摘要: D.孩子听的故事越来越少.家长把讲故事当成读故事.故选reads.





W:What exactly are you looking for?

M:I’m looking for a toy…for my nephew.

1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a record shop.

B.In a jeweler’s shop.

C.In a toy shop.

M:When did your brother first begin to smoke?During college?

W:No.He didn’t start until after graduation from college.

2.When did her brother start smoking?

A.During college.

B.After college.

C.Before graduation.

W:What a shame about your accident!What a way to end your holiday!

M:Yes, it was bad luck.I suppose I should have been more careful.

3.What are they talking about?

A.A holiday.

B.An accident.


W:Tony, your coat looks nice.Was it expensive?

M:The ad said that the coat was on sale for      dollars, but actually it was $22.

4.How much did the coat cost?

A.The coat cost $22 in a sale.

B.He said that he had bought a coat for $20, but he was lying.

C.His coat actually cost $2 more than the advertised price.

M:Hello!You know it’s our teacher’s birthday tomorrow.Well, we’re collecting money to buy him a present from the class.

W:What a nice idea!Here’s 50 cents, is that enough?

5.Why does the second person give 50 cents?

A.The class will have a party.

B.Everybody should give 50 cents.

C.To buy a present for their teacher.




M:A wonderful film, wasn’t it?

W:Oh, yes, it was.I enjoyed it very much.But now what I need is some sleep.

M:Yes.It’d be nice to have a good rest.But I feel like a drink now.

W:As a matter of fact, I’m dying for a drink, too.I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea right now.

M:All right, let’s go to the teahouse and have some.

W:OK, let’s go.

M:I’d like a piece of cake to go with the drink.

W:I guess we can get some there also.

6.What did they do before the conversation?

A.They slept.

B.They had a drink.

C.They saw a film.

7.What do they want most now?

A.A drink.

B.A piece of cake.



Now here is a story.Please listen carefully.

By midday the sun was so strong that Jim could not go any further.There were no trees near the path, so he stopped under a big rock.After drinking the rest of his water, he took off his shirt and rolled it under his head.

Then he lay down on the ground and went to sleep.It was so late in the afternoon when he woke up.He was just about to jump up when he felt something moving under his feet.He looked down.A long black snake was just about to move across his legs.

Jim watched, too afraid to do anything.The snake moved across his legs;he hesitated for a moment, then moved on and disappeared under the rock, Jim jumped to his feet, paused only to pick up his shirt and ran off down the path.

8.Why did Jim stop?

A.Because there was a rock on the path.

B.Because there were no trees.

C.Because it was too hot.

9.When he woke up, what did he find?

A.He found a snake by his feet.

B.He found his shirt was stolen.

C.He found a man standing in front of him.

10.Which is right according to the passage?

A.There are a few trees near the path.

B.Jim wasn’t afraid at all when he saw the snake.

C.At last the snake moved under the rock.


W:Excuse me, but I think you made a wrong turn.You were supposed to turn left on Wilson Broward.

M:Oh, I’m sorry.Didn’t you say 1323 Wilson?

W:No, 3023.It’s OK, though.You don’t have to take me there.I can walk from here.

M:Why don’t I just make a U-turn at the corner?

W:Well, you shouldn’t make a U-turn there.It’s a oneway street.See the sign up ahead.

M:Well, maybe if I turn left here, I can come down the next street.

W:You can’t do that either during rush hour.Really though, don’t go to any trouble.Sometimes one can wait thirty minutes for a taxi.So I’m happy to get this close.

M:Thirty minutes!I’ve been riding around all day looking for passengers.

11.Who are the speakers?

A.A passer-by and a policeman.

B.A passer-by and a driver.

C.A passenger and a taxi-driver.

12.What is the woman’s house number?




13.Why can’t the man turn left?

A.It is rush hour.

B.It is a one-way street.

C.The street is too narrow.


W:Well, do you want to have a picnic in the park on Saturday?

M:That’s a good idea.And we can ride our bikes for a while, too.

W:Then there’s a party.

M:Party?What party?

W:Have you forgotten?Mark and Mary invited us for dinner on Saturday night.

M:I have forgotten.What time will we get home, do you think?

W:Probably late.Mary wants to go out after dinner to a place where we can dance.

M:Then we’ll sleep all day on Sunday.

W:Oh, not all day.Don’t you have something special that you want to do on Sunday?

M:We talked about going to that new movie.

W:Oh, yes!We can go in the evening.There are some new paintings in museum that I want to take a look at in the afternoon.

M:It sounds like a busy weekend.

W:Our weekends are always busy.But that’s why in New York there is always so much to do!

14.What will they do on Saturday night?

A.Have a picnic.

B.Dance in the home of Mark and Mary.

