
Hi, Daisy,
I am wandering why you haven’t showed up online for such a long time. 
I’m sorry to know that your mother is ______(严重地)       【小题1】___________
ill in hospital. ______________ is no doubt that this affects          【小题2】___________
your life greatly. I understand ____________ you are feeling           【小题3】________
at the moment and I truly wish that I could be _____ any help.         【小题4】_____
Life can be hard at times. We had no c______ but to meet it.            【小题5】______
No matter what h_________, you need to remain optimistic               【小题6】______
and t_______________ what you can to help your parents.            【小题7】______
It is by meeting ___________(困难) and overcoming them         【小题8】_____
that one learns how to survive. Besides, be k_____ to yourself.            【小题9】_________
I believe your mother will be all right ___________ long.              【小题10】_____
Hope we can talk soon.

【小题3】 how             

【小题1】seriously/badly/terribly   本句使用副词seriously/badly/terribly修饰形容词ill。
【小题2】There    固定搭配There is no doubt that....毫无疑问....。
【小题3】how     本句考察的是how引导的是how you are feeling at the moment询问对方感觉如何。
【小题4】of      固定搭配be of help="be" helpful有益的;
【小题5】choice 本题考察的是but的用法,当but后面使用不定式做宾语的时候,如果前面有动词do的某种形式,后面省略了不定式符合to。如果前面没有do的形式,后面要保留不定式符合to。
【小题6】happens    句意分析:无论发生什么事情,你都需要保持乐观。
【小题7】 try       动词try尝试;句意:你都要尝试你能够做的事情来帮助你的父母亲。
【小题8】difficulties 名词困难difficulty,根据后面的them说明使用复数形式。
【小题9】kind     形容词kind善良的,be kind to youself对自己善良一点。
【小题10】.before   固定搭配before long不久以后,通常与将来时连用。要注意另外一个结构long befoe很久之前。该时间状语要和过去的时态连用。



Hi, Daisy,

    I am wandering why you haven’t showed up online for such a long time. 

    I’m sorry to know that your mother is ______(严重地)           1.___________

ill in hospital. ______________ is no doubt that this affects              2.___________

your life greatly. I understand ____________ you are feeling                             3.___________

at the moment and I truly wish that I could be _____ any help.                   4.___________

Life can be hard at times. We had no c______ but to meet it.                          5.___________

No matter what h_________, you need to remain optimistic                        6.___________

and t_______________ what you can to help your parents.                        7.___________

It is by meeting ___________(困难) and overcoming them                         8.___________

that one learns how to survive. Besides, be k_____ to yourself.                   9.___________

I believe your mother will be all right ___________ long.                         10.___________

Hope we can talk soon.

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