摘要: D.从下文holes 和toes stick out可知鞋小.

























  D.工蜂一生从事的是利他的事业,而不是优化自己的结构来繁衍后代,从这一点来看,    达尔文的进化论“适者生存”不科学。


My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was seven. He told me to throw a__21____into the water. And he told me to watch the____22___created by the stone. Then he asked me to__ 23__ of myself as that stone.

“You may24 lots of splashes (飞溅 ) in your life,___ 25___the waves that come from those splashes will ___26____the peace of all your fellow___27_____,”he said.

“Remember that you are ___28____for what you put in your circle and that the circle will also___29____many other circles. You will need to live in the ___30____that allows the good that comes from your circle to ___31____the peace of that goodness to___32____. The splash that comes from anger or jealousy will send those___33_____to other circles. You are responsible for____34_____.”

That was the first time I ___35_____each person creates the inner peace or discord (冲突) that ____36_____out into the world. We cannot create world peace if we are ___37____with inner conflicts, hatred, ____38______, or anger. We radiate (流露) the feelings and thoughts that we hold ____39_____,whether we speak them out or not. Whatever is splashing around inside of us is spilling out into the world, creating beauty or discord with all other circles of life.

We are ____40_____to everything and everyone else around in the universe.

21. A. stick     B. brick      C. stone       D. ball

22. A. holes     B. circles     C. drops       D. waters

23. A. think     B. accuse     C. regard      D. warn

24. A. produce   B. damage    C. prevent     D. create

25. A. but       B. because    C. while       D. for

26. A. cut       B. disturb     C. bring       D. block

27. A. students   B. friends     C. creatures    D. workers

28. A. proud     B. helpful     C. respectful   D. responsible

29. A. hear      B. leave       C. strike      D. touch

30. A. family    B. situation     C. way       D. hurry

31. A. send      B. provide     C. destroy     D. keep

32. A. them      B. nobody     C. someone    D. others

33. A. tastes      B. smells      C. feelings    D. views

34. A. all        B. both        C. neither     D. any

35. A. realized    B. recognized   C. admitted   D. promised

36. A. flows      B. takes       C. picks       D. brings

37. A. prepared   B. filled       C. presented    D. supplied

38. A. honesty    B. truth        C. doubt      D. modesty

39. A. forward    B. outside      C. inside      D. upward   

40. A. referred    B. intended     C. devoted    D. connected


A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.

Because no light can get out, people can’t see black holes. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close to black holes act differently from other ones.

Black holes can be big or small. Scientists think the smallest black holes are as small as just one atom. These black holes are very tiny but have the mass of a large mountain. Mass is the amount of matter, or “staff”, in an object.

Another kind of black hole is called “stellar”(星球黑洞). Its mass can be up to 20 times more than the mass of the sun. There may be many stellar mass black holes in Earth’s galaxy. Earth’s galaxy is called the Milky Way.

The largest black holes are called “supermassive”(超大质量黑洞). These black holes have masses that are more than one million suns together. Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy has a mass equal to about four million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths.

Scientists think the smallest black holes formed when the universe began. Stellar black holes are made when the center of a very big star falls in upon itself, or falls apart. When this happens, it exploded part of the star into space. Scientists think supermassive black holes were made at the same time as the galaxy they are in.

A black hole can not be seen because strong gravity pulls all of the light into the middle of the black hole. But scientists can see how the strong gravity affects the stars and gas around the black hole. Scientists can study stars to find out if they are flying around, or orbiting a black hole.

When a black hole and a star are close together, high-energy light is made. This kind of light cannot be seen with human eyes. Scientists use satellites and telescopes in space to see the high-energy light.

1.The gravity of a black hole may become so strong that light cannot get out when ____________.

A. the star is going to die          

B. special tools are used on it

C. other stars come close to it      

D. it is seen from the space telescopes

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. A black hole can be very tiny but extremely heavy.

B. The gravity of a black hole holds all light in its center.

C. Scientists observe high-energy light through their own eyes.

D. Some small black holes came into being as early as the universe.

3.The underlined word “galaxy” in Paragraph 5 means __________.

A. a black hole                       B. the Milky Way

C. a series of stars                    D. a planet near the earth

4.What does the last sentence in Paragraph 5 suggest?

A. Neither the sun nor the earth is as heavy as a black hole.

B. There is a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

C. The supermassive black hole had existed before the Milky Way was formed.

D. There is a reason why the large black holes are called “supermassive”.

5.The last two paragraph mainly focus on the question of _________.

A. what a black hole is        

B. how black holes form

C. how big black holes are    

D. how scientists know about black holes



It was a perfect day, just the right kind of day to go fishing.

My 13-year-old son Jonathan and I had been 26 this trip for weeks, and now we were sitting on the shore of a beautiful lake.

  We 27 and talked, and then, suddenly, I saw small 28 where my float(浮子) had been. I waited, 29 it would pop right back up again, but the 30 stayed underneath the water and my heart started to beat 31 . After a few more seconds, my fishing rod was suddenly pulled off the stick it was leaning on 32 me and it was being dragged towards the water.

  I firmly caught hold of the fishing rod and lifted it up. This fish was 33 ! Slowly, my son balanced on two rocks and leaned down to get the giant off the fishhook.

