
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was seriously crippled (瘸) and very  36  , and when we would walk together, his hand  37   my arm for balance, people would stare. I would be inwardly ashamed at the unwanted  38  . If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never  39  .

It was difficult to coordinate (协调) our  40   -his halting, mine impatient – and because of that, we didn’t  41   much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You  42   the pace, I will try to adjust to you.”

Our usual walk was to or from the subway,  43   was how he got to work. He went to work  44  , and despite bad weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make  45   to the office even if others could not. A matter of pride.

When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk,  46   with help. At such times my sister or I would pull him  47   the streets of Brooklyn, NY, on a child’s sleigh to the subway entrance.  48   there, he would hold YC the handrail until he reached the  49   steps that the warmer tunnel air kept  50  . In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we  51   him in Brooklyn on his way home.

When I think of it now, I am  52   at how much courage it  53   for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity (侮辱) and stress. And at  54   he did it – without bitterness or  55  .

36.A.tall          B.strong         C.short          D.stupid

37.A.on           B.around         C.in            D.with

38.A.help          B.care           C.research        D.attention

39.A.let down       B.let on          C.let in          D.let off

40.A.words        B.steps          C.actions         D.ways

41.A.say          B.do            C.act            D.think

42.A.force         B.set            C.stand          D.keep

43.A.than          B.it             C.which         D.one

44.A.hungry        B.safe           C.alone          D.sick

45.A.him          B.them          C.another        D.it

46.A.only          B.even          C.just           D.ever

47.A.across        B.over           C.into           D.through

48.A.Once         B.When          C.Since          D.Before

49.A.lower         B.topper         C.cleaner         D.harder

50.A.hot          B.warm          C.ice – free       D.snow – covered

51.A.pulled        B.held           C.met           D.found

52.A.surprised      B.determined      C.encouraged      D.inspired

53.A.should have taken  B.had taken    C.must have taken  D.takes

54.A.why          B.how           C.what          D.whether

55.A.happiness      B.pried          C.difficulty       D.complaint

第一节:语法与词汇  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

21.It is generally believed that    boy must learn to stand on his own legs and fight like     man.    A.the; a                B.a; /  C.a; a   D.the; the

22.- Shall we go out on a picnic this weekend?

-    .

   A.Go ahead     B.That couldn’t be better  C.No doubt   D.No wonder

23.Could you keep   secret that John’s parents have split up?

   A.that           B./             C.him           D.it

24.She has been in   doctors describe as a vegetative state for six years.

   A.what          B.which         C.that           D.how

25.-What a collection of stamps about the Cultural Revolution you have!

-I still need one mort to    it.

   A.complete       B.close          C.end           D.finish

26.-My car and my boss’ are similar   size and design.

-It is stupid   you to follow others’ footsteps.

   A.in; for         B.to; of          C.in; of          D.to; for

27.-Have you finished your essay?

-Half   when you come back.

   A.has been done    B.is done         C.be done        D.will have been done

28.The English majors, most of   girls, seldom win in sports competitions.

   A.that      B.which      C.whom   D.them

29.Nowadays teachers feel they can’t help   reading materials suitable for every student, so they encourage   English by Internet.

   A.finding; learning  B.to find; learning  C.finding; to learn  D.to find; to learn

30.-Wang Lin has been transferred to the Guangzhou branch.

-Does he have to sell the new apartment he has just had   ?

   A.it decorating     B.decorated       C.it decorated     D.to be decorated

31.-My uncle suggests I    abroad.

-I would rather you   at home.

   A.go; stay        B.went; stayed     C.go; stayed       D.went; stay

32.They can   behavior from their daughter but not anyone else.

   A.get along with   B.come up with  C.make contact with  D.put up with

33.-Fiona never fails to grasp any chance of promotion.

-She’s a woman of   .

   A.ambition       B.attention        C.expectation      D.reputation

34.On teacher’s Day, we all went to school   to see our teachers.

   A.especially       B.specially        C.particularly      D.attentively

35.She is not   in dealing with class affairs, so her students consider her unfair and unreasonable.

   A.confident       B.conventional     C.controversial     D.consistent

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