50. What is the author's attitude towards rickshaws?

  A. He gives no personal opinion.      B. He believes they will be of no use.

  C. He thinks they will reduce pollution.    D. He thinks they are old-fashioned.


     Some of Man's closest relatives in the animal kingdom are under serious threat because of human activity, according to a recently published report.

     According to the document, almost one in three of all apes and monkeys - that is non-human primate species (灵长类动物) are now considered to be in danger of dying out and disappearing from our planet, if action is not taken soon.

     The report, which was produced for the World Conservation Union (WCU), states that 114 of the world's 394 primate species could be lost forever, and the main reason they are threatened is the continuing destruction of forests where most of these animals live. In addition, illegal wildlife trade, climate change and commercial hunting for meat are also pressuring existing primate populations.

     What's more, the problem is getting more serious. The number of species on the organization’s Red List - listing those primate species most threatened and in very serious danger of dying out - has increased by 3 to 25 since 2005.

     Russell Mittermeier, the chief researcher of the WCU report, said, "You could fit all the surviving members of these 25 species in a single football stadium. So the problem is obviously urgent."

     The scientists, who drew up the Red List, believe that the situation is now so bad that if action is not taken immediately, it will result in primate species becoming extinct - something which has not happened in over a century.

     The loss of habitat caused by the clearing of forests for wood, farmland and fuel continues to be the main reason for the declining number of primates, according to the report, and the problem was most severe in Asia.

     The loss of forest trees is also responsible for approximately 20 percent of all greenhouse gases - more than all the cars, trucks, trains and aeroplanes in the world combined.

     Mr Mittermeier added, "By preserving the world's remaining forests, we save primates and protect other animals while preventing more pollution from entering the atmosphere to warm the climate."

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