
While you are much safer inside than out, lightning can strike you even in the home. Here's how to   1   yourself indoors:

   1. Stay away from   2   . Get out of the shower of bath. Don' t   3   conductors such as fireplaces and metal pipes.

   Cherryl Falvey of Killingworth Conn. was struck   4   lightning last year while washing her clothes. Lightning   5   a window next to the washing machine, struck her right hand,    6   through her body and finally out of her   7   arm. "It was as though I was   8   a bolt of lightning in my hands," remembers Falvey,  who was   9   across the room.

   2. Stay off the telephone. It isn't an old wives'     10      Many people have been hurt through telephone wires. It was   11   outside while Peter Van Artrijk, Jr. was on the    12   at his house in Florida. "Barn! A bolt hit the building," he says. "I   13   the hair on my arms stand on end and a charge hit me through telephone, which was   14   blown out of my hand."

   3. Unplug televisions, computers, etc. Don' t just turn them   15  . If the house is struck, they could be damaged if you keep them   16  in.

   4. Try lightning rods if your   17   is very often hit by lightning.    18   fixed, says Rust, lightning rods   19   the chances of damage to a home and to the   20   inside it.

1. A. save        B. hide      C. spend     D. protect

2. A. houses      B. rooms      C. doors      D. windows

3. A. touch       B. grasp      C. move      D. seize

4. A. by       B. through      C. into       D. with

5. A. broke       B. reached      C. entered      D. forced

6. A. slipped      B. traveled      C. spread     D. rolled

7. A. wounded      B. hurt       C. right      D. left

8. A. holding     B. carrying     C. keeping      D. pacing

9. A. shaken      B. swept      C. thrown     D. drawn

10. A. talk        B. tale       C. news      D. report

11. A. dark       B. lightning    C. silent     D. raining

12. A. phone      B. sofa       C. bed      D. chair

13. A. felt       B. discovered    C. found      D, sensed

14. A. simply     B. hardly      C. almost      D. completely

15. A. on        B. over       C. off        D. down

16. A. turned     B. plugged     C. opened      D. played

17. A. town        B. area       C. building     D. courtyard

18. A. Properly      B. Quickly     C. Highly      D. Prettily

19. A. recover     B. reuse      C. repair     D. reduce

20. A. men        B. women      C. people     D. families




We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get out of control. Sometimes a single unimportant event may cause a number of things to happen. Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and this causes your troubles to begin. While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the tablecloth off the table, destroying your half-prepared meal. You hang up hurriedly and attend to your baby. Meanwhile, the meal gets burnt. As if this is not enough to bring you to tears, your husband arrives home, unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner.

Things can also go wrong on the road. During rush hour one evening two cars collided and the drivers began to argue. The woman driver behind the two cars happened to be a learner. She got into a panic and stopped her car. This forced the driver following her to stop suddenly. This driver’s wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake, and as she was thrown forward, the cake went right through the window and landed on the road. A truck driver seeing a cake flying through the air slammed on the brakes. The truck was carrying empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the truck onto the road, causing a terrible traffic jam. It took the police an hour to get the traffic on the move again. In the meantime, the truck driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles. Only two dogs were enjoying themselves, for they were happily having what was left of the cake.

1.If you want to answer the phone without any trouble, you’d better ___________ .

A.pull out the telephone line when you are with your baby

B.put your baby on the bed and keep an eye on him / her

C.not hurry to answer the phone

D.make sure your baby is not near the table

2.Who is responsible for the accidents that happened on the road?  

A.The two drivers who were arguing.

B.It wasn’t mentioned in the passage.

C.The woman driver.

D.The truck driver.

3.From this story we learn that ________.  

A.there are many road accidents every day

B.the accidents mentioned in the passage are very strange

C.no one knows why this kind of accident happens

D.the accidents mentioned in the passage are very common

4.The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to ___________.  

A.remind us not to answer the phone when we are busy

B.tell us driving is dangerous every day

C.remind us not to be nervous when we meet an accident

D.remind us not to carry a cake when we are sitting in a car

5.The main idea of this passage is that ________.

A.troubles always come in groups

B.accidents may happen anywhere at anytime

C.a telephone call may cause great trouble

D.anyone may have trouble on their way home


With the new school year quickly coming near (or perhaps, for your early-starters, already under way), it’s time to get ready for a successful term(学期). And while you may be cleaning your wardrobe(壁柜), it’s equally important to freshen up(更新) your study skills, too.

Have you ever noticed that your study habits are different from those of your friends? Or how you seem to learn faster in certain classes? Some people are quick to blame(责备) the teacher or subject(学科) for their difficulties, but that isn’t always the cause(原因). One thing that many people seem to ignore(忽视) is their learning type.

