One evening, three old men came to a house and knocked at the door. The hostess(女主人)opened the door.  41  she didn’t know them, she asked them to  42  and have something to eat because she thought they must be  43  . To the woman’s surprise, they were not  44  to come into the house together. One of them explained, “We are called Wealth(财富), Success and Love. You have to choose  45  of us.” “Go in and discuss with your  46  which of us you want in your home,” added another old man.

   The woman told the family  47  had happened. Her husband advised inviting Wealth. He hoped their house would be filled with  48  . But the woman  49  Success. Their daughter was  50  from one corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion, “It would be  51  if we invited Love. Our house will then be full of love!”

   “Let’s listen to our daughter.” The husband finally made the  52  . The woman went out and asked the three old men, “Which of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest(客人).”

   Love  53  and started walking towards the door. The other two  54  . Surprised, the woman asked, “I  55  invite Love, why are you coming in?”

   The old men replied together, “Wherever Love goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, There is also Wealth and Success.”

(   ) 41. A. Though
B. Because
C. Before
D. When
(   ) 42. A. leave
B. walk
C. enter
D. run
(   ) 43. A. unhappy
B. thirsty
C. angry
D. hungry
(   ) 44. A. confident
B. willing
C. afraid
D. sorry
(   ) 45. A. some
B. three
C. two
D. one
(   ) 46. A. son
B. husband
C. family
D. daughter
(   ) 47. A. what
B. anything
C. it
D. that
(   ) 48. A. health
B. time
C. love
D. money
(   ) 49. A. refused
B. preferred
C. disliked
D. remembered
(   ) 50. A. listening
B. reading
C. playing
D. drawing
(   ) 51. A. more generous
B. more interesting
C. better
D. safer
(   ) 52. A. mistake
B. plan
C. wish
D. decision
(   ) 53. A. got up
B. gave up
C. grew up
D. woke up
(   ) 54. A. left
B. cried
C. followed
D. argued
(   ) 55. once
B. only
C. always
D. often

第15章---Do you see ________ man with ______ dog?

---Oh, yes.________ dog is yellow.

A. the; a; A     B. a; a; The    C. a; a; A     D. a; the; A

第16章 I don’t know when my son_____ back, but when he______ back, I’ll give you a call.

A. comes; comes               B. will come; will come 

C. comes; will come             D. will come; comes

第17章---Look! Jack is crossing the street.

---It ______ be him. He’s in Beijing and he won’t be back until Friday.

 A. may       B. can     C. can’t      D. mustn’t

第18章I don't like bread. I won't eat it ______ I am very hungry.

A. if         B. when     C. as      D. unless

第19章There are about ________ trees on the hill over there.

A. two thousand             B. two thousands 

C. two thousands of           D. two thousand of

第20章Nobody but Jim and his uncle__________.

A. know who is he            B. know who he is 

C. knows who is he           D. knows who he is

第21章Father ______the city of New York three days ago. 

 A. had left      B. left to   C. left off      D. left for

第22章The population of China is _________ than ______ of any other country.

A. more, it    B. more, that    C. larger; it     D. larger; that

第23章The manager came up to see ____________.

A. what was the matter      B. what the matter was 

C. what the matter is       D. what’s the matter.

第24章_______you offered him!

A. How useful advice     B. What useful advice  

C. How a useful advice     D. what a useful advice

第25章 This picture probably means“______”.

        A. Hello!      B. Come here.    

        C. We won!     D. Be quiet.

第26章---Are you going shopping _______bus?

      ----No, we are going ________Tom’s car.

A. by; by    B. on; by      C. in; on     D. by; in

第27章Mr. Green taught _______ English in our school and taught_______ French at home.

      A. us, his   B. him, us   C. us, himself   D. our, himself

第28章They _____ in Nanjing since they came to China two years ago.

    A. lived   B. have lived       C. live     D. are living

第29章 -----Don’t step on the grass next time, Mike.

----- __________

A. Is that so?   B. Don’t worry.   C. No, I don’t   D. Sorry, I won’t

第30章-----What about going hiking this afternoon, Simon?

      ----- I prefer     to     . It’s too hot outside.

  A. going hiking; staying at home      B. to stay at home; hike

      C. to hike; stay at home         D. staying at home; going hiking

第31章---- Excuse me. When can we play badminton at the court?

       ---- Not until it           next week.

  A. repairs    B. will repair    C. is repaired   D. will be repaired

第32章-----Wow, so many new houses! I can’t believe that. It used to be a poor village.

----- Yes,_________ has changed here.

A. Nothing    B. Something   C. Everything   D. Anything

第33章What is the best way you think of ______ the environment?

  A. to protect    B. protecting   C. protect   D. protected

第34章-----Are Mr. and Mrs. Wang living alone in the house?

       -----Yes, they have three sons, but ______ of them live in their own houses.

  A. neither B. both     C. all   D. none

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