摘要: A. slipped B. danced C. flew D. ran 答案:B 指导:此处表示罗比演奏得非常熟练.精彩.手指在琴键上像“跳舞 一般.slip意为“滑倒 ,flow意为“流动.飞奔 ,run"跑 .都不能形容罗比弹钢琴时手指的熟练.


While you are much safer inside than out, lightning can strike you even in the home. Here's how to   1   yourself indoors:

   1. Stay away from   2   . Get out of the shower of bath. Don' t   3   conductors such as fireplaces and metal pipes.

   Cherryl Falvey of Killingworth Conn. was struck   4   lightning last year while washing her clothes. Lightning   5   a window next to the washing machine, struck her right hand,    6   through her body and finally out of her   7   arm. "It was as though I was   8   a bolt of lightning in my hands," remembers Falvey,  who was   9   across the room.

   2. Stay off the telephone. It isn't an old wives'     10      Many people have been hurt through telephone wires. It was   11   outside while Peter Van Artrijk, Jr. was on the    12   at his house in Florida. "Barn! A bolt hit the building," he says. "I   13   the hair on my arms stand on end and a charge hit me through telephone, which was   14   blown out of my hand."

   3. Unplug televisions, computers, etc. Don' t just turn them   15  . If the house is struck, they could be damaged if you keep them   16  in.

   4. Try lightning rods if your   17   is very often hit by lightning.    18   fixed, says Rust, lightning rods   19   the chances of damage to a home and to the   20   inside it.

1. A. save        B. hide      C. spend     D. protect

2. A. houses      B. rooms      C. doors      D. windows

3. A. touch       B. grasp      C. move      D. seize

4. A. by       B. through      C. into       D. with

5. A. broke       B. reached      C. entered      D. forced

6. A. slipped      B. traveled      C. spread     D. rolled

7. A. wounded      B. hurt       C. right      D. left

8. A. holding     B. carrying     C. keeping      D. pacing

9. A. shaken      B. swept      C. thrown     D. drawn

10. A. talk        B. tale       C. news      D. report

11. A. dark       B. lightning    C. silent     D. raining

12. A. phone      B. sofa       C. bed      D. chair

13. A. felt       B. discovered    C. found      D, sensed

14. A. simply     B. hardly      C. almost      D. completely

15. A. on        B. over       C. off        D. down

16. A. turned     B. plugged     C. opened      D. played

17. A. town        B. area       C. building     D. courtyard

18. A. Properly      B. Quickly     C. Highly      D. Prettily

19. A. recover     B. reuse      C. repair     D. reduce

20. A. men        B. women      C. people     D. families


Miss Green was watching TV to relax herself after a day’s work. Suddenly the program    1   .“Sorry to interrupt the program. Now we are requested to broadcast an important notice from the    2   :At about nine this evening, an old woman   3    79 named Mrs. Humney was robbed and killed by a robber who was    4    a green coat.   5    who can supply any clue(线索) are requested to report to the police.” The terrible news made the lonely girl filled with    6   .She couldn’t help looking   7   .But she didn’t notice that a man was already behind the door to the veranda(走廊) .

All of a sudden the man    8    before Miss Green. The girl really didn’t know what to    9   .“Don’t    10    for trouble. Just    11    your necklace and ring on the table, then I’ll think over whether I shall be safe to stay here for the night,” said the robber. That made Miss Green even more    12    but she tried to calm herself.

Just then there came the whistle of a police car. In a little while, someone    13    the door bell. The man said with a pistol(手枪)     14    the girl’s back. “Don’t    15    the door and say you have gone to bed. Never let him in.” But the girl got an idea. She asked the man outside the door, “Oh, who is it?” “I’m sergeant Bull. Miss Green, is there    16    unusual here?” “No, there isn’t.” Immediately she added    17   ,“only my brother and I are here in the room.” “Well then, good night.” Bull replied in the same loud voice.

A few minutes later, the sound of the police car could not be heard. “It’s well done,” the robber laughed. Then he rushed to the girl. Almost at the same time the glass on the window of Miss Green    18    into pieces. The policemen    19    into the room from the veranda and caught the robber before he could run away.

