1. Was it during the Second World War _____he died? (MET88)

A.that    B. while      C. in which     D. then 2. Is _____necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab? (MET88H)   A.everyone  B. this       C. her     D. it 3.Is _____possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? (MET88)   A.now     B. that       C. it      D. man 4.His Parents wouldn't let him marry anyone _____family was poor.(MET88)   A.of whom   B. whom     C. of whose     D. whose 5._____leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. (MET88)  A.Anyone   B. The person    C. Whoever   D. Who 6._____writer is better known in China,Charcles Dickens or Mark Twain? (MET88)  A.Which    B. What       C. Either   D. Whether 7.---Have you seen Tom and Mary?      ---I haven' t seen _____of them.(MET88)  A.neither   B. any     C. either      D. all 8.Is _____necessary to complete the design before National Day? (MET89)  A.this    B. that       C. it      D. he 9.All _____is needed is a supply of oil.(MET89)  A.the thing    B. that       C. what       D. which 10.His camera is more expensive than ______.(MET89)  A.hers    B. her     C. it      D. its 11.I don't think _____possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.(MET90)  A.this    B. that        C. its     D. it 12.______of them knew about the plan because it was kept in a secret.(MET90)   A.Each    B. Any     C. No one    D. None 13.He paid the boy ¥10 for washing ten windows,most of _____hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.(MET90)  A.these      B. those      C. that       D. which 14.Kate and her sister went to holiday with a cousin of _____.(MET90)  A.their      B. theirs      C. her     D. hers 15.I invited Tom and Ann to dinner,but _____of them came.(NMET91)  A.neither   B. both       C. either      D. none 16.She heard a terrible noise,_____brought her heart into her mouth.(MET91)  A.it     B. which    C. this       D. that 17.We couldn't eat in a restaurant because _____of us had _____money on us.(MET91)  A.all; no   B. any; no   C. none; any    D. no one; any 18.These plants are watered _____.(NMET91)  A.each other day B. every other day      C. each of two days  D. every of two days 19.Alice received an invitation from her boss,_____came as a surprise.(NMET91)  A.it     B. that       C. which    D. he 20.Does _____matter if he can't finish the job on time?  A.this    B. that       C. he      D. it 21.Mr.Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except _____who had already taken them.(MET92)  A.the ones  B. ones       C. some       D. the others 22.There're so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind _____to buy. (MET92)  A.what    B. which    C. how     D. where 23.Although he's wealthy,he spends _____ on clothes.(NME792)   A.little   B. few     C. a little     D. a few 24.In the dark street,there wasn't a single person _____ she could turn for help.(MET92)   A.that      B. who     C. from whom   D. to whom 25._____he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.(MET93)   A.What    B. That       C. The fact     D. The matter

22. The temperature can fall to –30℃. _____ is,30°C below freezing point.   A. Which    B. It      C. That       D. This 23. -The exam was easy, wasn't it?      -Yes, but I don' t think _____ could pass it.   A. somebody   B. everybody  C. anybody     D. nobody 24. Cut the apple into halves so that the twins may each get _____ half.   A. every    B. each       C. another   D. either 25. _____ of us can do everything, but all of us can do _____ .   A. None, something  B. Some, everything   C. Few, something  D. Few, nothing 26. -May I help you with some gloves, sir?    -Yes, I'd like to try those blue ____.   A. one       B. ones       C. pair       D. two 27. Of all my friends _____ will be able to persuade Tom to change his mind. He is so firm upon it.   A. none    B. nobody      C. neither      D. no one 28. -Is he content to accept our offered price?

-Yes. He cares more about the quality. Money is _____ to him.   A. everything    B. anything     C. nothing   D. something 29. I have no idea which was better, so I took ____ of them.   A. both    B. none       C. all     D. any 30. You mustn't always do _____ as he asks you to do. He may be wrong sometimes.   A. anything    B. something    C. nothing   D. everything 31. I'm no painter, and to me, one painting is much like .   A. another     B. the other    C. others    D. one 32. I didn't want either of ____ hats and asked the salesman to show me_____.   A. those, another  B. two, the other  C. all, the others  D. both, others 33. The children were catching butterflies in the garden. Some caught a lot, and others caught _ at all.   A. nothing     B. none       C. no one    D. neither 34. Thank you very much indeed. That' s _____ of you.   A. kindest     B. most kind    C. the kinder    D. the most kind 35. Jack is a very likable fellow, but I've learned to take _____ he says with a grain of salt.   A. something   B. anything     C. nothing   D. everything 36. -I love you more than her, child.     -You mean more than ____ love her or more than she loves ____?   A. you, me     B. I, you    C. you, you     D. I, me

练习(二)、代  词

1. New English-Chinese Dictionary has been republished several times,_____ more up to date than the last edition.   A. any        B. everyone      C. either       D. each 2. After paying 1,000 dollars_____ ,you'll all become full members of our club.   A. each     B. all      C. every       D. both 3._____ was her cruelty that we all hated her.   A. It      B. What        C. That        D. Such 4. Mary has been ill in bed for a week. I wonder if she is _____ better now.   A. much     B. some        C. any      D. very 5. -Which of these two ties will you take?    -I don't like these. Do you have any_____ ?   A. one        B. other       C. ones      D. others 6. I' d rather ride a bike as bike riding has _____ of the trouble of taking buses.   A. much     B. all      C. neither    D. none 7. I need some blue ink today but there is _____ at hand.   A. not        B. nothing    C. a little      D. none 8. I found the very watch of mine _____ I had left _____ .   A. where, it     B. that, it    C. which,  one    D. where,  one 9. I haven't got time to get the tickets. Who's going to ____?   A. do so     B. do it       C. buy it       D. do them 10. -Jack certainly has a high opinion of Susan.      It can't be better than _____of him.   A. hers       B. she      C. that        D. her 11. -Shall we introduce ____ fire-fighting equipment from abroad?   

