
“Dear Sir, I probably would have written ages ago, only I was not aware(意识到)that you were still alive, ”writes a South African schoolgirl called Tyfanny in 1946. “I must have been mixing you up with Sir Isaac Newton. ”

Tyfanny, who goes on to ask Albert Einstein about the nature of space, received a(n)  1  reply from the great man six weeks later. “Dear Tyfanny, ”he writes, “I have to apologize to you that I am still among the  2  . This will not always be the case, however. ”

Tyfanny is one of the 60 children whose   3  to one of the greatest scientists of all time are  4  in the book Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein’s Letters To And From Children.

The letters are printed  5  as they were written, spelling  6  and all, with some printed in their original handwritten form.

While many letters seek answers to  7  questions, such as “what  8  the sun and planets in space?”or “I want to know what is beyond the sky and my mother said you can tell me, ”others are more personal. “I would like to ask if you   9  make any mistakes. ”  10  one child. While the children’s letters are certainly entertaining,   11  is Einstein’s replies that attract the most interest.

  12  , he could not respond to every letter, but the letters he did  13  the time to answer, which showed the human side of the great scientist. Although he   14  his days looking into mathematics and   15  , he was always very fond of children and their boundless curiosity(好奇心).

For example, it was in a letter to a 12-year-old girl from New York that he makes his now well-known remark:“Do not worry about your  16  in mathematics; I promise you that  17  are still greater. ”

“This is a beautiful and touching  18  . It is amazing how intelligent some of the children’s  19  are, ”said a reader from Georgia, US. “but it is more interesting to get to know the other  20  of Einstein. ”

1. A. personal          B. important          C. public           D. difficult

2. A. great            B. living              C. useful           D. experienced

3. A. problems           B. letters             C. hobbies      D. ideas

4. A. encouraged       B. completed         C. collected     D. read

5. A. hardly           B. wonderfully        C. suddenly     D. exactly

6. A. forms           B. habits             C. mistakes     D. manners

7. A. small            B. big               C. easy           D. lovely

8. A. carries          B. expects            C. prevents     D. holds

9. A. ever                B. no more           C. no longer      D. never

10. A. reads          B. writes            C. repeats          D. points

11. A. which         B. who             C. one           D. it

12. A. Obviously       B. Unhappily         C. Luckily       D. Surprisingly

13. A. invent         B. find              C. search           D. make

14. A. took           B. paid             C. spent           D. cost

15. A. biology         B. chemistry         C. geography       D. physics

16. A. difficulties       B. opinions           C. sadness      D. future

17. A. you            B. mine             C. they           D. yours

18. A. story          B. memory           C. book           D. letter

19. A. questions        D. thoughts          C. methods     D. curiosity

20. A. hand           B. shape             C. pleasure      D. side





Dear Sir

I’m interested in the furnished (备有家具的)house near Dedham which you made known in yesterday’s paper, for my husband and I are coming to England in June and need accommodation(住所)for three months. Would you please tell me exactly where it is and give me details (细目)of bus and train services in the area ?We need a house on a busy street. And I would also like to know about the local(当地的)shops. Do the local shops still supply? I know they did ten years ago. 

I would be thankful also if you would tell me whether you supply sheets etc, and whether a laundry(洗衣房)calls at the house. The rent (房租)you ask sounds reasonable for the size of the house. How do you like it paid? Weekly, monthly or in advance (提前)?

I would be thankful for an early reply.


Pamda Smith

1.Pamda Smith got the news about the house from      . 

A.local shops         B.a newspaper      C.her friends          D.a telephone

2.Most probably, Mr and Mrs Smith      . 

A.are coming to England from America        B.want to live in a beautiful place

C.are very rich                D.once lived in Dedham ten years ago

3.How do they need a house on a busy street?

A.The rent is the cheapest   B.There is a laundry

C.They like the busy area very much    D.They don’t want to drive

4.Which of the following is not true? Mr. and Mrs. Smith     . 

A.are not clear about the rent      B.Want to be in England for three months

C.will be on holiday in England    D.do not want to wash their clothes

5.In the passage, the word “accommodation” means      . 

A.cool weather     B.good service      C.furnished rooms         D.beautiful scenes
















注意:  词数100左右。

参考词汇:奉献精神:spirit of devotion;

2010年上海世博会:EXPO Shanghai 2010

Dear sir or Madam,


















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