
In one way of thinking. failure is part of life. In  1   way, failure may be a way towards success. The “Spider-story” is often  2  .Robert Bruce , leader of the Scots in the 13 th century, was hiding in a cave from the English. He watched a spider  3  a web. The spider tried to reach across a rough  4   in the rock. He tried six times. On the  5   time he made it and went on to make his web. Bruce is said to have been encouraged by this and to have gone on to  6  the English . Edison , the inventor of the light bulb, made

  7   models that failed before he found the right way to make one. Once he was asked   8   he kept on trying to make a new type of battery when he had failed so often, he replied, “Failure? I have  9   failure. Now I know 50,000 ways it won't   10 ”.

So what? First,always think about your failure. What caused  11  ?Were conditions right? Were you in top from yourself? What can you change? So things will go   12   next time.

Second, is the goal you're trying to reach the right one? Try to do some   13  about what your real goals may be. Think about this question. “If I do succeed in this, where will it get me?" This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn't be doing any way.

The third thing to keep in  14   about failure is that it's a part of life. Learn to “live with yourself" even though you may have  15 

1.  A. other     B. another     C. first      D. second

2.A. told     B. said       C. talked      D. spoken

3.  A. doing     B. taking      C. making      D. playing

4.A. room     B. house      C. place       D. soil

5.  A. tenth     B. sixth      C. eighth      D. seventh

6.A. save     B. help       C. defeat      D. kill

7.A. hundred    B. hundreds   C. hundred of    D. hundreds of

8.  A. why      B. when       C. what       D. who

9.  A. not      B. no        C. never      D. nothing

10.A. do      B. make       C. took       D. work

11. A. one      B. it        C. that     D. this

12.A. high     B. large      C. right     D. bright

13.A. Thinking   B. shopping     C. reading    D. cleaning

14. A. heart     B. eyes       C. ears     D. mind

15. A. failed.     B. succeeded    C. finished    D. passed


A schoolboy’s life is in preparation for the real battle of life. It is also  1   of differences and interests. One of the  2   important parts of a schoolboy’s life is to get  3   knowledge and good mind-training as he can . His  4  business in school is to learn. He  5   to read the book he is  6   in the classes. He has to do the homework set to him. Another part that forms a schoolboy's life is the school discipline(纪律).At school there are

  7   rules  8  .This strict discipline is very   9   for him when he  10   the society to  11   a living. It teaches him some very necessary virtues(美德)on the road to a  12   life.

School is a place for a schoolboy to learn what the social life is 13   .For in the classroom and the playground, he has to mix with  his fellows and not members of his family.

He cannot behave(表现)as he does in his home. He is no longer a spoilt(宠坏的)child, and his school fellows will not give  14   to his wishes. He soon gets his corners  robbed of and learns the lesson of giv-and-take, good manners, and thought for  15   .This is also the way when he has to carry himself in society.

1. A. full     B. fond     C. sure     D. short

2. A. larger    B. greater    C. most     D. different

3. A. many as   B. little     C. as much    D. more

4. A. mostly    B. main     C. almost    D. partly

5. A. has     B. likes     C. requires    D. obliges

6. A. learned    B. studied    C. examined   D. taught

7. A. hard     B. strict     C. loose     D. kind

8. A. kept     B. being kept   C. keeping    D. to be kept

9. A. useful    B. harmful    C. bad      D. pleasant

10. A. enters    B. leaves     C. comes     D. organizes

11. A. produce   B. make     C. get      D. take

12. A. successful  B. rich      C. poor     D. famous

13. A. like     B. on      C. up      D. for

14. A. in     B. up      C. off      D. out

15. A. himself   B. teachers    C. others     D. his parents

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