
It’s not polite to arrive at a dinner more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the ___1___ to arrive before serving the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled(变味), and ___2___ may the host or hostess’ spirits. If you have to be ___3___ call and tell them to start ___4___ you.

It’s even worse to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be ___5___. If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car until the right time.

Though it’s often ___6___ to arrive at a party on time, on the other hand, the host or hostess ___7___ guests to arrive and leave between certain times, so you can ___8___ at any time between the times he or she gives you.

It’s nice to bring an empty stomach, but it’s even nicer to bring ___9___ present. The present should not cost a lot, or you might make the host or hostess ___10___. Flowers, wine, or a box of candy will be fine. ___11___ bring money as a present. In an introduction, the ___12___ of a name is: (1) the given name; (2) the family name. In other ___13___, the given name comes ___14___. It’s important not only to learn and remember ___15___, but to repeat them often in conversation. After the introduction, we usually call friends by their ___16___ names. Older people may want you to call them by their titles and family names, such as “Mrs Smith”, “Mr Johnson”, “Dr. Brown”.

A maiden(闺女) name is a ___17___ family name at birth. In the United States and Canada, after a woman ___18___, she takes the family name of her ___19___ in place of her maiden name. It is now becoming common, however, for women to ___20___ their maiden names after they get married.

1. A. guests     B. visitors       C. customs      D. passengers

2. A. or   B. so       C. but     D. yet

3. A. tired       B. hungry       C. late     D. early

4. A. without  B. for      C. with    D. after

5. A. awake    B. ready  C. up      D. friendly

6. A. useless    B. impossible  C. unable D. important

7. A. forces     B. invites C. begs    D. orders

8. A. play       B. fly      C. arrive  D. start

9. A. a big      B. a small       C. a good       D. an expensive

10. A. pleased B. satisfied     C. interested   D. uneasy

11. A. Never   B. Always       C. Do      D. Be sure to

12. A. spelling       B. calling       C. order  D. pronunciation

13. A. words   B. letters C. idioms       D. sentences

14. A. last       B. first    C. finally D. in the middle

15. A. expressions  B. appearances       C. names D. addresses

16. A. given    B. family C. middle       D. pen

17. A. gentleman’s  B. boy’s  C. woman’s    D. man’s

18. A. works   B. marries      C. bears   D. dies

19. A. husband       B. mother       C. father  D. sister

20. A. stop      B. give up      C. keep   D. find

1-5ABCAB 6-10DBDBD 11-15ACABC 16-20ACAAC


1. A。guests 意为“客人”,与前面的the host(男主人)和hostess(女主人)相对应。

2. B。此句用so表示重复前面句子的意思,但两句的主语不同。句意为:食物可能变味,主人的兴致(spirits)也可能变味。

3. C。由上文提到不能迟到,此句表示:如果不得不迟到的话,就得先打电话告诉他们开始。

4. A。without 在此表示:没有你在场。

5. B。朋友聚餐一般都约定了时间。如果去早了,主人还没有作好准备。

6. D。由上文提到聚餐既不能迟到,也不能早到,此句可断定:准时到达是重要的。

7. B。由四个动词的意义结合上下文可知:只有选 invites 才正确。

8. D。start 意为“出发”,指在主人约定的到达和离开的时间之间任何时间出发都可以。

9. B。由下文提到的flowers,wine,a box of candy等可知:给主人送小(small)礼物较好。

10. D。由or可知:如果送花钱太多的礼物,主人只会感觉不安。

11. A。前面提到送小礼物好,送花钱太多的礼物,主人只会感觉不安,那么用钱作礼物就会使主人感到更加不安,所以千万别送钱。

12. C。由下文可知:在作介绍时,要注意名字的顺序(order)(www.nmet168.com)。

13. A。后面是对前面的话进行进一步地解释,故选words ,in other words意为“换句话说”。

14. B。first name或given name 指(欧美人的)名字。family name意为“姓”。

15. C。上文谈到的名字,所以此句意为:不仅要了解和记住名字(names),而且在谈话时还要经常提到这些名字。

16. A。在下句提到,老年人想要你称呼他们的头衔(title)和姓(family name),那么在一般朋友之间则可直呼其名(given name)。

17. C。/ 18. A。/ 19. A。在西方一些国家,未婚女子的姓用女人出生时的姓即woman’s family name,结婚(marries),就得将自己的family name改为她丈夫(husband)的姓。

20. C。前面提到女人结婚后,其姓改为她丈夫的。此句提到现在情况正在变化:女人结婚后仍然保持(keep)少女时的姓(maiden name)。选keep切合句意,其他动词均不符。


Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.

She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts(工作班次)are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”

So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’ should get a bit extra.”

The hours she’s chosen to work mean that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.

Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps they’d be a bit more careful.”

The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself—— and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”

Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret, “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.”

Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _______.