C.Have dinner with Mark and Mary.

15.What time will they go to see the new movie?

A.On Sunday evening.

B.On Sunday afternoon.

C.On Sunday morning.

16.What will they not do in the weekend?

A.Seeing paintings.

B.Riding bikes.

C.Taking pictures.


  Good evening.It’s 11∶15…and it’s time for the Olympic Report.Our report tonight is coming live by satellite from the Olympic Games.

  Swimming Good evening.Well, today’s most important event was certain the women’s 200-meter freestyle.The American, Doris Kennedy, was first and got the gold medal.She swam 200 meters in a new world record time of      minute 58 seconds.The USA won two gold medals yesterday, and three the day before, so in the first three days they’ve won six gold medals.

  Gymnastics Here we are in the Olympic Gymnasium.Olga Ivanovna, the fifteen-year-old Russian gymnast, has just finished her performance.We’re waiting for the results now.And here’s the result!She’s got an average of 9.5 points.That’s the best score today!

17.Where did the man send his Olympic Report?

A.From the USA.

B.From where the Olympic Games were held.

C.From the broadcast station.

18.How many gold medals did the Americans get in swimming in the first three days?




19.Who got the best score in gymnastics that night?

A.An American gymnast.

B.A Russian gymnast.

C.A Romanian gymnast.

20.Which is right according to the passage?

A.The time for the Olympic Report is 11∶50 pm.

B.The time for the Olympic Report is 11∶15 am.

C.An American swimmer got the first gold medal in the women’s 200-meter freestyle.





M:Do you have any trouble with your pronunciation, Mary?

W:Not too much.I can pronounce English words well, but I write them poorly.

1.-Do you have any trouble ________, ________?

-________.I can ________ English words well, but write them ________.

M:Why don’t you go and ask the man sitting in the chair?

W:Oh, thank you very much.

2.Why ________ and ask the man ________?

John, a quite ordinary playwriter, is now in high debts.

3.John, ________, is now in high debts.


M:Mondays are the worst.Our timetable is full of difficult subjects.

W:Like what?

M:Well, like English, French and geography in the morning.

W:What’s your favorite day of the week?

M:Oh, the day after Tuesday without doubt.We have an easy morning:just art and music, followed by sports all the afternoon.

W:That sounds nice.

4.What’s their favorite day of the week?




M:I’d like to see Mr.Stone.I hear he is an expert on heart disease.

W:I’m sorry, Mr.Stone will be busy the whole afternoon.He is having a medical conference.Can you manage at 10∶30 tomorrow morning?

5.Who is Mr.Stone?

A.A doctor.

B.A nurse.

C.A secretary.

M:I’m so tired.I’ve spent the entire morning in selling my car.

W:Selling your car?Don’t you like it or isn’t it new?

M:No, my company is moving me to Europe next month.So I intend to buy a new one over there.

6.Why did the man sell his car?

A.He doesn’t like it.

B.He is going abroad.

C.It’s too old.

W:What’s the matter, Tom?You look unhappy.

M:No, not really.I’m only worrying about my maths exam.

7.What makes the man worried?

A.Maths test.

B.An English exam.

C.His headache.

W:I find listening most difficult.What can I do?

M:Don’t worry.Listen to English tapes every day, and you will make great progress.The more you listen, the easier you will find.

8.What does the man advise her to do?

A.Listen more.

B.Speak more.

C.Write more.


听第9段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

  Food is a subject that interests me.I like food that is good and well-cooked.I dislike watery cabbage, soup that looks and tastes like water, and beef or mutton that is burned or not cooked enough.But when you get real English beef and mutton, bread and cheese, or eggs and bacon, there is nothing like it.I didn’t know any apple that has a better taste than a good English one, and no other cup of tea ever tastes as good to me as the tea that we make in England.

  I know that coffee is not good in many English hotels.But it is good in many English homes when it is made with fresh coffee by people who know how to make it.My wife is going to make some coffee for us tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock.You’ll see then that English coffee can be good.

9.The speaker is interested in food, especially in English food.

10.According to the speaker, soup that looks and tastes like rain interests him.

11.The speaker likes to have a cup of tea made in England.

12.The speaker thinks coffee made in English homes is not better than in English hotels.

13.The speaker wants his friends to enjoy his wife’s coffee tomorrow morning.


  Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand clothes bought and sold.”He was carrying a jacket and asked the owner of the store how much he thought the jacket was worth.

  The man looked at the jacket and then said, “Two dollars.”

  “What?” said Jim.“But I was thinking you would say at least five.”

  “Five dollars?No, it isn’t worth a cent more than two dollars, ” said the owner of the store.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure!” said the man.

