摘要:例1.The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took pictures of them. A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of 答案为B. [解析] 此题考查可数名词和不可数名词表示不定量意义的限定词.many修饰可数名词复数时不用of.故A不可选.number用来表示大量.很多时.应为a number of.故C也不可选.a large amount of用来修饰不可数名词.而picture是可数名词.故D也不可选.B项masses of是非正式的表达方式.后跟可数名词. 例2.He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character 答案:D [解析] temper脾气,appearance外表,talent天赋.才能,character 性格. 例3.One of the consequences of our planet's being warned up is a (n) in the number of natural disasters. A. result B. account C. reason D. increase 答案为D. [解析] result意为结果,account意为数量,reason意为理由.原因,increase意为增加.原句是说地球升温造成的后果之一是了自然灾害的数量.只有填increase比较合适.而其他几个词则无法讲通. 例4.Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their , some people drink alcohol. A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressures 答案为D. [解析] lose one's temper意为发脾气;mood意为心境.情绪,consciousness意为清醒.意识.第一句说“在城市生活很困难 .所以应是“为了缓解压力 . 例5.The is just around the corner and you won't miss it. A. bicycle's shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycles' shop 答案为B. [解析] 名词做定语如表示所属关系有两种情况:①有生命的东西的名词要加's,②无生命的东西通常用of.名词做定语如不表示所有关系.往往只用名词单数形式.表示什么样的商店要用名词单数修饰shop.译文:自行车商店就在拐角处.你不会错过它. 例6. His daughter is always shy in and she never dares to make a speech to . A. the public; the public B. public; the public C. the public; public D. public; public 答案为B. [解析] In public的意思是“在公众场合 ,the public的意思是“公众 .译文:他女儿在公众场合很害羞.她从来没有对公众做过报告. 例7.What he has done is far from . A. satisfactory B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfy 答案为C. [解析] 句中from是介词.后接名词.译文:他所做的事离满意还差得远.satisfactory是形容词.意思是“令人满意的 ,satisfied是过去分词.可作为形容词使用.意思是“感到满意的 ,satisfy是动词.意思是“使--满意 . 例8.Chinese arts have won the of a lot of people outside China. A. enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment D. reputation 答案为B. [解析] 本题考察名词.根据句意“中国艺术已经赢得了许多外国人的欣赏 .选项A“enjoyment 和选项C“entertainment 以及D“reputation名声 均不符合句意. 例9.The environmentalists said wild goats’ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment. A. attendance B. escape C. absence D. appearance 答案为D. [解析] 本题考察名词.根据句意“环境保护论者说也山羊在大草原上出现是环境得到改善的好兆头 .选项D符合句意. 例10.-I'm sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. -There is no for this while you are on duty. A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation 答案为B. [解析] 考查名词辨析.excuse理由.借口.说话人意为:你在值班的时候是没有任何理由出去的.reason原因,cause事情起因,explanation解释.与句意不符. 第三节 巩固练习 Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence. 1.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a . A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice


There is a saying in French—“Si vieillesse pouvait, si jeunesse savait”—which means roughly “if age had the ability, if youth had the knowledge.” I was reminded of this saying the other day when I saw an interview with a distinguished Asian neurosurgeon(神经外科医生), now retired, about the impact of computer technology on modern surgery.

He was referring to the difficulty people of his age had in using the new techniques, but also to the fact that younger surgeons, who are more comfortable with the technology, lack some of the wisdom of experience.

It struck me that this problem is not just confined(局限于) to specialized fields such as medicine, but is widespread in modern life. There are many areas where the rapid growth of technology has widened the generation gap.

Young people are at ease with modern technology and propose all sorts of ways for using and developing it. But they often lack the experience needed to see further into the future to the possible dangers that a particular development may cause.

Older people see all sorts of difficulties and dangers, but are sometimes ignored, or even accused of being against progress, if they point out potential problems. Equally, they may see potential uses, but not have the technical skills to put them into practice themselves or the trust in the younger generation to do so.

Enthusiasm and inexperience come into conflict with caution and arrogance, usually with unsatisfactory results for both sides.