“Miss Green,   20    you said about your brother’s being in the room made us take action right away,” said Sergeant Bull, “for we have already known that your brother was killed in an accident a year ago.”

1. A. started      B. stopped        C. ended          D. disappeared

2. A. police     B. government     C. army          D. prison

3. A. for        B. at                C. of          D. with

4. A. dressed           B. wearing       C. on          D. putting on

5. A. People     B. Any          C. These          D. Those

6. A. fear            B. anger          C. surprise       D. sadness

7. A. around     B. back         C. up          D. over

8. A. came       B. walked        C. appeared       D. ran

9?. A. say         B. make         C. do            D. deal with

10. A. ask        B. take          C. except        D. stand

11. A. take off      B. put           C. hand in        D. give out

12. A. terrify     B. terrified        C. terrifying      D. terrible

13. A. rang     B. touched        C. turned on      D. struck

14. A. on         B. at            C. to          D. against

15. A. knock           B. get out of      C. close        D. open

16. A. someone    B. anyone         C. anything       D. something

17. A. excitedly    B. anxiously      C. aloud            D. bravely

18. A. turned           B. brought       C. broke          D. changed

19. A. slipped      B. went          C. fell            D. hurried

20. A. what          B. when          C. while           D. that



Miss Green was watching TV to relax herself after a day’s work. Suddenly the program    1   .“Sorry to interrupt the program. Now we are requested to broadcast an important notice from the    2   :At about nine this evening, an old woman   3    79 named Mrs. Humney was robbed and killed by a robber who was    4    a green coat.   5    who can supply any clue(线索) are requested to report to the police.” The terrible news made the lonely girl filled with    6   .She couldn’t help looking   7   .But she didn’t notice that a man was already behind the door to the veranda(走廊) .

All of a sudden the man    8    before Miss Green. The girl really didn’t know what to    9   .“Don’t    10    for trouble. Just    11    your necklace and ring on the table, then I’ll think over whether I shall be safe to stay here for the night,” said the robber. That made Miss Green even more    12    but she tried to calm herself.

Just then there came the whistle of a police car. In a little while, someone    13    the door bell. The man said with a pistol(手枪)     14    the girl’s back. “Don’t    15    the door and say you have gone to bed. Never let him in.” But the girl got an idea. She asked the man outside the door, “Oh, who is it?” “I’m sergeant Bull. Miss Green, is there    16    unusual here?” “No, there isn’t.” Immediately she added    17   ,“only my brother and I are here in the room.” “Well then, good night.” Bull replied in the same loud voice.

A few minutes later, the sound of the police car could not be heard. “It’s well done,” the robber laughed. Then he rushed to the girl. Almost at the same time the glass on the window of Miss Green    18    into pieces. The policemen    19    into the room from the veranda and caught the robber before he could run away.

“Miss Green,   20    you said about your brother’s being in the room made us take action right away,” said Sergeant Bull, “for we have already known that your brother was killed in an accident a year ago.”

1. A. started      B. stopped        C. ended          D. disappeared

2. A. police     B. government     C. army          D. prison

3. A. for        B. at                C. of          D. with

4. A. dressed           B. wearing       C. on          D. putting on

5. A. People     B. Any          C. These          D. Those

6. A. fear            B. anger          C. surprise       D. sadness

7. A. around     B. back         C. up          D. over

8. A. came       B. walked        C. appeared       D. ran

9. A. say         B. make         C. do            D. deal with

10. A. ask        B. take          C. except        D. stand

11. A. take off      B. put           C. hand in        D. give out

12. A. terrify     B. terrified        C. terrifying      D. terrible

13. A. rang     B. touched        C. turned on      D. struck

14. A. on         B. at            C. to          D. against

15. A. knock           B. get out of      C. close        D. open

16. A. someone    B. anyone         C. anything       D. something

17. A. excitedly    B. anxiously      C. aloud            D. bravely

18. A. turned           B. brought       C. broke          D. changed

19. A. slipped      B. went          C. fell            D. hurried

20. A. what          B. when          C. while           D. that



While you are much safer inside than out, lightning can strike you even in the home. Here's how to   1   yourself indoors:

   1. Stay away from   2   . Get out of the shower of bath. Don' t   3   conductors such as fireplaces and metal pipes.

   Cherryl Falvey of Killingworth Conn. was struck   4   lightning last year while washing her clothes. Lightning   5   a window next to the washing machine, struck her right hand,    6   through her body and finally out of her   7   arm. "It was as though I was   8   a bolt of lightning in my hands," remembers Falvey,  who was   9   across the room.

