I. 听小对话, 选择图片(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)

1. What is Dave looking for?

A            B            C  

2. What is the lantern made of?

    A             B            C

3. What was on last night?

A             B            C

4. How is Bill feeling now?

   A              B            C

5. What might Jason’s sister do?

   A             B             C

Ⅱ. 听小对话,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)

6. What’s the matter with the boy?

A. He has a toothache.        B. He has a sore throat.     C. He has a backache.

7. What time did Gina go home yesterday?

A. 8:00.                B. 7:30.               C. 6:30.

8. What can the woman wear to the party?

 A. Shorts.               B. Jeans.               C. A skirt.

9. How much money has been raised for the Children’s Hospital?

 A. $25,000.              B. $50,000.              C. $100,000.

10. What is recycled paper like?

 A. It has a strange smell.     B. It looks dirty.       C. It looks a little old.

Ⅲ. 听长对话,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)


11. Why did the girl come to China?

A. To see her parents.      B. To go travelling.       C. To go to university.

12. Where is the girl most probably going to work after she graduates?

     A. In China.              B. In England.        C. In Japan.


13. Which title of the news are Fred and Linda talking about?




14. What does Linda think of wild animals going back to the forest?

  A. It is good for the wild animals.

  B. The wild animals won’t be able to live on their own after they leave the zoo.

  C. There will be nowhere for the children to see wild animals any more.

15. What is Fred worried about?

  A. How the wild animals can make a living out of the zoo.

  B. Visitors will lose their interest in the City Zoo.

  C. How the zoo keepers can have a safe life.

Ⅳ. 听短文,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1 分,满分5 分)

16. What did Dick like doing very much?

A. Listening.             B. Speaking.             C. Reading.     

17. What exam would Jim take next Monday?

A. English.               B. Chinese.             C. Maths.       

18. Why did Jim go to Dick for help?

A. He missed a lot of lessons.  B. He was afraid to fail the exam. C. He wanted to get an “A”.

19. How many subjects are mentioned in this passage?

A. One.                B. Two.                C. Three.       

20. Which is not true according to the passage?

A. Dick had got an “A” in maths.         B. There were a lot of books in Dick’s room.

C. Dick would like to help Jim at once.    

A: Good morning,madam.

B: Good morning, sir.

A: You look worried. 66___________?

B: My daughter got lost when I did shopping in the market this morning. I’ve looked for her everywhere in the market, but I can’t find her. What shall I do?

A: 67_____________.Tell us something about her. I am sure I can help you.

B: Thank you, sir.

A: Now please tell me 68____________.

B: She’s five years old.

A: 69_____________

B: She’s kind of heavy and she has a round face and long curly hair.

A: What color dress is she wearing today?

B: 70_____________

A: Where did you find she was missing?

B: In the Kids World.

A: OK. What’s your telephone number?

B: It’s 89256480.

A: All right. We’ll start to look for her right away. We’ll call you as soon as we find her.

B: Thank you very much.     

A:  You are welcome

66 A What’s wrong with you?      B How is it going? 

C What about you?         D Where are you from?   

67 A That’s all right.   B Don’t worry, please   C Don’t mention it.  D. Be careful, please.

68 A how old she is   B how she is      C What she is     D what she does

69 A Is she kind of heavy?       B Does she have a round face?

C What does she look like?     D What does she like to do?

70 A She’s wearing a long T-shirt.    B She’s wearing sunglasses

C She’s wearning sports shoes    D.She’s wearing a red and white skirt

26-Tim, do you have _____________ soccer ball?

-Yes, I do.

A. a         B. an          C. the         D. /

27-What’s your brother’s name?

-_____________ name is Jack.

A. My        B. Her         C. His         D. Our

28-Is this your ruler, Sonia?

-Yes, _____________.

A this is       B. that is         C it is         D. it isn’t

29-Do you like _____________, Mr. Wang?

-Sure, I like fruits very much and the y are healthy food.

A. chicken      B. apples        C ice cream       D. hamburgers

30-What kind of movies do you like?

-I like action movies _____________ I like Beijing Opera.

A or         B so          C and         D but

31-What time does your mother get up?

-She gets up _____________ six o’clock every day, but a little later on weekends.

A in         B on           C at         D during

32-______________ is your exams to high senior school, Li Lei?

-I am not sure, maybe from June 12th to 14th.

A Where       B When         C Why        D What

33-What’s your favorite subject, Jane?

-My favorite subject is P.E. because it is _____________

A boring       B difficult         C exciting       D interested

34 Shanghai Disneyland is coming to China.Which of the following is NOT the Disneyland cartoon character?


A           B           C           D

35-What do you want do be when you grow up?

