55.答案:D解析:she was saved孩子得救了。


In England one night a year comes alive as colorful fireworks explode in the night sky and smoke from giant bonfires floats across the land.All the   36    and fires are made to

   37    the country’s greatest traitor,named Guy Fawkes.

   38    is called Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night and is held on November 5.   39    the country parties are held   40    people light big fires.Often they throw   41    of Guy Fawkes on to the fire.Fireworks are also an important part of the   42   ,with many local government   43    big displays.

This tradition was started   44    an attempt was   45    to blow up Parliament and murder the king in 1605.Guy Fawkes was found in a room under the Houses of Parliament in London with a large   46    of gunpowder.

He was immediately arrested and later   47    in court and killed.Over a period of months other people   48    the “gunpowder plot” were discovered and killed too.

Fawkes and his friends were very   49    because of a law that said they could not

    50    their religion.They were Catholic at a time when the king,JamesⅠ,and most people in England were Protestant and violently   51    to them.

On the night   52    people found out the king had been   53    and the traitor caught,they lit fires in   54    .This has become a tradition   55    to this day.

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