What is needed is the development of a partnership, based on mutual respect, which can deliver real progress by combining enthusiasm and caution in a constructive way, rather than in conflict with each other. The old need to give the younger generation the time, the resources and, above all, the authority to develop new ideas and use their skills. In exchange, the young need to turn more actively to the older generation to seek their advice and exploit their greater experience of the world in foreseeing and overcoming potential problems.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the impact of computer technology on modern surgery

B.an interview with a distinguished Asian neurosurgeon

C.new generation gap between the old and the young

D.a conflict between knowledge and experience

2.The French saying in the first paragraph is used to ________.

A.introduce the topic

B.show the difference between French and English

C.make readers confused

D.prove the writer’s wisdom

3.What did the retired neurosurgeon probably mention in his interview?

A.Old people’s enthusiasm in obtaining new technology.

B.Old people’s difficulty in using computers.

C.Young surgeons’ bad manners in working.

D.Young surgeons’ difficulty in getting experience.

4.In the writer’s view, what advantage do the older generation have?

A.They are happy with modern technology.

B.They are easy to learn new techniques.

C.They can foresee the future of the young generation.

D.They are rich in work experience.

5.What conclusion can be drawn from the last paragraph?

A.The young and the old should respect and learn from each other.

B.The young should teach the old modern technology.

C.The old should maintain their authority in every field.

D.The young and the old should work independently.



The prestigious (久负盛名) Peking University and Tsinghua University held graduation ceremonies on the same day this year. The presidents of the two universities delivered excellent speeches at the ceremonies as they used words, phrases or ways of expression that are very popular on the Internet currently. At the same time, graduation speeches by other university presidents were also under the spotlight for the same reason. Their speeches were warmly welcomed by students as they contained many fashionable words today, such as "floating clouds" ( meaning "too small and of little importance to mention") and "gelivable" (meaning " very helpful") . In the speeches , these university presidents recalled campus life together with students and finally moved all the audiences. They were very different from the usual run of lectures.
Many university presidents have changed their regular manner of addressing graduation ceremonies from an advising and preaching (说教) mode to a more fashionable and funny approach. They try to use those words popular among young people in their speeches.
In the past, university presidents' speeches were criticized for being too standard and lacking sentiment. Now , they quote fashionable words in their addresses, reflecting they are starting to adopt more everyday attitudes to students. The use of these new expressions has triggered a heated discussion. It focuses on the question of whether university presidents should speak in an informal way at graduation ceremonies.
Supporters agree with the new approach. They consider it good to build close ties with students by using the youth's own words. Opponents argue the new ways have no practical value or significance for education but are merely to please those leaving university.
【小题1】What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Should University Heads Use Terms of Youth
B.Must University Presidents Learn to Please Students
C.Must University Presidents Meet Students' Needs
D.Should University Heads Use Newly-created Words
【小题2】What can we infer from the passage?
A.University presidents consider it good to build close ties with students.
B.More and more students are eager to make speeches in public.
C.The new ways of making speeches are popular with the young.
D.University presidents have special opinions about the world.
【小题3】What dose the underlined word "triggered " in Paragraph 3 probably mean ?
A.Break offB.Set offC.Sum upD.Focus on
【小题4】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Many people are likely to be influenced by the Internet.
B.The writer thinks it necessary for us to follow the traditional customs.
C.More and more words are changing with the development of technology.
D.People argue about whether to use fashionable words on formal occasions.


People say teenagers are no good. They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive carelessly up and down America’s main streets. And at least some of the time those things are true. But we shouldn’t forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.

I watched such a moment not long ago at a woman’s funeral which happened in a church. A teenage grandson stepped forward. Softly he began:“ I want to share a few values that Nana taught me. She never failed to see light in any situation. When our family dog would attack her, what would Nana say? ‘Oh, what beautiful markings that dog has.’ That was Nana.

“She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this city. But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for Grandpa’s career,” he said, with a voice now trembling. “That was Nana’s way.”

Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, “Nana taught me courage. She put up a fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. That was Nana’s way, and I hope I can carry on in the same manner.”

There are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time. The trouble with teenagers is that they haven’t learned to be controlled. When that boy rose to speak about the woman who had been his dearest friend, his honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide. I was moved and learned a lot.

1.According to the first paragraph, ______.