 -Go ahead, if necessary.   A. other     B. a few more   C. another    D. some other 12. -How about the price of these refrigerators?     -They are equal in price to, if not cheaper than,_____ at the other stores.   A. others    B. it       C. that        D. the ones 13. -I dislike _____ when others laugh at me in public or speak ill of me behind.    -So do I.   A. them     B. those       C. it       D. that 14. -Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music?     -_____. I prefer folk music.   A. Either    B. Both        C. None        D. Neither 15. Why don' t you trust and use old Tom? He is still as strong as _____ in the team.   A. nobody    B. anybody else    C. everybody     D. somebody else 16. -Are the new methods taking any effect?   -Yes,_____ articles are stolen from our supermarket.   A. few        B. more        C. some        D. none 17. During the meeting a young man cried out suddenly and threw his notebook at the chairman,_____ brought the room to disorder.   A. it      B. and which     C. and that      D. this 18. I've just seen no more than one copy of Gone with the Wind in the bookshop opposite. Tom, go and buy_____ back.   A. one        B. any      C. it       D. some


   人称代词分主格和宾格两种,前者在句子中担任主语,后者担任动词或介词的宾语。They study German.     / Please pass me the ruler.


a.当代词成对地使用或一个代词与一个名词搭配使用时,两个部分的句法功能必须一致。Li Hong and I went shopping yesterday.

    It was our teacher who smoothed away the difference between you and me.


you, he and I      them and us

如有其他代词时,其他代词排列于人称代词之后,如:he, I and some others


If I were she, I would take your advice.  

I would share the room with you if you were him.



Where is the cat? It’s in the kitchen. 

Jack is ill. Have you heard about it?

My book is missing. I can’t find it anywhere.

b.用以代替指示代词this, that。

What’s this? -- It’s a frog.   /Whose pen is that? -- It’s mine.


A lovely day, isn’t it?   /It’s two o’clock.

It’s about two li from here to our school.


It’s no use talking with him about that.    

It took me twenty minutes to get there.

We think it important that college students should master at least one foreign language.

e.用在强调结构中。为了强调句子的某一成分(通常是主语,宾语或状语),常用强调结构“It is (was) + 被强调成分 + that(或who)…”。

It was Liu Ming that I saw in the street this morning.

It was in the classroom that he told me about it.


①all / both


All (of us) like fruits.     /Both (of them) are good at English.


They all (或both) agreed with me.    /They are all (或both) very healthy.

I know them all (或both).

②one / it(人称代词)

one 代替可数名词,表示上面所提到的那一类人或物中的一个,其复数形式带定语时用ones,不带定语时用some。而it则用于指代上文提到的那个表示物的名词本身,既可指单数可数名词也可指不可数名词。

I don’t have a watch but I’m going to buy one(或some).

I have a bicycle. My aunt gave it to me.

③no one / none

no one 只用于指人,而none 既可指人也可指物。如果说“若干人(物)之中一个也不”,用“none of”,后接复数名词时,谓语可以用复数,也可用单数;后接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。如:

No one told me that he had gone to Shanghai.

None of them have(或has)arrived yet.(不用no one)

None of the money is mine.

④some / any /no /every +(thing, one, body等。)

some 类用于肯定句,any类用于否定和疑问句。

I know nothing of what had happened to him.

I have little rice, so I can’t lend you any.

She is going to buy some new dresses.

注:everyone和every one


everyone in the classroom(教室里的所有的人)

every one of the children(这些孩子中的每一个)

every one of the books(这些书中的每一本)


当all, both, each和every(body, thing)等表示整体意义的代词与否定词连用时,一般只表示部分否定,如果表示全部否定,应该用none, no one, neither, nobody, nothing等.

All of the students were not late for the class. 不是所有学生上课都迟到的。

(现代英语中常写成:Not all the students were late for the class.)

None of the students were late for the class.没有一个学生上课迟到的。


用于构成特殊疑问句,其中what, which, whose兼有形容词特征,可以和名词连用。

What job do you want to find?    /Whose girl is she?  

Which subject is your best one?


Who told you?        /Whom are you waiting for?  

Whose are those books?


1     which和what


Which colour do you like-green, red, yellow or brown?

What colour is her dress?

What writers do you like best?

6     which和who 两者都可作代词,它们的区别是不管选择的范围是大还是小,which一般用作指物。

Which would you like to eat –steak or fish?

Who won the game –Smith or Johnson ?

当有一定选择范围时,which one代替who作宾语.

Which one do you like better, your mother or your father?

Which of可和人称代词或指人的名词连用,如:

Which of you has taken away my English book?

4)连接代词who, whom, whose, which, what, whatever, whoever等,除起连接作用外,还可以在从句中担当主语,宾语,定语,表语等成分。如:

The question is who can operate the new machine.(引导表语从句--作主语)

They asked whose idea this was.(引导宾语从句--作定语)

When you are older, you can watch whatever programme you like.


I’ll give my ticket to whoever wants it.

(这里whoever可看成“anyone who”,or“the person who”).


1.We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because _______ of us had ______ money on us.

  A.all, no        B.any, no     C.none, any    D.no one, any

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