


1.What's the correct time?

[  ]

A.11:33  B.11:10  C.11:16

2.What's Dr Smith's office number?

[  ]

A.666-0075  B.666-3905.  C.666-0706.

3.What does Heather do?

[  ]

A.She is a teacher.  B.She is a writer  C.She is a visitor

4.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are classmates.

B.They are brother and sister

C.They are roommates.

5.What will the woman do tonight?

[  ]

A.She will stay at home alone.

B.She will go to ask Nance for dinner.

C.She has to stay at home with her brother.




6.What is this dialogue about?

[  ]

A.Work  B.Driving  C.Dinner

7.How does Ana go home?

[  ]

A.With the man speaker  B.Alone.  C.In a van.


8.Why do they have to eat dinner earlier?

[  ]

A.Because the man is hungry.

B.Because the man is having a meeting

C.Because the woman is having a meeting

9.What's the result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.They will attend the meeting together.

B.The man has to attend the meeting alone.

C.The woman will stay at home.


10.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a, restaurant.  B.At work.  C.At home

11.What does Ken order?

[  ]

A.A hamburger.

B.A Coke

C.A hamburger and a Coke

12.How much does it cost?

[  ]

A.$ 1.70  B.$ 1.17  C.$ 17


13.When did the conversation most likely take place?

[  ]

A.On Friday.  B.On Sunday.  C.On Monday.

14.Why did the woman call the man?

[  ]

A.To invite him to dinner.

B.To introduce him to some good friends of hers.

C.To ask him to go on a trip with her.

15.Why was the man unable to go to the dinner party?

[  ]

A.He went on a trip

B.He went out shopping

C.He went to visit Tom and his wife.

16.The man said,“I'd love to have come.”What did he mean?

[  ]

A.He was happy that he had come.

B.He would try to come.

C.He felt sorry that he didn't come.


17.What did the women have in common?

[  ]

A.Their husbands visited England.

B.Their husbands died.

C.Their husbands enjoyed watching plays

18.What happened that spring?

[  ]

A.The women formed a club.

B.The woman's husband was dead.

C.The Merry Widows went abroad.

19.How was Mr White's conversation with the woman?

[  ]

A.Friendly.  B.Angry.  C.Sad.

20.Which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.Mr White was an Englishman.

B.The widows go to England every summer.

C.The woman joined the club after her husband's death.



Text 1

  W: What's the time by your watch?

  M: Eleventhirty. But it's three minutes slow.

Text 2

  M: What's Dr Smith's telephone number?

  W: 6660706 is his office number. His home number is 7486932.

  M: And what's your office number?

  W: 6663095.

  M: What about the guard's phone number?

  W: Wait a minute. Here it is. It's 6660075.

Text 3

  W: Good morning, Dr Cruz.

  M: Hello, Mrs Moore. Who's your visitor?

  W: Oh, this is daughter. Heather. She's a writer and her husband's a teacher.

Text 4

  W: Are those my records?

  M: Oh, they are not. They are mine.

  W: Well, that's my radio.

  M: This isn't your radio. Yours is downstairs.

  W: Dad, Johnny has my radio.

  M: Oh, Brenda, there's another one downstairs.

  W: That one isn't good.

Text 5

  W: Dad, can I go out tonight?

  M: No, I'm sorry. You can't.

  W: Why not?

  M: Because Willy can't stay alone.

  W: Can I ask Nancy for dinner?

  M: OK, you can ask Nancy, but you can't go cut.

Text 6

  M: Can you have dinner with me tonight, Ana?

  W: I'm sorry I can't. I have to work late.

  M: It's dangerous to go home alone at night.

  W: One of the guards drives me in the van.

  M: That's good. Do you have to work on Friday?

  W: No, I don't. We can have dinner Friday night.

  M: Fine. I'll make dinner reservations for 6 and I'll pick you up at 5.

Text 7

  M: Let's have dinner.

  W: Why do we have to eat now?

  M: Because we have to eat dinner at 6.

  W: Why?

  M: Because I have a meeting at 7.

  W: but why do I have to eat now because you, have a meeting?

  M: Because you have to come with me.

Text 8

  W: Can I get you something?

  M: Yes, a hamburger, please.

  W: Anything to drink?

  M: Oh, yes. I'm thirsty. A coke, please.

  W: Here you are. That's $ 1.70

  M: I think that's wrong. It can't be $ 1.70. It's 1.17.

  W: Oh. You are right I can't do math.

Text 9

  W: Where were you this weekend, Bob? I tried to call you.

