I remember my first Christmas party with Grandma.I remember the day when my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” she laughed.“Even dummies know that!”

I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me  1 .After I told her everything, she said “No Santa Claus? Don’t believe it. Now,  2  your coat, and let’s go.”

“Go? Go where?” I asked.

“Where” 3  to be the General Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma  4__ me ten dollars.That was a lot in those days.“Take this money and buy something for  5 needs it.I’ll wait for you in the car.”

The store seemed big and6 , full of people hurrying to finish their Christmas shopping.For a few moments I just stood there, 7  , holding that bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.

Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat right behind me.I remembered he didn’t have a coat.I fingered the bill with growing  8 .I would buy Bobbie a coat.

“Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the   9   asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down

“Yes,” I replied shyly.“It’s…for Bobbie.”

The nice lady smiled at me.I didn’t get any10 , but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.

That evening, Grandma helped me 11 the coat and wrote, “To Bobby, From Santa Claus” on it.Then she 12 me over to Bobbie’s house.

Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie’s house, and she and I crept 13 and hid in the  14 .Then Grandma gave me a sign.“All right, Santa Claus, get going.”

I took a deep 15 , dashed for his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we 16 breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it 17 , and there stood Bobbie.

Forty years haven’t dimmed the thrill of those 18 spent shivering, beside my grandma, in Bobbie’s bushes. 19 , I realized: Santa was alive and well, and we were 20 his team.

1)     A.the reason      B.many things     C.stories         D.the truth

2)     A.put on         B.put away       C.put up         D.put down

3)     A.used          B.turned out      C.found out       D.turned up

4)     A.lent           B.took           C.paid           D.handed

5)     A.anyone         B.whomever      C.someone who    D.those who


A.crowded        B.varied         C.noisy          D.convenient

7)     A.satisfied        B.confused        C.curious         D.amazed

8)     A.worry         B.disappointment   C.happiness       D.excitement

9)     A.counter        B.desk           C.shelf          D.goods

10)   A.money         B.gifts           C.change         D.encouragement

11)   A.make          B.wrap          C.undo          D.design

12)   A.drove          B.took           C.led            D.asked

13)   A.quickly        B.painfully       C.nervously       D.noiselessly

14)   A.bushes         B.darkness        C.doorway        D.car

15)   A.courage        B.look           C.step           D.breath

16)   A.waited         B.whispered       C.crept          D.stood

17)   A.came          B.sounded        C.did            D.appeared

18)   A.moments       B.days           C.time           D.people

19)   A.Today         B.That year       C.That night      D.Since then

20)A.on        B.for        C.at          D.of

As a saying goes, every bean has its black. It is impossible to make no mistakes all one’s life. My grandpa Nybakken, a carpenter, is no  1 . Several decades ago he made a mistake – a(n) perfect mistake,  2  .

On a cold Saturday, Mother’s father was building some wooden cases for the clothes his3  was sending to an orphanage (孤儿院) in China. On his way home, he  4  into his shirt pocket to find his glasses, but they were gone. He remembered putting them there that morning, so he drove back to the church. His  5   proved fruitless.

When he 6 replayed his earlier actions, he realized what happened. The glasses had slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen into one of the cases, which he had nailed shut. His brand new glasses, having  7  him £20 that very morning, were heading for China! He had to drive home  8  .

Several months later, the director of the orphanage came to give a report on Sunday night at my grandfather’s church,  9 Grandpa and his family also attended.

“But most of all,” he said, “I must thank you for the  10  you sent last year. You see, the bandits(土匪) had just  11 through the orphanage, destroying everything, including my glasses. I was desperate.”

  12  I had the money, there was simply no way of  13  those glasses.  14  headaches every day. Then your cases arrived. When my staff  15  the covers, they found a pair of glasses lying on top.”

Then, still gripped (吸引注意) with the  16  of it all, he continued: “When I tried  17  the glasses, it was as though they had been made just for me! I want to thank you for being a part of that!”

The people listened,  18  for the miraculous glasses. But the director surely must have  19  their church with another, they thought. There were no glasses on their  20 of items to be sent overseas.

But sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face, an ordinary carpenter realized the Master Carpenter had used him in an extraordinary way.

1.A.expectation       B.success         C.comment       D.exception

2.A.though          B.although        C.as             D.so

3.A.factory          B.church         C.family         D.country

4.A.turned          B.reached         C.filled          D.put

5.A.research         B.look           C.search          D.clothes

6.A.mentally         B.physically       C.anxiously       D.directly

7.A.charged         B.spent          C.paid           D.cost

8.A.disappointed      B.pleased         C.nonstop        D.quick

9.A.which          B.what           C.where          D.when

10.A.cases          B.clothes         C.glasses         D.wishes

11.A.cut            B.swept          C.pulled          D.broken

12.A.Unless         B.As long as       C.Until          D.Even though

13.A.replacing       B.finding         C.wearing        D.changing

14.A.Except for      B.Along with      C.Rather than      D.As for

15.A.nailed          B.burnt          C.removed        D.took

16.A.preparation      B.pleasure        C.satisfaction     D.wonder

17.A.out            B.over           C.for            D.on

18.A.pity           B.happy          C.curious         D.eager

19.A.confused        B.associated       C.combined       D.compared

20.A.cases          B.order          C.list            D.orphanage

A gray African goose stood at the back of my father’s   truck,staring into the wide shiny bumper(保险杠)--completely attracted by the image he saw there. The goose preened(整理羽毛),waving his long  1  from side to side. It was an interesting and amusing  2 .

