摘要: pass on 传递下去





1.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Plan his budget carefully.

B.Give her more information.

C.Ask someone else for advice.

2.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man can speak a foreign language.

B.The woman hopes to improve her English.

C.The woman knows many different languages.

3.What will the man do first after class?

A.Go to the library

B.Meet the woman.

C.See Professor Smith.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She isn't sure when Professor Bloom will be back.

B.The man shouldn't be late for his class.

C.She can pass on the message for the man.

5.What do we learn about John from the conversation?

A.He has a strange personality.

B.He's got emotional problems.

C.His illness is beyond cure.




6.What is the relationship between the speakers?


B.Caller and operator.

C.Secretary and boss.

7.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to know Ms.Amanda Rhodes's telephone number.

B.He wants to find where Ms.Amanda Rhodes lives.

C.He wants to know if Ms.Amanda Rhodes is OK.


8.What's the woman's main purpose of going to Quebec?

A.To go sightseeing in Quebec Province.

B.To call on a friend in Quebec City.

C.To attend a wedding in Montreal.

9.What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip?

A.Find more about Quebec Province.

B.Brush up on her French.

C.Learn more about the local customs.

10.What does the man say about Quebec City?

A.It's most beautiful in summer.

B.It has many historical buildings.

C.It was greatly expanded in the 18th century.


11.What was Ms.Rowling's first book about?

A.It was about a little animal.

B.It took her six years to write.

C.It was about a little girl and her pet.

12.Why does Ms.Rowing consider herself very lucky?

A.She can earn a lot of money by writing for adults.

B.She can make a living by doing what she likes.

C.She is able to win enough support from publishers.

13.Where did Ms.Rowling get the ideas for the Harry Potter books?

A.They grew out of her long hours of thinking.

B.She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints.

C.She doesn't really know where they originated.


14.What is the man complaining about?

A.Not accepting any gift from his friend.

B.Not receiving any answer from his friend.

C.Not hearing any good news from his friend.

15.According to the woman, when should you write a thank-you card?

A.When you receive a gift from your friend.

B.When you are invited to a birthday party.

C.When you spend a holiday with your friend.

16.What's the speakers' attitude towards writing thank-you cards?

A.They think it outdated.

B.They think it inconvenient.

C.They think it good to keep the custom.


17.How did the speaker's friends feel about his change of interest?

A.They were very glad about it.

B.They were afraid he wasn't fully prepared.

C.They were puzzled by his decision.

18.Why did the speaker change his interest to underwater exploration?

A.It is much cheaper than space travel.

B.It is much safer than space travel.

C.It is more exciting than space travel.

19.In what way does the speaker think diving is similar to space travel?

A.They both attract scientists' attention.

B.They are both expensive.

C.They can both be quite challenging.

20.Why does the speaker give this talk?

A.To explain the danger of exploring space.

B.To explain why he took up underwater exploration.

C.To show how simple diving can be.





1.What will the man do while the woman is away?

A.Clean the house

B.Water the plants

C.Buy some plants.

2.Why couldn't the woman get in touch with John?

A.His telephone wasn't working

B.She got the wrong phone number

C.No one was answering the phone.

3.How many people suffered in the air crash?




4.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Husband and wife

C.Mother and son.

5.Why did the woman make a call?

A.To borrow some music CDs.

B.To select some music to dance to

C.To pass on some information of the party.




6What is Jenny going to do?

AGo swimming

BGo to a math class

CFinish a paper

7What does Professor Smith probably teach?




8What does Jenny offer to do for Don?

AHelp him with his history

BHelp him with his math

CTeach him how to write a poem


9What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

ATeacher and student


CBrother and sister

10What did the man do last night?

AHe went to the cinema

BHe attended a birthday party

CHe went out to McDonald's

11Why does the woman call the man?

ATo invite him to a birthday party

BTo ask him for help with her physics

CTo borrow his physics book


12Where does the conversation most probably take place?

AOn a college campus

BAt their high school

CIn their hometown

13What has the woman decided to study?




14What can we know about the man?

AHe didn't change his mind on study

BHe hasn't made up his mind what to learn

CHe has decided to learn marketing management


15How long will it take to get to the museum?

AMore than 30 minutes

BLess than 13 minutes

CAt most 30 minutes

16What time may the museum close?

A.At 4∶30 p.m.

B.At 5∶30 p.m.

C.At 6∶00 p.m.

17.How does the man describe the restaurant?

A.It's a bit expensive

B.The service is terrible.

C.It's very expensive.


18.What is the speaker?

A.A park manager

B.A tourist guide

C.A restaurant host.

