摘要: For such a large country, it is necessary to develop quickly.


Everyone should visit a lighthouse at least once.
The most important reason for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors (祖先) battled nature with the basic tools they had . They had only basic ways of creating light , and yet they found a way of using this simple technology in isolated (孤零零的) places to save ships from hitting rocks .
Secondly , visiting lighthouses will help us to understand the lives of lighthouse keepers .By their very nature , lighthouses were built on some rocks or cliffs . Thus , the lighthouse keepers often lived lonely lives . To walk around their small home , and imagine the angry storm outside beating against the walls , is to take a step towards understanding the lives they had.
The reasons for a visit to a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking in time . It is true that lighthouses were built in out-of-the –way places . But on a pleasant sunny summer day. This very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience . Therefore, with the gentle waves touching all round the lighthouse . the visitor is likely to think it is a world preferable to the busy and noisy modern life.
Another reason for considering a visit is that the lighthouses themselves can be very attractive buildings . Mankind could often not be content just to put up a basic structure . but felt the need . even in such an isolated place , to build with an artistic touch . The result is a view for tired eyes to enjoy .
Finally , lighthouses have a romantic attraction , summed up by the image of the oil-skin coated keeper climbing his winding stairs to take care of the light to warn ships and save lives .
【小题1】What is the reason to look back into the past of a lighthouse ?

A.To escape from the busy and noisy city .
B.To look for the tools used by our ancestors .
C.To experience the natural beauty of a lighthouse .
D.To learn about the living condition of lighthouse keepers .
【小题2】The underlined phrase “out-of-the-way” in Paragraph of means        .
A.far-away .B.dangerousC.ancient D.secret
【小题3】Lighthouses were often built with an artistic touch       .
A.to attract visitors B.to guide passing ships
C.to give a pleasant sight D.to remember lighthouse keepers
【小题4】How many reasons are mentioned for a visit to a lighthouse ?
A.Three .B.Four .C.Five .D.Six .


First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They  31   their own way to learn the language. Instead of  32  for the teachers to explain, they try to find the pattern and rules for themselves. They are good  33  who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.        

Secondly,   34   language learners are active in  35  , therefore, they do not wait for a chance to use the languages, and they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and let those people  36  them when they make a  37  . They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say  38   things which sound weird. They are willing to make mistakes and try again, when communication is difficult. They can accept information that is  39   or incomplete. It is more  40   for them to learn to think in the language than to know the  41  of every word.

      42  successful language learners are learners with  43  . They want to learn language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to  44  with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language  45  because they want to learn it.

A. learn            B. observe              C. discover          D. notice

A. delaying           B. waiting              C. postponing        D. staying

A. finders            B. thinkers              C. believers         D. guessers

A. winning           B. lucky               C. successful        D. flourishing 

A. discovering         B. memorizing         C. learning           D. studying

A. correct             B. change              C. adjust             D. mark

A. mistake            B. point               C. failure           D. fault

A. awkward              B. strange                   C. unfamiliar                  D. curious

A. unobvious             B. incredible               C. incorrect              D. indifferent

A. funny              B. interesting               C. important            D. boring

A. meaning              B. content                   C. context               D. explanation

A. Finally             B. Secondly                       C. Thirdly                D. Mostly

A. purpose               B. interest                   C. matter                D. concern

A. convey            B. inform                         C. report                   D. communicate

A. regularly             B. commonly                      C. typically              D. usually


I believe that my country, Poland, is a perfect example for a place where food is particularly important. When we were little children, we began to understand how much a loaf of bread meant to our parents—to some it might sound silly but for me the custom of kissing bread before you started cutting it was simply amazing. It's not so common nowadays to treat food that way, since you hardly ever bake your own bread. Besides, everyone would call you crazy if you tried to kiss every bread roll before you ate them! But though we no longer make our food from scratch (起点), some customs have been kept--that's why I feel so sorry every time I have to throw any food away—even though I no longer live with my parents and nobody would blame me for this anymore!

Many people of our nation are still working as farmers, eating what they grow and harvest and therefore enjoying everything more. It's widely known that you value more anything that needs your effort in the first place. In most homes in Poland, especially those of farmers, the whole family would try and have their meals together--extremely difficult now, but so rewarding (值得) ! You can share other members' troubles and successes, give your children some attention, or just sit down for a moment instead of rushing through life aimlessly. Furthermore, your body, and stomach in particular will be very grateful (感激) for such a time!

In Poland, a wedding, Christmas or even a birthday is celebrated with a great meal. Women in the house get together and cook, sometimes for a few days before the event, and the extremely good or unusual food will be remembered and widely talked about.

You cannot over-value the importance of food in the country. What's more, almost everyone in Poland will be as interested in the topic as I am.

When the writer was a child, he / she ________.

    A. found people were crazy about bread          B. began to realize the importance of food

C. thought that cutting bread was amazing       D. learned people hardly baked their own bread

The writer feels very sorry when he/she has to throw away any food because

    A. he/she makes food from scratch                B. his/her parents would blame him/her

    C. some customs still have effect on him/her     D. many people are still working hard as farmers

From the text, we can learn that, in Poland, ________.

    A. most meals can be interesting topics for a long time

    B. the whole family often have meals together nowadays

    C. it's common for women to get together to cook for a few days

D. family members can know more. about each other by having meals together


Athens Olympic 110m hurdle champion Liu Xiang felt so relieved to return to racetrack after getting out of the great number of social activities.

Liu arrived in hometown Shanghai Wednesday night and was about to resume training shortly after.

“I am so exhausted from so many social activities, which made me even more tired than training,” said the 21-year-old Liu, who wrote a new chapter in China’s Olympic history by winning the country’s first ever athletics short-distance running title in the men’s 110m hurdles in Athens in August.

“I am happy that I will resume my training soon back in Shanghai,” said the Shanghai native. He turned into an instant national hero with the Olympic glory and one of the most popular Olympic gold medalists, taking part in scores of celebration activities since he returned to China early September.

“My regular training has been interrupted for such a long time that I think I can only run at about 13.5 seconds now,” said Liu, who clocked a world record-tying time of 12.91 to clinch the title.

“I would rather forget what I have achieved in the past and try my best to realize a higher goal,” he said.

Liu already missed the Berlin Golden League Series on Sunday and won’t be able to catch the IAAF Grand Prix final slated for September 18-19 in Monaco.

He plans on attending an IAAF all-star tournament in Japan at the end of this month.

This passage mainly talks about ________.

A. victory of Liu Xiang

B. Liu Xiang’s resumption to the racetrack

C. dream of Liu Xiang

D. Liu Xiang’s high aim

From the passage we can see ________.

A. Liu Xiang is content to go back to training

B. Liu Xiang will win Golden League Series on Sunday

C. Liu Xiang wasn’t good at social activities

D. Liu Xiang was refreshed after so many social activities

The underlined word “relieved” means ________.

      A. sad                B. glad           C. worried             D. disappointed

Which of the following is NOT wrong?

A. Liu Xiang has had a quiet life for as long as half a month.

B. Liu Xiang has missed two races because of his social activities.

C. Liu Xiang has made up his mind to stop his social activities.

D. Liu Xiang has deserted his present career.


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