  “Well,” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his pocket, “Here’s the money.This jacket was hanging outside your store with a price-tag that said $8.5, but I thought maybe that was a typing mistake.And now I know it is!” Then he walked out of the store with the jacket in his hand before the store owner could think of anything to say.

14.Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand   (1)   bought and sold.”He was carrying a jacket and asked the   (2)   of the store how much he thought the jacket was   (3)  

  The man looked at the jacket and then said, “Two dollars.”

  “What?” said Jim, “But I was thinking you would say at least five.”

  “Five dollars?No, it isn’t worth a cent more than two dollars, ” said the owner of the store.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure!” said the man.

15.“Well, ” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his   (4)  , “here’s the money.This jacket was   (5)   outside your store with a price-tag(价格标签)that said $8.5, but I thought maybe that was a typing mistake.And now I know it is!” Then he walked out of the   (6)   with the jacket in his hand before the store owner could think of anything to say.


At the Cafe

Attendant:Good afternoon.

Tom:I’m Tom, Zhang.We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.

Attendant:Yes, sir.This way, please.Here’s your table.Is this all right?

Tom:Yes, it’s nice, indeed.Thank you.

Attendant:I’m so glad you like it.What would you like?We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.

Tom:What would you like, Mike?

Mike:I’ll try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.

Attendant:How about you, Mr.Zhang?

Tom:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.

Attendant:Anything else?

Tom:What’s your specialty today?

Attendant:We have strawberries with cream today.I suggest you try them.

Tom:Good, I will.

16.How many people are there in the dialogue?




17.Where is the menu?

A.On the plate-glass.

B.Beside the plate-glass.

C.Under the plate-glass.

听第12段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Check, please!

Waiter:Are you through with your meal?

Tom:Yes, we are.Could we have the check, please?

Waiter:Here is your check, 85 dollars in all.I can take care of it here when you’re ready.

Tom:Do you accept cheque?

Waiter:No, I’m sorry we don’t.We accept credit cards and cash.

Tom:Well, I don’t have any cash with me.So I’ll have to put it on credit.Here’s 90 dollars.Please keep the change.

Waiter:Thank you.I will be right back.

Tom:Oh, please wait for a minute.I want to go with the food left.

Waiter:I see.I will bring some to-go boxes for you.

Tom:Thank you.

18.The waiter preferred to be paid by cheque.

19.The waiter received 4 dollars for his tip(小费).

20.The customer took away his left food with to-go boxes.




1.Where are they most possibly?

[  ]

A.At the post office.  B.At the bookstore.  C.At the bank.

2.What's the man doing?

[  ]

A.Borrowing a book.  B.Buying a book.  C.Reading a book.

3.Where are they?

[  ]

A.At a restaurant.  B.In a museum.  C.In a zoo.

4.What is the total cost for them?

[  ]

A.100 yuan.  B.50 yuan.  C.150 yuan.

5.Where is Mr. Black now?

[  ]

A.He is at the Friendship Hotel.

B.He is in the office.

C.He is at lunch.




6.What are they talking about?

[  ]

A.The weather of London.

B.Travelling in Britain.

C.The traffic of London.

7.What does the woman think of the London buses?

[  ]

A.Rather slow.  B.Very good.  C.Too expensive.


8.Why was the boy a bit nervous?

[  ]

A.He was a newcomer to the school.

B.He was afraid of getting up early.

C.He didn't prepare for the exams.

9.What must the students do before morning reading?

[  ]

A.Do morning exercises.

B..Turn in homework.

C.Copy words and expressions.

10.What can they do if they feel hungry?

[  ]

A.Have something to eat in class.

B.Buy something to eat during the break.

C.Ask the teacher for some food.


11.What did the woman go to the office for?

[  ]

A.To ask for a job.

B.To see her friend.

C.To make fun of the man.

12.Which place did the woman want to go?

[  ]

A.A larger country.

B.A nearer country.

C.A new and different country.

13.Why did the woman dislike working in the Middle East?

[  ]

A.She hated living there.

B.It was far from home.

C.She'd lived there for three years.


14.Who do you think the man is?

[  ]

A.A travel guide.

B.The woman's husband.

C.A history teacher.

15.When was the Great Wall first built?

[  ]

A.In the 3rd century BC.

B.More than 2,000 years ago.

C.More than 2,500 years ago.

16.How wide is the Great Wall at the base?

[  ]

A.6.5 metres.  B.6.4 metres.  C.5.8 metres.


17.How old was Miss Jenkins?

[  ]

A.Less than twenty.


C.More than thirty.

18.Why did Miss Jenkins get fatter?

[  ]

A.Because something was wrong with her.

B.Because she liked fat and sugar very much.

C.Because she never had any sports.

19.Why couldn't Miss Jenkins get on well with her workmates?

