摘要:7. A small car is big enough for a family of three you need more space for baggage. A. once B. because C. if D. unless



       A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed, read and   1  .It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart; it can keep a   2   with very little effort.

       I will give   3   . A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting along well.We had been close as    4    but had grown apart.Our meetings were not   5  ; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels: and every effort to clear the air seemed to only   6   our misunderstanding.Then he   7   a small island in the Caribbean and we   8   touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt.Rereading the letter, I was   9   by its humor and clever expressions.These were all qualities for which I had  10   respected my older brother but   11   he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so well.And with that one letter we became friends   12 .

       It might never have occurred to him to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no   13  .For him, writing was a necessity.It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch.Because we live in an age of   14   communication, people often forget   that they don’t always have to phone or email.They have a   15 .And that is to write.

A.received B.rewritten   C.returned        D.reread

A.record    B.promise   C.friendship       D.secret

A.an exampleB.a lesson      C.an experience D.a talk

A.brothers B.children         C.fellows             D.classmates

A.normal   B.necessary        C.pleasant             D.possible

A.deepen   B.start       C.express             D.settle

A.toured   B.stopped over    C.reached             D.moved to

A.lost      B.kept in          C.needed              D.got in

A.driven   B.beaten     C.surprised            D.honored

A.never   B.seldom         C.sometimes           D.once

A.realized  B.judged        C.thought             D.expected.

A.later    B.anyhow  C.too                 D.again.

A.mail services B.transport servicC.phones             D.relative

A.poor    B.easy        C.popular             D.busy

A. habit        B.choice      C.method              D.plan



       A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed, read and   1  .It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart; it can keep a   2   with very little effort.

       I will give   3   . A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting along well.We had been close as    4    but had grown apart.Our meetings were not   5  ; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels: and every effort to clear the air seemed to only   6   our misunderstanding.Then he   7   a small island in the Caribbean and we   8   touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt.Rereading the letter, I was   9   by its humor and clever expressions.These were all qualities for which I had  10   respected my older brother but   11   he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so well.And with that one letter we became friends   12 .

       It might never have occurred to him to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no   13  .For him, writing was a necessity.It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch.Because we live in an age of   14   communication, people often forget   that they don’t always have to phone or email.They have a   15 .And that is to write.

1.A.received                  B.rewritten             C.returned            D.reread

2.A.record                     B.promise              C.friendship          D.secret

3.A.an exampleB.a lesson                           C.an experience      D.a talk

4.A.brothers                  B.children             C.fellows          D.classmates

5.A.normal                    B.necessary           C.pleasant         D.possible

6.A.deepen                    B.start                  C.express          D.settle

7.A.toured                    B.stopped over       C.reached        D.moved to

8.A.lost                       B.kept in              C.needed          D.got in

9.A.driven                    B.beaten               C.surprised         D.honored

10.A.never   B.seldom                             C.sometimes       D.once

11.A.realized  B.judged                             C.thought        D.expected.

12.A.later                     B.anyhow             C.too             D.again.

13.A.mail services B.transport servicC.phones                       D.relative

14.A.poor                     B.easy                  C.popular          D.busy

15.A. habit                   B.choice                C.method          D.plan



It’s not polite to arrive at a dinner more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the ___1___ to arrive before serving the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled(变味), and ___2___ may the host or hostess’ spirits. If you have to be ___3___ call and tell them to start ___4___ you.

It’s even worse to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be ___5___. If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car until the right time.

Though it’s often ___6___ to arrive at a party on time, on the other hand, the host or hostess ___7___ guests to arrive and leave between certain times, so you can ___8___ at any time between the times he or she gives you.

It’s nice to bring an empty stomach, but it’s even nicer to bring ___9___ present. The present should not cost a lot, or you might make the host or hostess ___10___. Flowers, wine, or a box of candy will be fine. ___11___ bring money as a present. In an introduction, the ___12___ of a name is: (1) the given name; (2) the family name. In other ___13___, the given name comes ___14___. It’s important not only to learn and remember ___15___, but to repeat them often in conversation. After the introduction, we usually call friends by their ___16___ names. Older people may want you to call them by their titles and family names, such as “Mrs Smith”, “Mr Johnson”, “Dr. Brown”.

A maiden(闺女) name is a ___17___ family name at birth. In the United States and Canada, after a woman ___18___, she takes the family name of her ___19___ in place of her maiden name. It is now becoming common, however, for women to ___20___ their maiden names after they get married.

1. A. guests     B. visitors       C. customs      D. passengers

2. A. or   B. so       C. but     D. yet

3. A. tired       B. hungry       C. late     D. early

4. A. without  B. for      C. with    D. after

5. A. awake    B. ready  C. up      D. friendly

6. A. useless    B. impossible  C. unable D. important

7. A. forces     B. invites C. begs    D. orders

8. A. play       B. fly      C. arrive  D. start

9. A. a big      B. a small       C. a good       D. an expensive

10. A. pleased B. satisfied     C. interested   D. uneasy

11. A. Never   B. Always       C. Do      D. Be sure to

12. A. spelling       B. calling       C. order  D. pronunciation

13. A. words   B. letters C. idioms       D. sentences

14. A. last       B. first    C. finally D. in the middle

15. A. expressions  B. appearances       C. names D. addresses

16. A. given    B. family C. middle       D. pen

17. A. gentleman’s  B. boy’s  C. woman’s    D. man’s

18. A. works   B. marries      C. bears   D. dies

19. A. husband       B. mother       C. father  D. sister

20. A. stop      B. give up      C. keep   D. find


How to Be Polite at a Dinner Party?