Now, you may be wondering what a learning type is and how to find yours. There are three different learning types: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. You can be a combination of learning types, but most people have one main type.

1. Visual learners learn best by seeing. If you seem to easily get information from pictures, graphs, and videos, you are likely a visual learner.

2. Auditory learners learn best by hearing. If you seem to remember things by hearing them, whether listening to a lecture or repeating information out loud, then you are likely an auditory learner.

3. Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. If you seem to learn best by working with your hands or testing out what you are shown, you are likely a kinesthetic learner.

So now that you know your personal learning style, the trick (窍门) is to find out how to use your new-found knowledge to help you in your classes.

1.According to the speaker, why are some students slower than others in a certain subject?

A.Because they find the subject too difficult.

B.Because they have lost interest in the subject.

C.Because their teacher is not good enough.

D.Because they don’t know their learning type.

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “combination”?





3.Stephen loves science and usually does experiments with his classmates in the lab to test what he has learned. So what type of learner is he?




D.Both A and B

4.What do you think the speaker is going to do next?

A.To give further explanation to the three types of learners.

B.To give clear examples of the three types of learners.

C.To make a survey(调查) about the three types of learners.

D.To suggest different study skills to different types of learners.




A Kid-Tough? Digital Camera

Product: J8209

Ages: 3 years & up

Price: $70.00

Here’s a real digital camera that’s tough enough–and easy enough–for kids to use. What a perfect way for kids to get creative by taking, viewing and even printing their own digital pictures!

B Laugh & Learn? Learning Table?

Ages: 6-36 months 

Product: C5522

Approx. Retail Price: $40.00

Stir up the learning fun! Two interactive play modes teach A-B-C’s, 1-2-3’s, colors, textures, first words, music, and so much more! 15 sing-along songs, 10 fascinating activities, speech, sounds, and lots of ways to imagine and play.

C Brilliant Basics? Big Discoveries Table?

Ages: 9 months & up 

Product: K6671

Price: $25.00

This activity-filled table offers plenty to do, with open-ended play all around. While your baby is busy having fun, you’ll be amazed at all the new skills that develop! Before you know it, baby will be making big new discoveries, improving motor skills, developing eye-hand coordination, and learning to recognize colors, shapes and sizes.

D Baby Gymtastics? Bat & Score Goal?

Ages: 6-36 months 

Product: K0476

Price: $21.00

With this versatile set, even sitting babies can enjoy scoring a goal! When they bat the inflatable ball or the wiggly cheetah, baby is rewarded with music, lights and sounds. Then, once little ones start crawling or can stand and kick, you can easily convert it, for the whole goal experience! Detach the ball and the rhino becomes the “goalie.” Toddlers can push, kick or toss the ball at the target, while you stand back and catch the excitement!

E Go Baby Go!

Ages: 9-36 months

Price: $35.00

There’s nothing like having a friend you can rely on especially when you are learning to walk! This charming lion is ready to steady baby’s first steps, encouraging progress with rewarding lights, sounds, and upbeat music. Once walking is a sure thing, toddlers can hop on the lion’s back and ride all around for a roaring good time. Designed with a wide wheel base for sturdy support. With on/off switch plus volume control for quiet play.

F  ESPN Shot Block? Basketball

Product: H4685

Ages: 5 years & up

Approx. Retail Price: $80.00

Bring defense to the game! Automatic shot-blocking rim defense and 8 ways to play add even more fun, excitement and challenge to indoor basketball fun!

Includes 2 balls. For indoor use only. Requires 4 "C" batteries.


56. Jack and his wife want to buy a toy for their 7-month-old baby. But Jack has a low income and intends to buy something which is not so expensive.

57. Alice and her husband have a 7-year-old son who likes using their expensive digital camera. They decide to buy him one which is cheap and easy to operate.

58. Lynne’s daughter is 11 months old. Lynne thinks it’s time for her daughter to learn to walk.

59. Margaret’s son, who is two years old, is very good at distinguishing(辨别)different shapes. Magaret says it is due to a toy she bought when her son was one year old. Which toy is she talking about?

60. Peter is fond of playing basketball. He expects his son to begin playing it before he goes to Primary School.

Name List


56. Jack

A.Kid-Tough? Digital Camera

57. Alice

B.Laugh & Learn? Learning Table?

58. Lyyne

C.Brilliant Basics? Big Discoveries Table?

59. Margaret

D.Baby Gymtastics? Bat & Score Goal?

60. Peter

E. Go Baby Go!


F. ESPN Shot Block? Basketball


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