  For just one second, he lost his 34 and reached up with his right hand to steady 35 . At that moment, our huge fish got off the fishing line and started to swim  36 .

  I saw tears streaming down Jonathan’s face. “Dad, I’m sorry. I’ll never be able to 37 this up to you.” I reached out and put my hands on his shoulders. I said the following 38 almost without thinking. “Jon, how did you feel 39 I was reeling(往卷轴上绕起) that fish in? Were you excited?” He nodded and said, “ Dad, I’ve never been so  40 in my whole life!” I replied, “ Jon, wasn’t that about the most fun thing we’ve ever done together?” He nodded his head in 41 . Then I said, “So, why should we let a fish getting away 42 possibly the best experience we’ve ever had? Let’s be happy about the fun we did have.”

  My son, 43 his arms around me and said, “ Dad, I love you so much!” I 44 him back and said softly into his ear, “I love you too, Jon.”

  We 45 did catch that big fish. But I’ve known ever since that I didn’t let the most important thing get away that day.

26. A. promoting     B. setting  C. appreciating  D. planning

27. A. ran        B. fished       C. lay          D. listened

28. A. holes       B. objects      C. birds         D. waves

29. A. thinking      B. watching    C. pointing         D. discovering

30. A. pole      B. float         C. stick            D. fishhook

31. A. regularly  B. quietly      C. curiously        D. heavily

32. A. behind       B. on top of     C. in front of        D. against

33. A. huge         B. white        C. alive            D. beautiful

34. A. balance       B. temper       C. health           D. bucket

35. A. him         B. it           C. itself           D. himself

36. A. up          B. beyond      C. along              D. away

37. A. pick         B. make          C. build             D. speed

38. A. comments     B. apologies      C. songs           D. words

39. A. although  B. while      C. unless           D. since

40. A. reliable  B. excited    C. forgetful          D. puzzled

41. A. agreement B. surprise      C. guilt              D. happiness

42. A. bring     B. ruin         C. shake             D. mend

43. A. folding        B. getting        C. showing          D. throwing

44. A. held         B. followed      C. hugged          D. formed

45. A. really     B. never          C. once            D. merely



Many children may be fond of animals, but few ever think of making the study of animals their career(职业).Even fewer will be   1    by the whole world,   2    the title of United Nations Messenger(使者) of Peace.

But one woman has    3    all that. She has lived with chimpanzees in the African forest for more than 20 years and made great    4   .This woman is Jane Goodall. She was born in London, England, in 1934.Goodall’s lifelong    5    in animals began at an early age. By the age of 10 or 11,Goodall    6    going to Africa to live with animals. This was quite a strange dream in those days, as young    7    didn’t think of having such “wild” actions. But she was   8    by her mother. She told her that if she really wanted something, she should work hard, take advantage of   9   and never give up looking for a way.

When a close friend invited Goodall to Kenya in 1957,she readily   10   .Within a few months of her arrival she met the famous anthropologist(人类学家) Dr. Louis Leakey, who soon decided that Goodall was the    11    person he was looking for to begin a    12    of wild chimpanzees on the shore of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania.

In July 1960, Goodall arrived at Gombe National Park in Tanzania. At the beginning, studying the chimpanzees was not    13   for her. The animals fled from her   14   , so it took months for her to get close to them. With a strong   15   , she searched the forest every day, trying not to get too close to the chimpanzees too   16   . Gradually the chimpanzees became used to her presence.

She discovered many things of chimpanzees during her first years at Gombe National Park. In October 1960,she observed a chimpanzee making and using   17    to fish for termites (白蚁).This discovery threw    18    on the popular idea at the time that Man was the world’s only toolmaker. The longer Goodall’s research continues, the more it becomes obvious that chimpanzees are very   19    to humans.

Since the mid-1980s, Goodall has been lecturing around the world to raise people’s sense about environmental    20   . “Let’s live in the new age with hope, respect for all living things, understanding and love,” she said.

1.A. recognized            B. known           C. accepted       D. admitted

2.A.receiving             B. giving          C. enjoying        D. having

3.A.done               B. proved           C. achieved        D. realized

4.A.discoveries            B. decisions       C. choices       D. findings

5.A.study                   B. interest        C. sense            D. dream

6.A.was fond of          B. tired of        C. insisted on         D. dreamed of

7.A.boys               B. girls          C. men          D. women

8.A.encouraged            B. prevented      C. advised       D. forced

9.A.knowledge           B. youth          C. hope         D. chances

10.A.accepted            B. refused        C. hesitated        D. considered

11.A.only               B. last           C. special           D. first

12.A.project             B. study          C. center         D. career

13.A.hard                   B. interesting      C. easy          D. convenient

14.A.in surprise            B. in a hurry      C. as expected        D. in fear

15.A.will               B. body         C. desire          D. mind

16.A.far                B. near          C. soon         D. much

17.A.nets               B. tools         C. holes         D. spoon

18.A.doubt              B. light          C. questions       D. beliefs

19.A.close               B. similar         C. friendly       D. helpful

20.A.improvement          B. protection      C. pollution        D. destruction



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