例1、The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _______ pictures of them.

A. many of    B. masses of   C. the number of    D. a large amount of


[解析]  此题考查可数名词和不可数名词表示不定量意义的限定词。many修饰可数名词复数时不用of,故A不可选。number用来表示大量,很多时,应为a number of,故C也不可选,a large amount of用来修饰不可数名词,而picture是可数名词,故D也不可选。B项masses of是非正式的表达方式,后跟可数名词。

例2、He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ____ was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A. temper        B. appearance        C. talent         D. character


[解析]  temper脾气;appearance外表;talent天赋,才能;character 性格。

例3、One of the consequences of our planet's being warned up is a (n) ________ in the number of natural disasters.

A. result     B. account     C. reason     D. increase


[解析]  result意为结果;account意为数量;reason意为理由,原因;increase意为增加。原句是说地球升温造成的后果之一是(增加)了自然灾害的数量。只有填increase比较合适,而其他几个词则无法讲通。

例4、Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their_________, some people drink alcohol.

A. temper     B. mood      C. consciousness     D. pressures


[解析]  lose one's temper意为发脾气;mood意为心境,情绪;consciousness意为清醒,意识。第一句说“在城市生活很困难”。所以应是“为了缓解压力”。 

例5、The  ________ is just around the corner and you won't miss it.

A. bicycle's shop   B. bicycle shop   C. bicycles shop  D. bicycles' shop


[解析]  名词做定语如表示所属关系有两种情况:①有生命的东西的名词要加's;②无生命的东西通常用of。名词做定语如不表示所有关系,往往只用名词单数形式。表示什么样的商店要用名词单数修饰shop。译文:自行车商店就在拐角处,你不会错过它。 

例6、 His daughter is always shy in  ________and she never dares to make a speech to  ________.

A. the public; the public        B. public; the public

C. the public; public         D. public; public


[解析]  In public的意思是“在公众场合”;the public的意思是“公众”。译文:他女儿在公众场合很害羞,她从来没有对公众做过报告。

例7、What he has done is far from ________.

A. satisfactory      B. satisfied    C. satisfaction    D. satisfy


[解析] 句中from是介词,后接名词。译文:他所做的事离满意还差得远。satisfactory是形容词,意思是“令人满意的”;satisfied是过去分词,可作为形容词使用,意思是“感到满意的”;satisfy是动词,意思是“使……满意”。

例8、Chinese arts have won the _____ of a lot of people outside China.

A. enjoyment   B. appreciation   C. entertainment   D. reputation


[解析] 本题考察名词。根据句意“中国艺术已经赢得了许多外国人的欣赏”。选项A“enjoyment(乐趣)”和选项C“entertainment(娱乐)”以及D“reputation名声”均不符合句意。

例9、The environmentalists said wild goats’ _____ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.

A. attendance   B. escape   C. absence   D. appearance


[解析] 本题考察名词。根据句意“环境保护论者说也山羊在大草原上出现是环境得到改善的好兆头”,选项D符合句意。

例10、-I'm sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.

-There is no ___________ for this while you are on duty.

A. reason    B. excuse     C. cause    D. explanation


[解析]  考查名词辨析。excuse理由、借口。说话人意为:你在值班的时候是没有任何理由出去的。reason原因;cause事情起因;explanation解释,与句意不符。

第三节 巩固练习

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.


1.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____.

A. message       B. letter         C. sentence          D. notice

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