  DCDAA  136-140  CBBCC  141-145  ADBBC  146-150  BDBBD 151-155  BCBBB  156-160  BBDDA  161-165  DCDAC  166-170  DDDAC  171-175  BDCCB 176-180  BABDC  181-185  ACACB  186-190  BBADA  191-195  BBCBD  196-200  DADDC

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