[  ]

A.Because she was richer than her workmates.

B.Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.

C.Because she was often laughed at.

20.With whom did Miss Jenkins go to the restaurant?

[  ]

A.With her servants.  B.By herself.  C.With her friends.




1.What's the correct time?

[  ]

A.11:33  B.11:10  C.11:16

2.What's Dr Smith's office number?

[  ]

A.666-0075  B.666-3905.  C.666-0706.

3.What does Heather do?

[  ]

A.She is a teacher.  B.She is a writer  C.She is a visitor

4.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are classmates.

B.They are brother and sister

C.They are roommates.

5.What will the woman do tonight?

[  ]

A.She will stay at home alone.

B.She will go to ask Nance for dinner.

C.She has to stay at home with her brother.




6.What is this dialogue about?

[  ]

A.Work  B.Driving  C.Dinner

7.How does Ana go home?

[  ]

A.With the man speaker  B.Alone.  C.In a van.


8.Why do they have to eat dinner earlier?

[  ]

A.Because the man is hungry.

B.Because the man is having a meeting

C.Because the woman is having a meeting

9.What's the result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.They will attend the meeting together.

B.The man has to attend the meeting alone.

C.The woman will stay at home.


10.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a, restaurant.  B.At work.  C.At home

11.What does Ken order?

[  ]

A.A hamburger.

B.A Coke

C.A hamburger and a Coke

12.How much does it cost?

[  ]

A.$ 1.70  B.$ 1.17  C.$ 17


13.When did the conversation most likely take place?

[  ]

A.On Friday.  B.On Sunday.  C.On Monday.

14.Why did the woman call the man?

[  ]

A.To invite him to dinner.

B.To introduce him to some good friends of hers.

C.To ask him to go on a trip with her.

15.Why was the man unable to go to the dinner party?

[  ]

A.He went on a trip

B.He went out shopping

C.He went to visit Tom and his wife.

16.The man said,“I'd love to have come.”What did he mean?

[  ]

A.He was happy that he had come.

B.He would try to come.

C.He felt sorry that he didn't come.


17.What did the women have in common?

[  ]

A.Their husbands visited England.

B.Their husbands died.

C.Their husbands enjoyed watching plays

18.What happened that spring?

[  ]

A.The women formed a club.

B.The woman's husband was dead.

C.The Merry Widows went abroad.

19.How was Mr White's conversation with the woman?

[  ]

A.Friendly.  B.Angry.  C.Sad.

20.Which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.Mr White was an Englishman.

B.The widows go to England every summer.

C.The woman joined the club after her husband's death.

When several different people look at the same person, it is not unusual for each of them to see different things: when you alone observe one behavior or one person at two different times, you may see different things. The following are but some of the factors that lead to these varying perceptions(感知).

Each person's perceptions of others are formed by his or her own cultural condition, education, and personal experience.

1. Sometimes perceptions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we’ve observed. It is not necessarily true that a person's perceptions is based on observations of a particular person. Your observation may be totally controlled by what others have told you about this person; or you may focus primarily on the situation or role relationship. Most people do not use the same yardstick(标准)to measure their parents, their friends and strangers.

2. Sometimes we see only what we want to see what may be opposite お(对应面)to others because of our own needs, desires, or temporary (临时的)emotional states. This is a process known as selective perception. Selective perception is obviously more difficult when contradictory(矛盾的)information is particularly obvious, but it can be done. We can ignore the stimulus—"He's basically a good boy, so what I saw was not shoplifting. "We can reduce the importance of the contradictory information—" All kids get into mischief. Taking a book from the bookstore isn't such a big deal. "We can change the meaning of the contradictory information—"It wasn't shoplifting because he was going to pay for it later. ”

1. The first factor given by the author that affects our perception is______. 

A. the abilities of one’s auditory(听的)and visual sensors

B. cultural background and personal experience

C. experiences one learns from others

D. critical measures taken by other people

2. while observing a particular person_______.

A. one is likely to take all aspectssidesinto consideration

B. one pays more attention to his or her advantages

C. children often differ from grown-ups in perception

D. one tends to choose certain cues(提示)to look for

3. Observation of the same person by two people at the same time may differ because    . 

A. their yardsticks are not the same

B. either of them may be slow to catch information

C. the time for observation is not long enough

D. each of them uses different 1anguage to express his or her impressions

4. The underlined word “ignore” in Paragraph 4 means to_______.

A. understanding something

B. try to do something

C. pay no attention to something

D. know something better

5. The worst thing in selective perception is that_______.

A. perceived information runs against your desire

B. facts can be totally ignored and distorted(扭曲)

C. importance of contradictory information can be overrated(估计过高)

D. the same information may not be dealt with in the same way



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