    It’s not polite to arrive at a dinner more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the   21   to arrive before serving the meal. If someone is late,the food may be spoiled(变味),and   22   may the host or hostess’ spirits.If you have to be   23  , call and tell them to start   24   you.

    It’s even worse to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be   25   .If you are early,drive or walk around the block a few times,or just sit in your car until the right time.

    Though it’s often   26   to arrive at a party on time,on the other hand,the host or hostess   27   guests to arrive and leave between certain times,so you can   28   at any time between the times he or she gives you.

    It’s nice to bring an empty stomach,but it’s even nicer to bring   29   present.The present should not cost a lot,or you might make the host or hostess   30   .Flowers,wine,or a box of candy will be fine.  31   bring money as a present.In an introduction,the  32   of a name is:(1)the given name;(2)the family name.In other   33  ,the given name comes   34  . It’s important not only to learn and remember   35   ,but to repeat them often in conversation.After the introduction,we usually call friends by their   36   names.Older people may want you to call them by their titles and family names,such as “Mrs. Smith”,“Mr. Johnosn”,“Dr .Brown”.

A maiden(闺女)name is a   37  family name at birth. In the United States and Canada,after a woman    38   ,she takes the family name of her   39  in place of her maiden name.It is now becoming common,however,for women to  40   their maiden names after they get married,

1..A.guests           B. visitors      C. customs      D. passengers

2..A.or               B. so            C. but         D. yet

3..A.tired        B. hungry       C. 1ate         D. early

4..A.without       B. for          C. with        D. after

5..A.awake        B. ready        C. up           D. friendly

6..A.useless       B. impossible   C. unable       D. important

7..A.forces       B. invites      C. begs         D. orders

8..A.play          B. fly          C. arrive       D. start

9..A.a big        B. a small      C. a good       D. an expensive

10..A.pleased      B. satisfied    C. interested       D. uneasy

11..A.Never            B. Always      C. Do           D. Be sure to

12..A.spelling    B. calling      C. order    D. pronunciation

13..A.words            B. 1etters      C. idioms       D. sentences

14..A.1ast        B. first        C. finally     D. in the middle

15..A.expressions      B. appearances  C. names        D. addresses

16..A.given            B. family       C. middle       D. pen

17..A.gentleman’s     B. boy’s       C. woman’s     D. man’s

18..A.works        B. marries      C. bears       D. dies

19..A.husband      B. mother       C. father       D. sister

20..A.  stop           B. give up      C. keep         D. find



“Dear Sir, I probably would have written ages ago, only I was not aware(意识到)that you were still alive, ”writes a South African schoolgirl called Tyfanny in 1946. “I must have been mixing you up with Sir Isaac Newton. ”

Tyfanny, who goes on to ask Albert Einstein about the nature of space, received a(n)  1  reply from the great man six weeks later. “Dear Tyfanny, ”he writes, “I have to apologize to you that I am still among the  2  . This will not always be the case, however. ”

Tyfanny is one of the 60 children whose   3  to one of the greatest scientists of all time are  4  in the book Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein’s Letters To And From Children.

The letters are printed  5  as they were written, spelling  6  and all, with some printed in their original handwritten form.

While many letters seek answers to  7  questions, such as “what  8  the sun and planets in space?”or “I want to know what is beyond the sky and my mother said you can tell me, ”others are more personal. “I would like to ask if you   9  make any mistakes. ”  10  one child. While the children’s letters are certainly entertaining,   11  is Einstein’s replies that attract the most interest.

  12  , he could not respond to every letter, but the letters he did  13  the time to answer, which showed the human side of the great scientist. Although he   14  his days looking into mathematics and   15  , he was always very fond of children and their boundless curiosity(好奇心).

For example, it was in a letter to a 12-year-old girl from New York that he makes his now well-known remark:“Do not worry about your  16  in mathematics; I promise you that  17  are still greater. ”

“This is a beautiful and touching  18  . It is amazing how intelligent some of the children’s  19  are, ”said a reader from Georgia, US. “but it is more interesting to get to know the other  20  of Einstein. ”

1. A. personal          B. important          C. public           D. difficult

2. A. great            B. living              C. useful           D. experienced

3. A. problems           B. letters             C. hobbies      D. ideas

4. A. encouraged       B. completed         C. collected     D. read

5. A. hardly           B. wonderfully        C. suddenly     D. exactly

6. A. forms           B. habits             C. mistakes     D. manners

7. A. small            B. big               C. easy           D. lovely

8. A. carries          B. expects            C. prevents     D. holds

9. A. ever                B. no more           C. no longer      D. never

10. A. reads          B. writes            C. repeats          D. points

11. A. which         B. who             C. one           D. it

12. A. Obviously       B. Unhappily         C. Luckily       D. Surprisingly

13. A. invent         B. find              C. search           D. make

14. A. took           B. paid             C. spent           D. cost

15. A. biology         B. chemistry         C. geography       D. physics

16. A. difficulties       B. opinions           C. sadness      D. future

17. A. you            B. mine             C. they           D. yours

18. A. story          B. memory           C. book           D. letter

19. A. questions        D. thoughts          C. methods     D. curiosity

20. A. hand           B. shape             C. pleasure      D. side



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