
Miss Green was watching TV to relax herself after a day’s work. Suddenly the program    1   .“Sorry to interrupt the program. Now we are requested to broadcast an important notice from the    2   :At about nine this evening, an old woman   3    79 named Mrs. Humney was robbed and killed by a robber who was    4    a green coat.   5    who can supply any clue(线索) are requested to report to the police.” The terrible news made the lonely girl filled with    6   .She couldn’t help looking   7   .But she didn’t notice that a man was already behind the door to the veranda(走廊) .

All of a sudden the man    8    before Miss Green. The girl really didn’t know what to    9   .“Don’t    10    for trouble. Just    11    your necklace and ring on the table, then I’ll think over whether I shall be safe to stay here for the night,” said the robber. That made Miss Green even more    12    but she tried to calm herself.

Just then there came the whistle of a police car. In a little while, someone    13    the door bell. The man said with a pistol(手枪)     14    the girl’s back. “Don’t    15    the door and say you have gone to bed. Never let him in.” But the girl got an idea. She asked the man outside the door, “Oh, who is it?” “I’m sergeant Bull. Miss Green, is there    16    unusual here?” “No, there isn’t.” Immediately she added    17   ,“only my brother and I are here in the room.” “Well then, good night.” Bull replied in the same loud voice.

A few minutes later, the sound of the police car could not be heard. “It’s well done,” the robber laughed. Then he rushed to the girl. Almost at the same time the glass on the window of Miss Green    18    into pieces. The policemen    19    into the room from the veranda and caught the robber before he could run away.

“Miss Green,   20    you said about your brother’s being in the room made us take action right away,” said Sergeant Bull, “for we have already known that your brother was killed in an accident a year ago.”

1. A. started      B. stopped        C. ended          D. disappeared

2. A. police     B. government     C. army          D. prison

3. A. for        B. at                C. of          D. with

4. A. dressed           B. wearing       C. on          D. putting on

5. A. People     B. Any          C. These          D. Those

6. A. fear            B. anger          C. surprise       D. sadness

7. A. around     B. back         C. up          D. over

8. A. came       B. walked        C. appeared       D. ran

9?. A. say         B. make         C. do            D. deal with

10. A. ask        B. take          C. except        D. stand

11. A. take off      B. put           C. hand in        D. give out

12. A. terrify     B. terrified        C. terrifying      D. terrible

13. A. rang     B. touched        C. turned on      D. struck

14. A. on         B. at            C. to          D. against

15. A. knock           B. get out of      C. close        D. open

16. A. someone    B. anyone         C. anything       D. something

17. A. excitedly    B. anxiously      C. aloud            D. bravely

18. A. turned           B. brought       C. broke          D. changed

19. A. slipped      B. went          C. fell            D. hurried

20. A. what          B. when          C. while           D. that



1.       突然之间节目停了

2.       根据后面的案件判断应该是police警察发的通知

3.       一名79岁名叫Mrs. Humney的老妇人

4.       穿着一件绿色外套

5.       定语从句的先行词

6.       filled with fear满身恐惧

7.       look around四周看

8.       appear出现

9.       what to do做什么

10.   不要找麻烦

11.   把你的项链和戒指放在桌上

12.   terrified恐惧的

13.   有人按门铃

14.   抵着女孩的背

15.   不要开门

16.   Is there anything unusual here?这儿有没有什么不平常的啊?

17.   很快她有大声补充道

18.   broke into pieces破成碎片

19.   hurry into冲进

20.   what引导的主语从句




Instructions: Mr.Brown、Miss Green、Mrs.Smith、Uncle Tom和Professor Henry想选择自己喜欢的电视节目观看。第77至78题是他们各自的情况介绍。阅读下面六则相关电视节目的描述(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Mr.Brown concerns himself about Asian news events.

    Miss Green is fond of traveling to China.

    Mrs.Smith is particularly interested in British life.

    Uncle Tom is only concerned about international issues.

    Professor Henry wants to learn more about China’s economy.


Dialogue is a daily 30-minute talk show airing different opinions and a public forum of free debate.It is an in-depth program analyzing(分析)home news events.


Anchor(主持人):Yang Rui.


Asia Today reports news events concerning Asia.

Time:02:00,07:00,20:00,every day.

Anchor:Yang Fuqing.


Biz China highlights (集锦) the latest home and international financial (金融的) activities and market trends.


Anchors:Susan Li,Kate Kui,Jacquculine Chan and Chris Galen.


Culture Express is a daily magazine of news and information about the cultural scenes in U.K.


Anchors:Cathleen Chang,Zow Alls Brook.


Travelogue is a guide to beautiful tourist destinations in China.

Time:09:30,15:30,21:30,03:30,Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Anchors:Chang Ying,Yang Ling,Xiao Lan and Chen Lei.


World Wide Watch provides in-depth analysis on major international issues twice a day.


Anchor:James Chau.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