  M: Oh, that's right I went our shopping. I suppose you phoned me in the morning, didn't you?

  W: Yes, it was lat morning when I phoned.

  M: Why did you phone me?

  W: I phoned to ask if you'd like to come to dinner on Sunday.

  M: Oh, what a pity! I've love to have come, but actually, Sunday would have been difficult too, because I went on a river up practically the whole day. I don't know whether you know the trip.

  W: Oh, yes.

  M: Well, how did the dinner party go?

  W: Well, we had a wonderful time. I thought you might enjoy if because Tom and his wife were coming. You've met them before.

  M: Tom, yes, I rather like him.

  W: And we had a lovely dinner, one of your favorites, green cabbage, soup and fresh salad.

  M: Very nice too.

  W: And they asked about you.

  M: And how are they getting on?

  W: Oh, very well. They were enjoying the party very much.

  M: Ah, good.

Text 10.

  Mr White was at the theater. He found himself in the middle of a group of American ladies, some of them middleaged and some quite old. Before the curtain went up on the play, they all talked and joked a lot together.

  After the first act of the play, one lady apologized to Mr White for the noisiness of her friends. He answered that he was very glad to see American ladies so obviously enjoying their visit to England. Mr White's neighbor explained what they were doing there.

  “You know, I have known these ladies all my life.”She said,“they have all lost their husbands, and call themselves the Merry Widows. They go abroad every summer for a month or two and have a lot of fun. I had wanted to join their club for a long time, but I didn't qualify for membership until the spring of this year.”





1.Where does the talk take place?

[  ]

A.At a filling station.

B.At a chemist's.

C.In a post office.

2.Why doesn't the woman want to eat any more?

[  ]

A.Because she has eaten a lot.

B.Because she is afraid she will put on weight.

C.Because she thinks the cake is not delicious.

3.What does the woman NOT want with her tea?

[  ]



C.Both milk and sugar.

4.When will the shop close?

[  ]

A.At half past four.

B.In an hour.

C.At five o'clock.

5.Why didn't Paul come to the party?

[  ]

A.Because he was busy.

B.Because he was ill.

C.Because he was on a trip.




6.What program does the man like?

[  ]

A.Information about flights.

B.Weather reports.

C.Introduction to interesting places.

7.What will the weather be like in the next three days?

[  ]






8.What advice does the man's wife need?

[  ]

A.Advice on growing flowers.

B.Advice on planting rice.

C.Advice on growing tomatoes.

9.Which is WRONG according to the advice of the woman?

[  ]

A.Plant different vegetables in the same field.

B.Grow tomatoes one year and another vegetable the next year.

C.Sow the seeds directly into the soil without doing anything extra.


10.When will the man have a party?

[  ]

A.Next Sunday evening.

B.Next Saturday evening.

C.This Saturday evening.

11.Why does Clara say “It depends”?

[  ]

A.She does not know where to have the party.

B.She does not know what to do at the party.

C.She does not know when to attend the party.

12.What was the man's response to(对……回答)Clara's gift?

[  ]

A.He accepted happily.

B.He accepted unexpectedly.

C.He responded in a polite way.


13.Where are the two speakers talking?

[  ]

A.They are talking in a hotel.

B.They are talking in a restaurant.

C.They are talking in a bank.

14.What is the exchange rate between the Swedish crown and the British pound?

[  ]

A.14. 45 to 1.

B.14. 54 to 1.

C.15. 45 to 1.


15.How much does man want to change?

[  ]

A.150 pounds.

B.150 crowns.

C.150 dollars.


16.How does the man feel when it's done?

[  ]






17.Why did the boy's parents throw a carrot at him?

[  ]

A.Because the boy likes eating carrots.

B.Because the boy was doing the work slowly.

C.Because he was daydreaming he was very rich.

18.How long did the boy work in the morning?

[  ]

A.Two hours.

B.Three hours.

C.Four hours.


19.Why didn't the boy do his homework?

[  ]

A.Because he was naughty.

B.Because he was scolded (责备) by the teacher.

C.Because he worked in the morning and were tired.

20.How long did the boy work at the weekends?

[  ]

A.For three hours.

B.For fifteen hours.

C.For five hours.




1.What does the woman's answer mean?

[  ]





2.What time did Julie leave?

[  ]

A.At 8: 00.

B.At 8: 50.

C.At 8: 15.


3.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.He wants the woman to fix his watch.

B.He will call her when the watch is fixed.

C.He wants her to fix the watch in one week.

4.What will the woman do for the man?