   When I noticed that the goose was 3  there nearly four hours later,I thought it

was   4  . So I asked my father about it.

   “Dad,”I said. “ That old gray goose has been  5  behind your truck all day. Do you

have any  6  why?”

   “Oh,sure,”he answered without  7  .“That’s Grady. He lost his ‘wife’ a year ago,and he’s  8  without her. For nearly a month he searched the farm for her everyday. Then one day,as he  9 the shiny bumper,he caught sight of his reflection in it. I guess he thinks he’s  10  her. So every day he comes to be with her.”

   Each and every morning,the geese wait  11  at the door of their protective shed

for my father to  12  them so they can wander around the farm. When Grady is turned

to loose,he leaves the others, 13  instead to be with “ his wife. ” Eagerly,  he rushes to

 14  my father’s truck is parked and stares into the truck’s shiny silver bumper and  15  cackles(叫)away,perhaps telling her the events that  16  while they were apart.

   “Isn’t it a bit strange that Grady 17  at the bumper all day long? ” I asked.

   “ 18  if that’s where he thinks his companion is,”my father replied. “He's  19   to her. ”

I was interested in the obvious affection this goose had once  20  his mate,an affection so strong that he was determined to hang on to some appearance of it after her parting.

1. A. 1eg             B. wing          C. neck         D. body

2. A. sight            B. position        C. spot          D. situation

3. A. ever             B. still           C. yet           D. even

4. A. usual            B. reasonable     C. common       D. strange

5. A. sitting           B. moving        C. standing       D. 1ying

6. A. idea             B. doubt         C. opinion       D. suggestion

7. A. delay            B. hesitation   C. question         D. permission

8. A. lovely           B. painful        C. alone         D. 1onely

9. A. passed           B. ignored        C. admired       D. adored

10. A. 1oved           B. hurt          C. found         D. protected

11. A. anxiously        B. impatiently     C. eagerly        D. carefully

12. A. feed            B. drive          C. care          D. free

13. A. preferring        B. refusing       C. deciding       D. preparing

14. A. however         B. whenever   C. wherever         D. whatever

15. A. sadly           B. happily        C. calmly       D. comfortably

16. A. missed          B. delivered       C. fled          D. occurred

17. A. stays           B. searches       C. 1ives         D. gathers

18. A. Seldom         B. Always        C. Not          D. Hardly

19. A. expected         B. devoted        C. stuck         D. inspired

20. A. suffered from   B. 1ived with      C. did with       D. shared with

   A 25-year-old student from Hubei was admitted into Tsinghua,China’s most famous university.after an eight-year  1   .Li Jun comes from a poor family in a small village of Hubei Province.He first  2  going to college in the year 2000  3  he was admitted by a 1ocal school after  4  from a secondary technical school at age 17.A  5 art student,he passed the exam again next year but  6  school due to economic pressures in September 2002.Life seemed  7  but Li didn’t’t give in.He earned a  8  by working part time in Wuhan’s art rooms and tutoring students.But he never lost sight of his lifelong dream of  9 the Academy of Arts&Design of Tsinghua University.Li  10  the college entrance examination for five continuous years starting from 2003.  11  ,he missed making the cut one mark last year.

   In 2008,his fifth try,Li’s efforts   12  .He finished the qualifying exam in his province and was finally admitted as a sculpture major into Tsinghua University.Every year.Li took art  13  in Beijing and took exams from December to March.He then took cultural courses in his school till June.The rest of the year he spent on  14  work.Li said he hadn’t  15  any money from his family since he graduated from the technical secondary school.Li said the reason he maintained for eight years was that he wanted to change his  16  through knowledge。

17 by his contribution,Li Jun’s university  18  him 9000 yuan out of his tuition fees of 11450 yuan.An eight-year struggle may have come to an end for LiJun,but a new  19  has now begun.Li said he would not worry about repaying loans at present.He wants to study well and  20  more scholarships.

1.A.research         B.service          C.struggle          D.expectation

2.A.talked of        B.told of       C.dreamt of         D.knew of

3.A.where          B.since        C.that            D.when

4.A.learning         B.separating    C.dating           D.graduating

5.A.gifted         B.surprised     C.interested         D.easy going

6.A.went on with  B.watched out for  C.1ooked forward to      D.dropped out of

7.A.unfair         B.hard          C.practical            D.busy

8.A.value           B.respect          C.freedom          D.1iving

9.A.entering        B.visiting          C.supporting           D.pursing

10.A.turned to      B.applied for        C.called for       D.adapted to

11.A.Instead       B.At times       C.However        D.Besides

12.A.took off       B.paid off       C.gave off         D.sent off

13.A.ways          B.programmes    C.courses         D.success

14.A.full-time    B.part-time         C.out-of-door D.all

15.A.asked for       B.looked for        C.prayed for     D.waited for

16.A.fate          B.ideal           C.plan              D.opinion

17.A.Encouraged   B.1nfluenccd        C.Accused          D.Impressed

18.A.funded        B.gave            C.paid            D.cost

19.A.challenge      B.1ife          C.case              D.relationship

20.  A.spend        B.win          C.care              D.use

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