-I want to work for _____________ and open up my own company

A me         B mine         C myself        D. I

36-Can you come to my party this Sunday, Linda?

-_____________. When is it?

A Yes, I can.      B No, I can’t.      C Sure, I’d love to   D Sorry, I’m busy.

37-____________ have you been in Jinan, Miss Smith?

-For about two years. I teach English in a language school.

A How far      B How much       C How often      D How long

38-What do you think of the pop singer Jay Chou?

-I think he can’t sing ____________ enough and it is hard to understand.

A loudly       B quickly         C clearly        D happily

39-_____________ listen to music in the classroom or the hallways, Peter.

-Sorry, I won’t, Mrs. Black

A. Doesn’t      B. Don’t        C. Didn’t      D. Can’t


-It was pretty cold. We had to wear warm clothes.

A How was the weather last weekend       B What was the date of your vacation    

C How was your vacation            D What kind of food would you like

41-Could you please _____________?

-Yes, sure.

A doing the dishes   B. to take out the trash   C make your bed    D cleaned your bedroom

42-What are the rules in the library?

-First magazines cann’t be ____________ from the library.

A taken after     B taken part        C taken off      D taken away

43-The twin sister look the same.

-I think so. Even their parents call them ____________

A by mistake     B by accident        C by the way     D by the time

44 The best tickets for Jay Chou’s concert on May Day ____________ more than 2,000 RMB

A pay        B. cost          C spend       D take

45-Do you think teenagers _____________ be allowed to have a part-time jobt?

-I disagree. They are not old enough to do that.

A would      B could           C should       D might

46-I am new in the school and I know ____________ here.

-The kids are very kind and I think you will make friends with them soon.

A somebody     B anybody         C nobody       D everybody

47-I think _____________ fewer cars in the future.

-I agree. People will use subway more

A. there is     B there are         C there will be      D have

48-Do you know the girl over there? I often see her ____________ her classmates.

-Yes, she is Lily. She is a very warm-hearted girl

A help      B to help          C helping        D helped

49 Look at the prices:

  Hamburger:   8 yuan each

  French Fries:  6 yuan each

  Coke :     5 yuan each

  You should pay _____________ yuan for the meal on the right.

A fourteen     B eleven          C nineteen       D thirteen

50-Why do you want to be a teacher?

-If I _____________ a teacher, I can work with lovely kids.

A become     B becomes         C became       D will become

51 -What else do you want to buy?

-I can’t because my money has been ____________ already.

A kept out     B run away         C ended up       D run out of

52-Do you like the city of Jinan?

-Yes, I ____________ here for ten years and it is really a beautiful city.

A have been    B have left      C have come       D have arrived

53-the Snooker player Ding Junhui ______________ be too quiet

-But now he is more outgoing than before.

A used to be     B is used for be     C is used to be      D get used ro be

54-I have a terrible cold, so I can’t go shopping with you.


A Glad to hear that          B I am sorry to hear that   

C I don’t agree with you       D I hope so.

55-Excuse me. Could you tell me _____________


A where were you born        B what color is your bike

C if I can join the music club      D when is your birthday

A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子,每个句子听一遍。( 5分)

1. A. She went hiking in the hills .        B. They really like watching movies.

C. We should exercise more to keep healthy.

2. A. Most of our teachers come to school by bus  B. My parents took me to the hospital

C. Mary didn’t go to Tom’s birthday party.

3. A. Is the hotel between the park and the station?  B. Did you visit your best friend on vacation?

C. Can you put my article in next month’s magazine?

4. A. Don’t listen to music in the library .      B. Let’s stop talking about our problems.

C. Bob hopes to fly to the moon some day.

5. A. What kind of food would you like?      B. When were you supposed to arrive?

C. What if everyone else brings a gift?

B)听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与所听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。   (5分)

6.  A.          B.           C.

7.  A.           B.           C.

8.  A.           B.           C.

9.   A.           B.           C.

10.  A.            B.          C.


11. A. To the bookstore.     B. To the police station.    C. To the post office.

12. A. Lucy          B. His sister.         C. His friend.

13. A. 7:00          B. 7:30           C. 8:00

14. A. Fruits and vegetables    B. Fast food         C. Food and drinks

15. A. Yes, they will       B. No, they won’t.      C. It isn’t mentioned.


16. A. Brown       B. Black           C. Blue

17. A. Taking a walk     B. Running and playing with a ball 

C. Eating and playing with another dog

18. A. It was vey cold.    B. It was very windy.    C. It was very hot.

19. A. To watch the coat   B. To play with the coat   C. To carry the coat

20. A. Because he was playing under the tree.  B. Because he was sleeping on the coat.

  C. Because he was sitting on the coat.

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