[  ]

A.She has a pencil and paper for him.

B.She has enough notes for both of them.

C.They will be friends after class.

5.What does the man suggest to the woman?

[  ]

A.Buy a second bicycle.

B.Buy a used bicycle.

C.Buy a new bicycle.





6.Where does this conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A.In front of a hotel.

B.In the street.

C.At the garage.


7.What's wrong with the woman?

[  ]

A.She missed the way to her hotel.

B.She forgot her hotel's name.

C.She couldn't find a taxi.


8.What is the most probable relation between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers.

C.They are scientists.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.On a train.

B.On a bus.

C.On a plane.



10.What does the man need?

[  ]

A.A taxi.

B.A timetable.

C.A bag.


11.When will the man leave home?

[  ]

A.At 2: 30.

B.At 3:00.

C.At 3: 30.


12.What does the man want the driver to do?

[  ]

A.Drive carefully.

B.Be on time.

C.Carry his bags.



13.Why does the woman not like spring in this city?

[  ]

A.Because it is very hot.

B.Because it seldom rains.

C.Because it is seldom sunny.

14.Which of the following does the woman not like?

[  ]

A.Taking a bus to work.

B.Having a rest on the beach.

C.Climbing mountains.

15.Why does the man like climbing mountains?

[  ]

A.Because he does not have to take a bus to work.

B.Because he can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

C.Because he never feels exhausted.


16.Who was George?

[  ]

A.He was an American visitor.

B.He was a Londoner.

C.He was a hotel manager.

17.How much does the doctor usually charge his patients?

[  ]

A.£ 2 for the first visit, and £ 1 for later visits.

B.£ 2 for the first visit , and £ 1.50 for later visits.

C.£ 1.50 for the first visit, and £ 1 for later visits.

18.What do we know at the end of the story?

[  ]

A.George got some good medicine from the doctor.

B.George managed to save 50p.

C.The doctor knew that he had never seen George before.


19.How long has Paul Newman played in movies?

[  ]

A.For 13 years.

B.For 30 years.

C.For 45 years.


20.When did he start his business?

[  ]

A.In 1959.

B.In 1982.

C.In 1988.





例:How much is the shirt?




1.What does the man mean?

A.His grades in science courses are very good.

B.He hasn't taken enough courses in biology.

C.He doesn't want to take any more science courses.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.The dishes here are very spicy.

B.There really is chicken in the salad.

C.Both the chicken and the salad taste spicy.

3.What does the man mean?

A.Sam's knee should be better by now.

B.This isn't a good time for Sam to quit.

C.Sam should have stopped playing earlier.

4.What does the woman imply about the sale?

A.She bought Something for her aunt.

B.She missed it.

C.She was there only briefly.

5.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.They are going to do some art work.

B.They enjoy watching elephants.

C.They are going to feed the elephants.




6.What do you think the woman is?

A.A librarian.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A teacher.

7.What's the woman's suggestion?

A.Buying some books on computers.

B.Borrowing some magazines.

C.Asking some experts for advice.


8.What did the man do first today according to the conversation?

A.He went to Mrs.Black's to help her with some food.

B.He and his friends went to an island by boat.

C.He swam in the swimming pool with his friends.

9.What was the weather like when they had the picnic?




10.Where did they have the picnic?

A.Just outside their house.

B.In the mountains.

C.On an island.


11.When does the conversation take place?




12.Where does the woman come from?




13.What's John's plan for the future?

A.To open a shoe shop.

B.To tour Britain.

C.To get a job abroad.


14.When will the flight land in New York?

A.At 5∶30 pm.

B.At 5∶40 pm.

C.At 5∶50 pm.

15.What should the passengers do before landing?

A.Have their boarding pass ready.

B.Keep their chair in the up-right position.

C.Collect their carry on luggage.

16.How long will the flight stay in New York?

A.30 minutes.

B.45 minutes.

C.60 minutes.


17.Why is the woman waiting?

A.She is waiting for the rain to stop.

B.She is waiting for her mother.

C.She is waiting for a bus.

18.What's the usual weather like?

A.Colder than the day of the conversation.

B.Cooler than the day of this conversation.

C.Drier than the day of this conversation.

19.Where does this conversation take place?


B.New York.


20.How often is the bus planned to pass their stop?

A.Every ten minutes.

B.At twenty to One.

C.Every half an hour.




例:How much is the shirt?





1.What will the man probably do?

A.Take a rest.

B.Go to a party.

C.Meet his boss.

2.What do we know about the man?