19.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.A historic tree

B.A well-known park

C.A famous commander.

20.What can we learn about the Washington Elm?

A.It was less than one hundred years old.

B.It was much older than people had thought.

C.Washington couldn't have commanded under it.


(2013·高考四川卷)“Lookit’s Baldy”A boy shouted in my direction across the playground.Even though I was used to regular insults(侮辱) because of the___on my headit was___horrible to hear.I sighed as I headed back to the class.

When I was just 20 months oldI suffered serious____after a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head.I was____to hospital and had to stay there for weeks while the doctors____to save my life.“Holly’s very____to be alive”they told Mum and Dad.“But she’ll be___with scars on her headand of course her hair won’t grow there.”

As a childI cared much about my scarsso I____wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home.____I didn’tpeople would call me horrible names like Baldy.Although my friends were always comforting methey never____understood how it felt.

Then through the hospital I was____to a children’s burns campwhere children like me can get any help.ThereI____14?year?old Stephaniewhose burns are a lot more serious than mine.But she is so____that she never lets anyone put her down.“You shouldn’t____what people say about what you look like because we’re not different from anyone elseHolly”she____me.“And you don’t need to wear a scarf because you look great____it” For the first time in my life I could speak to someone who’d been through something____.So weeks laterat my 13th birthday party____by her braveryI gave up my scarf and showed off my scars.It felt amazing not having to____away behind my scarf.

NowI am____of what I look like and much happierbecause I have realized it is your personality(个性)that decides who you truly are.

1.A.hat? Bscarf

Cscars? Dcuts

2.A.still? Bjust

Cnever? Dseldom

3.A.hunger? Bcold

Cdefeats? Dburns

4.A.rushed? Bled

Cinvited? Dforced

5.A.learned? Bfought

Creturned? Ddecided

6.A.happy? Blucky

Clonely? Dpoor

7.A.pressed? Boccupied

Cleft? Dpainted

8.A.possibly? Busually

Cfinally? Dnearly

9.A.Although? BSince

CIf? DBefore

10.A.correctly? Broughly

Ceasily? Dreally

11.A.promoted? Bintroduced

Creported? Dcarried

12.A.met? Brecognized

Cremembered? Dcaught

13.A.honest? Bstrong

Cactive? Dyoung

14.A.write down? Bagree with

Cpass on? Dlisten to

15.A.promised? Bencouraged

Cordered? Dcalmed

16.A.in? Bfor

Cwithout? Dbeyond

17.A.similar? Bstrange

Chard? Dimportant

18.A.allowed? Brequired

Cguided? Dinspired

19.A.hide? Bgive

Ckeep? Dput

20.A.sick? Baware

Ctired? Dproud



Extraordinary Teens
The book will inspire young adults with its tales of teenagers achieving great success. It includes personal stories from many well-known young athletes, businessmen, actors, writers and filmmakers. Every person shares his or her story along with valuable advice that will show you how you can also achieve success. Learn from these people who are walking examples of possibility.
Teens Talk High School
This book is written for high school kids, aged 14-18. Teens in high school have mainly moved past worrying about puberty(青春期), so the stories in this book cover topics of interest to older teens, such as sports and clubs, driving, faming relationships, friends, and preparing for life after high school. High school students will find comfort and inspiration in the words of this book, referring to it through all the four years of their high school experience.
Getting into College
Every year colleges receive a lot of applications, and the application process has become something hard that students and parents experience together. This book isn’t about how to get into college. It’s about providing emotional support. The stories in this book are written by kids who have been there and want to pass on their words of support to others. Parents and students will find this book a great source of inspiration.
Campus Stories
College life can be fun, exciting, and educational in more ways than one. Campus Stores is a book for any current(现在) or future college student who wants to know what really goes on the campus. Campus Stores is about growing up, making choices, learning lessons, and making the best of your last as a student.                                      
【小题1】The writer’s purpose of writing the book Extraordinary Teens is to _____.

A.help students with study problems
B.persuade teenagers to do volunteering
C.encouraging young people to achieving success
D.teach people how to apply for a college
【小题2】Which of the following topics does Teen Talk High School cover?
A.Clubs, puberty, friendsB.Driving, sports, family relationships
C.Sports, drinking, growing upD.Puberty, clubs, family relationships
【小题3】What does Getting into College mainly talk about?
A.How to form a good habit in college.B.What the top 10 American colleges are.
C.How to get used to the college life quickly.D.How to get through the application process.
【小题4】What do all the four books have in common?
A.They are all written by kids.B.Teens are likely to be the readers.
C.They are all best-sellers of this year.D.Both kids and parents enjoy them.


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