20.C。我感到很离奇,但开咖啡馆人并不惊讶 。

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New band rocks


Imagine what you will be doing in seven years. Are you getting your first job or just studying in another country?


When the Taiwan band Relax One (轻松玩) was formed in 1998, they wanted to release their own albums. And now they have.

When the four group members came to the mainland to promote their first album "I Want Relax One", they told Teens how they made their dream come true.

Guitarist Xiaomao set up his own music studio when he was only 17 after he graduated from Danjiang High School. This is the same high school from which other stars graduated, including Jay Chou and Monster from Mayday.

"It doesn't mean you are a loser simply because you don't like school," Xiaomao believed. He had a good time hanging around with music lovers. Then he met drummer A-kui , who was rather rebellious at that time.

Both A-kui's parents are high school teachers. Born in such a family meant few choices for him- going to a good university and finding a decent (体面的) job seemed to be his future. A-kui was already on that road, being a top student in one of the top high schools in Taiwan.

"But I didn't want to be planned," said A-kui. He took up drumming. The reason that he didn't choose guitar or bass was simply that they were too costly.

"To learn to play drums, all you need is a pair of drumsticks," A-kui said with a smile. "My family didn't want me to do music so I didn't have the money to buy a guitar."

Xiaorenguo was A-kui's fellow student in Alethia University, majoring in information management. Being infected by A-kui's enthusiasm for music, he began playing bass (贝司).

They formed a band. Parents' objections, financial pressure and changing of band members - nothing stopped their dream.

And then lead vocalist (主唱) Summer, who now writes all the songs, joined in 1998.

Summer loved singing when she was a kid. After graduating from Fu Jen University, she began her exploration of music.

Her voice and talent for writing songs were acknowledged (得到承认) before she joined the band. She had written songs for other singers, such as China Dolls (中国娃娃). Some producers even tried to persuade her to develop a career on her own.

But Summer insisted on staying with the band. "We are like a family," Summer explained.

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