   2. Stay off the telephone. It isn't an old wives'     10      Many people have been hurt through telephone wires. It was   11   outside while Peter Van Artrijk, Jr. was on the    12   at his house in Florida. "Barn! A bolt hit the building," he says. "I   13   the hair on my arms stand on end and a charge hit me through telephone, which was   14   blown out of my hand."

   3. Unplug televisions, computers, etc. Don' t just turn them   15  . If the house is struck, they could be damaged if you keep them   16  in.

   4. Try lightning rods if your   17   is very often hit by lightning.    18   fixed, says Rust, lightning rods   19   the chances of damage to a home and to the   20   inside it.

1. A. save        B. hide      C. spend     D. protect

2. A. houses      B. rooms      C. doors      D. windows

3. A. touch       B. grasp      C. move      D. seize

4. A. by       B. through      C. into       D. with

5. A. broke       B. reached      C. entered      D. forced

6. A. slipped      B. traveled      C. spread     D. rolled

7. A. wounded      B. hurt       C. right      D. left

8. A. holding     B. carrying     C. keeping      D. pacing

9. A. shaken      B. swept      C. thrown     D. drawn

10. A. talk        B. tale       C. news      D. report

11. A. dark       B. lightning    C. silent     D. raining

12. A. phone      B. sofa       C. bed      D. chair

13. A. felt       B. discovered    C. found      D, sensed

14. A. simply     B. hardly      C. almost      D. completely

15. A. on        B. over       C. off        D. down

16. A. turned     B. plugged     C. opened      D. played

17. A. town        B. area       C. building     D. courtyard

18. A. Properly      B. Quickly     C. Highly      D. Prettily

19. A. recover     B. reuse      C. repair     D. reduce

20. A. men        B. women      C. people     D. families



(2013·高考陕西卷)To celebrate the end of our examsmy friends and I went to a fast food restaurant.We____hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter.When our____cameI started walking towards an empty table.By bad luckmy purse strap(带子)got____on a chair and the tray(托盘)that I was holding slipped___my hands and went flying in the air.The trayand its contents____on a man who was just about to____a bite of his sandwich.I staredgreatly____as the drinks soaked(浸湿)his white shirt.

Then I___my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of____.Insteadhe said“It’s OK”to____me before he disappeared into the washroom.

Still shaky and unsure____to do nextmy friends and I went to a table and sat theretrying our best to look____.A moment laterthe man came out of the washroom and___our table.My heart almost stopped____.I thought he was going to ask for my father’s__and call him.

To my surprisehe merely smiled at ushanded us some cash and said“____yourself new hamburgers.”He then walked____without even finishing his food.

He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse____he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still____in this world.I’ll never____his actions.

1.A.ordered       Bmade

Carranged? Ddemanded

2.A.food? Bturn

Cbill? Dmenu

3.A.fixed? Bcaught

Ccut? Dtied

4.A.by? Bin

Cfrom? Dout

5.A.knocked? Bfell

Cstood? Dhung

6.A.take? Btaste

Cswallow? Dchew

7.A.discouraged? Bdisappointed

Cshocked? Dannoyed

8.A.rolled? Brubbed

Cnarrowed? Dclosed

9.A.bitterness? Banxiety

Canger? Dsorrow

10.A.satisfy? Bcomfort

Cencourage? Dpraise

11.A.how? Bwho

Cwhat? Dwhich

12.A.mild? Bhonest

Ccalm? Dmodest

13.A.pushed? Bapproached

Cdrew? Dlaid

14.A.beating? Bbreaking

Csinking? Dtrembling

15.A.help? Bposition

Cnumber? Djob

16.A.Prepare? BBuy

CFind? DCook

17.A.on? Baround

Cup? Daway

18.A.so? Bsince

Calthough? Dbut

19.A.kindness? Bhappiness

Cpoliteness? Dbrightness

20.A.forget? Brefuse

Coppose? Dignore



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