  A. she wanted to earn more money to support her family

B. she had suffered a lot of mental pressure

C. she needed the right time to look after her children

D. she felt tired of taking care of patients

Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _______.

A. they never clean their offices

B. they look down upon cleaners

C. they never do their work carefully

D. they always make a mess in their offices

When at work, Margaret feels _______.

A. light-hearted because of her fellow workers

B. happy because the building is fully lit

C. tired because of the heavy workload

D. bored because time passes slowly

The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would _______.

  A. help care for her children

B. regret what they had said

C. show sympathy for her

D. feel disappointed in her

第二卷(非选择题  满分35分)

       第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

       第一节  对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





       (When Sara came home from work, she found her mother in an anxious state.)

       S:What’s wrong, Mum? You seem upset.

       M:It’s your (76) y         sister Jill. She should have been here an hour ago.

       S:Don’(77) w     ,Mum!It’s not all that late and she has probably not(78)r    how late it is. I think she’ll

be here soon.

       (Just then Sara’s brother Peter came into the kitchen.)

       P:What’s up?Mum’s on the phone and she seems as though she’s going to cry.

       S:It’s Jill.She should have(79) r    home by now and Mum’s getting anxious.

       P:You needn’ fecl so anxious 。Mum!You know what tecnage girls are like. (80)         she’s all right.

       M;I can’t help but be concerned.I’ve just rung Lucy and she said Jill her our the cinema ages ago to get the


       P:Well,the bus service isn’t very frequent in the evenings.Perhaps she(81)m        one and is wairting for

another.Have you tried(82)p     her on her mobile?

       M:Yes, but there’s no reply.That made me even more worried.I think(83)s      must have happened to Jill.

      Do you think we should call the (84)p__________.

       S:Calm down,Mum! You’ll make yourself ill.Perhaps she switched her mobile(85)o    in the cinema and

forgot to switch it back on again.Or it may need to be charged.


Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.

She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts(工作班次) are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”

So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’ should get a bit extra.”

The hours she’s chosen to work meant that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.

Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps they’d be a bit more careful.”

The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself——and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”

Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret. “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.”

1. Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _______.

A. she wanted to earn more money to support her family

B. she had suffered a lot of mental pressure

C. she needed the right time to look after her children

D. she felt tired of taking care of patients

2. Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _______.

A. they never clean their offices            B. they look down upon cleaners

C. they never do their work carefully        D. they always make a mess in their offices

3. When at work, Margaret feels _______.

A. light-hearted because of her fellow workers   B. happy because the building is fully lit

C. tired because of the heavy workload         D. bored because time passed slowly

4. The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would _______.

A. help care for her children             B. regret what they had said

C. show sympathy for her               D. feel disappointed in her


“Be nice to people.” This sounds like a platitude(老生常谈),but I’ll never forget my father’s words. I was 10, and I had been mean to someone. He said, “There is no point in being mean to anyone at any time. You never know who you’re going to meet later in life. And by the way, you don’t change anything by being mean. Usually you don’t get anywhere.”

“Remember you can do anything you want to do. Don’t let anyone say, ‘You’re not smart enough, it’s too hard, it’s a foolish idea, no one has done that before, girls don’t do that.’ ”My mom gave me that advice in 1973. And it allowed me to never worry what others were saying about my career direction.

“Always do the best job you can do at whatever you’re assigned(分派),even if you think it’s boring.” Jerry Parkinson, my boss at P&G, told me this in 1979. Here I was fresh out of Harvard Business School(HBS), and I was assigned to determine how big the hole in the Ivory shampoo bottle should be: 3/8 of an inch or 1/8 of an inch. I did research, focus groups and I would come home at night wondering how I had gone from HBS to this. But later I realized any job you’re given is an opportunity to prove yourself.

“Don’t be a credit hog. If you’re constantly in the neighborhood of good things, good things will happen to you.” Tom Tierney, who was my boss at Bain in 1981 and is now on the eBay board, told me this. It’s true that you get ahead by praising other people.

Finally, in 1998, I was in New York watching the ticker as eBay went public. My husband is a surgeon(外科医生).I called him and told him the great news. And he said, “That’s nice. But Meg, remember that it’s not brain surgery.”

1. We can learn that ______ from the passage.

   A. “Be nice to people” is the topic that people like

   B. it’s not necessary for us all to be too mean at any time

   C. I never forget any word that father spoke to me

   D. we won’t be successful if we are too mean to others

2. How many pieces of advice were given by her family?

   A. Two.       B. Four.        C. Three.        D. One.

3.This passage was written by _____ order.

   A. story development      B. time      C. working conditions       D. ideas

4. The author’s husband is more concerned _____ than eBay’s going public.

   A. his success           B. opportunity to prove himself   

   C. brain surgery          D. his career

5. What’s the main idea of the whole passage?

   A. Advice in life really made a difference to us.

   B. We should be nice to people around us.

   C. People can succeed by praising others.

   D. Too mean persons will get nothing from life.


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