A.young people are living a hard life

B.people don’t think highly of the teenagers

C.people shouldn’t forget the young people

D.young people should keep quiet before the public

2. From the boy’s speech, we know his grandmother ______.

A.was a weak woman living in the shadow of his grandpa

B.liked dogs very much even if they often attacked her

C.could see everything around her though she was old

D.had great influence over the boy when she was alive

3.We can infer from the passage that the boy ______.

A.was filled with sadness and gave up finishing his talk

B.was always very good at expressing himself

C.practiced a lot in order to give a moving speech

D.had great difficulty in accepting the loss of Nana

4.The writer wanted to tell the readers ______.

A.the young people were too weak to face certain facts

B.the young people have learned to control themselves

C.the adults could learn something valuable from the young

D.the adults should teach the young how to deal with the death



Age has its special advantage in America. And one of the more impressive of them is the senior citizen discount. Anyone who has reached a certain age—in some cases as low as 55-is automatically entitled to plenty of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life. Eligibility(资格)is determined not by one’s need but by the date on one’s birth certificate. Practically the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses-as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners.
People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them;yet, millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent(有支付能力的). Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans. The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that “elderly” and “needy” are synonymous(同义的). Perhaps that once was true, but today, to be sure, there is economic variety within the elderly, and most of them aren’t poor.
It is impossible to determine the effect of the discounts on individual companies. For many firms, they are a stimulus to income. But in other cases the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans. Moreover, they directly annoy some politicians and scholars who consider it a coming conflict between the generations.
Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old. Employment is another point. Supported by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are refusing the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job-thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers. Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a powerful economic privilege(特权)to a group with millions of members who don’t need them.
It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others. Senior citizen discounts only enrich the myth that older people can’t take care of themselves and need special treatment;and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly ale ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. Senior citizen discounts are the heart of the very thing older Americans are fighting against-discrimination by age.
【小题1】We learn from the first paragraph that   .

A.offering senior citizen discounts has become routine commercial practice
B.senior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a good life
C.giving senior citizen discounts has increased the market for the elderly
D.senior citizens have to show their birth certificates to get a discount
【小题2】The reason to give the senior citizen discount is that   .
A.the elderly need humane help from society
B.businesses should do something for society in return
C.old people are entitled to special treatment for their contribution to society
D.the senior discounts can make up for the lack of the Social Security system
【小题3】What does the author think of the Social Security system?
A.It encourages elderly people to retire in time.
B.It opens up broad career chances for young people.
C.It benefits the old at the expense of the young.
D.It should be strengthened by laws and court decisions.
【小题4】What does the author mainly argue in the passage?
A.Senior citizens should fight hard against age discrimination.
B.The elderly are selfish and taking senior discounts for granted.
C.Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination.
D.Discount should be given to the economic needs of senior citizens.


Here are descriptions of four people. Choose the best information that can match from the second part.
【小题1】 ______Liu Xiang and some of the greatest athletes in the world will compete in the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix next month. Most of them have been competing against each other all summer in Europe and America.
【小题2】 ______Li Yuchun from Chengdu has won millions of female fans with her perfect mixture of boyish charm and a girly softness. She dresses like a boy, has a low voice and gentlemanly good manners.
【小题3】 ______Lee Young-ae was the youngest child and the only daughter in her family. Her parents and two brothers loved her much. Unlike other girls who like playing dolls, she was fond of wrestling.
【小题4】 ______Liu Yifei was born in Wuhan but moved to the US with her mother when she was 10. Things were not easy at first. But she tried her best and at last overcame the challenges and finally won.

A.Over the past years, she, a Chinese American, has shot to fame while playing Wang Yuyan, in Jin Yong’s Eightfold Path of the Heavenly Dragon.
B.She was chosen to play Jang Geum(长今), a perfect woman, in the hugely popular TV drama
“ Dae Jang Guem”. After “ Dae Jang Guem” she was anxious to take on a totally different role.
C.She won the Super Girl’s Voice that year. Meanwhile she was selected as one of the Asia’s Heroes 2005. She is popular among the young.
D.He was born in July 13, 1983 and won the 110-metre hurdle in the 2004 Olympic Games. And was the first Asian to win such a title.


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