A.He has been caught copying a report.

B.He is not free at the moment.

C.He won't leave till the last minute.

3.What is the woman concerned about?

A.Her health.

B.Her character.

C.Her appearance.

4.What does the man mean?

A.The fridge will be fixed.

B.The room will be warmer.

C.The lights will be switched on.

5.What does the man imply?

A.The woman already has too many shoes.

B.The new shoes do not look good enough.

C.He doesn' t care where to put the new shoes.

6.Why doesn' t the man want to fly?

A.He wants to enjoy the scenery.

B.He thinks it's dangerous.

C.He likes taking the bus.

7.Which means of transport does the woman prefer?

A.The bus.

B.The train.

C.The car.

8.Why is the woman worried?

A.She doesn't know what to read.

B.She hasn't finished her task.

C.She has no time to write her book.

9.What do we know about the man?

A.He has been to Europe with the woman.

B.He has forgotten to write his reports.

C.He has finished reading all the books.

10.What helps to impress the interviewer in the first place?

A.Appropriate body language.

B.Excellent memory.

C.Natural voice.

11.What should the man do before the interview?

A.Practice handshaking.

B.Recite the answers to possible questions.

C.Get some information about the company.

12.What advice does the woman offer about the topic of salary?

A.Not to mention it at the first interview.

B.Not to bring it up in a roundabout way.

C.To let the interviewer mention it next time.

13.How does the man kill time?

A.By eating potato chips.

B.By watching TV.

C.By taking a walk.

14.What does the woman dislike?

A.The square.

B.The parks.

C.The city.

15.What does the man think is the most important?




16.What do the man and woman disagree on?

A.Whether the city needs a symbol.

B.Whether the amusement park should be built.

C.Whether the square is a good place for a walk.

17.What kind of English lessons does the speaker recommend?

A.Examination skills.

B.Reading and writing.

C.Listening and speaking.

18.How can a learner take the lessons when he is not online?

A.By using the downloaded sound files.

B.By making conversations with others.

C.By reviewing words, phrases and idioms.

19.What is mentioned as an advantage of the speaker's online course?

A.It improves learners' English skills quickly.

B.It offers learners better study methods.

C.It helps learners to make friends.

20.What' s the speaker' s idea about learning English?

A.Being confident in learning.

B.Learning English little by little.

C.Having clear learning goals.




例:How much is the shirt?




1.Where is Mary now?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the woman's office.

C.In the library.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.She is warm enough.

B.She has to study.

C.She wants to go to the garden.

3.What will the speakers do together?

A.Go camping.

B.Hold a party.

C.Take a ride.

4.What did the woman dislike during the holiday?

A.The weather.

B.The food.

C.The transportation.

5.When will eh two speakers probably go to the concert?

A.At 7∶45.

B.At 8∶30.

C.At 10∶00.




6.What difficulties may the woman come across?

A.Not enough money and experience.

B.Not enough money and proper place.

C.No experience and employees.

7.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She unsure.

B.She is determined.

C.She is disappointed.


8.Where is the flat?

A.Far from the city center.

B.On a busy road.

C.On a river bank.

9.Which of the following is TRUE about the flat?

A.It has three bedrooms

B.It has parking places.

C.It has a big living room.

10.When do they decide to meet?

A.This afternoon.

B.This evening.

C.Tomorrow morning.


11.What will the man do with the woman's phone?

A.He will check his email.

B.He will call his father.

C.He will take a photo.

12.What was the matter with the man's phone?

A.It broke down.

B.It was stolen.

C.It was left at home.

13.What are they likely to do next?

A.To answer a phone.

B.To find a public phone.

C.To buy a new mobile phone.


14.What is the man surprised to learn?

A.The library opens at 8∶00.

B.None of the books he needs is available.

C.The books he needs can't be taken out of the library.

15.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Wait for the books for all the afternoon.

B.Come early tomorrow and have another try.

C.Borrow the same books from Professor Smith.

16.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Professor and student.

B.Librarian and student.



17.Why do people consider the speaker strange?

A.There is no television in his home.

B.He doesn't make friends.

C.He likes to stay at home for most of the time.

18.Why is the speaker's wife interested in learning foreign languages?

A.Because she has some foreign friends.

B.Because it helps when they travel abroad.

C.Because she works in a foreign company.

19.What are the couple's common hobbies?

A.Cooking and listening to music.

B.Collecting and listening to music.

C.Singing and playing chess.

20.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.People can't live without television.

B.Why people should have hobbies.

C.Life is possible without television.

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