摘要: A. out B. down C. up D. free


Free and secure accommodation, no bills and even the odd home-cooked meal. It sounds like the perfect living arrangement for cash-strapped(缺乏现金的) students.
Two mothers believe they have devised a way for struggling students to save on accommodation costs when they leave home to study at university.
Kate Barnham and Amanda Flude have launched Student Swaps, an online accommodation forum (论坛) for parents and students, in advance of the introduction in September of £3,000 higher education top-up fees.
Their website says, “The principle behind Student Swaps is to enable students to literally swap (交换) family homes.” The website will hold a database of students who would like to swap and link them with suitable matches. So those from one town / city could swap with those from a different town / city.
The site describes itself as offering a “cost-free accommodation alternative… at a time of growing student debt”. There is no charge for the service at the moment but Ms Barnham and Ms Flude intend to introduce a £10 annual fee if it becomes established.
However, the National Union of Students (NUS) has warned that, while the scheme may sound appealing to struggling freshers, it lacks any formal regulation.
Veronica King, NUS vice-president of welfare, said, “The fact that this scheme has even been suggested is evidence to the high levels of debt students now face on graduation.” Recent research has shown that students are more likely to live at home in coming years, in a bid to cut down on the cost of a degree.
“This is worrying, as it may mean that students choose their university on the basis of where it is, rather than because it offers the best course for them. It also means students will miss out on what is for some a key part of the student experience-living away from home.”
71. A “cash-strapped” student means one who __________.
A. lacks money                                 B. prefers to stay at home
C. is careful with money                       D. wants to change cash
72. What is Kate Barnham and Amanda Flude’s purpose of launching Student Swaps?
A. To provide cheaper accommodation for students.
B. To let students stay close to their universities.
C. To help students spend less on accommodation costs.
D. To let students exchange ideas freely online.
73. What can students do on Student Swaps?
A. They can find students to exchange homes with.
B. They can make friends with students from a different city.
C. They can borrow money to pay for their higher education.
D. They can voice their opinions against the rising cost of a degree.
74. Now many students would prefer a university _________.
A. which can give them free accommodation                 B. which is not far away from their homes
C. which offers the best courses                                D. which can offer home-cooked meals
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. High Cost Troubles University Students in UK.
B. Students Swaps is Welcomed by Students in UK.
C. Two Mothers’ Good Intention to Help Students in UK.
D. Website Helps Students Live at Someone Else’s Home.


A Battery’s Nightmare
Portable electronics that can be carried about easily are only as good as their batteries (电池) and, let’s face it, batteries aren’t very good, especially when compared with, say, petrol, which packs 100 times a battery’s energy into an equal space. That’s why a large group of mechanical engineers (centered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but with partners at other universities and companies) are hard at work in an effort to replace batteries with a tiny engine that runs on fuel. Imagine a battery-free life! When the fuel runs out in your mobile phone, you just fill up and go.
The engine---about the size of a ten-cent coin---starts with a combustion chamber (燃烧室) that burns hydrogen. Its tiny parts are etched (蚀刻) onto silicon wafers (硅片) in the same manner that computer parts are etched onto integrated circuits (集成电路). The first engine is made up of five wafers. And since these wafers could be produced in much the same way as computer chips, they could probably be produced quite cheaply.
But the devil in all this nice detail is efficiency. Tiny engine parts don’t always behave like the bigger parts of the first engine. Something between the parts can slow down the works, according to Columbia University Professor LucFrechette, one of the engine’s designers. Extreme heat from the combustion chamber is also a problem, often leaking to other parts of the engine.
The scientists’ goal is to create an engine that will operate 10 times better than batteries operate. Frechette says that a complete system, with all parts in place and working, will be set up in the next couple of years, but commercial models aren’t likely until at least the end of the next ten years.
【小题1】According to the passage, the title suggests that _______ .

A.batteries should be greatly improved
B.petrol will be used instead of batteries
C.the time of batteries will be gone forever
D.pollution problems caused by batteries must be solved
【小题2】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “devil” in paragraph 3?
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.The new invention doesn’t need any fuel.
B.The new engine has been produced in large quantities.
C.The new invention is much cheaper than the battery.
D.The new engine needs to be improved before it’s on sale.


A Battery’s Worst Nightmare(噩梦)
Portable electronics that can be carried about easily are only as good as their batteries and, let’s face it, batteries aren’t very good, especially when compared with, say, petrol, which packs 100 times a battery’s energy into an equal space. That’s why a large group of mechanical engineers (centered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but with partners at other universities and companies) are hard at work in an effort to replace batteries with a tiny engine that runs on fuel. Imagine a battery-free life!When the fuel runs out in your laptop or mobile phone, you just fill up and go.
The engine, about the size of a ten-cent coin, starts with a combustion chamber (燃烧室) that burns hydrogen (氢). Its tiny parts are etched onto silicon wafers (硅片) in the same manner that computer parts are imprinted onto integrated circuits (集成电路). The first engine is made up of five wafers. And since these wafers could be produced in much the same way as computer chips, they could probably be produced quite cheaply.
But the devil in all this nice detail is efficiency(效率). Tiny engine parts don’t always behave like their scaled-up parts of the first engine. Something between the parts can slow down the work, according to Columbia University professor Luc Frechette, one of the engine’s designers. Extreme heat from the combustion chamber is also a problem, often leaking to other parts of the engine.
The scientists’ goal is to create an engine that will operate 10 times better than batteries do. Frechette says that a complete system, with all parts in place and working, will be set up in the next couple of years, but commercial models aren’t available until at least the end of the next ten years. 
. According to the passage, the title suggests that ________.

A.batteries should be greatly improvedB.petrol will be used instead of batteries
C.the time of batteries will be gone foreverD.pollution caused by batteries must be prevented
What’s the meaning of the underlined word “devil” (In Paragraph 3)?
A.Problem. B.Advantage. C.Invention. D.Technique.
What can we infer from the passage?
A.The new invention doesn’t need any fuel.
B.The new engine has been produced in quantity.
C.The new invention is much cheaper than the battery.
D.The new engine needs to be improved before it’s on sale.
. What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To introduce a new invention to readers.B.To persuade readers not to use batteries.
C.To show us how the new invention works.D.To declare when the engine will be on sale.


Read about the lives of real detectives. This monthly magazine brings you up-to-date true stories about real life of detectives as they chase criminals across continents. Find out how some of the most dangerous criminals in the world are caught by some of world’s finest detectives. Follow their routes on the free map which comes with every issue.
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The weekly magazine keeps you in touch with what’s happening. Filled with facts and figures about almost everything you can think of, plus articles by our regular writers on the week’s most interesting news stories. Special back page sums up the news for the busy readers.
The magazine is approximately 200 pages, full color, and packed with support and fun! Columns: Creation Answers with AiG’s Ken Ham, Resource Room for special needs home schooling with Christine Field, Diana Waring’s History column, our Finishing the Race (High School) department, and Show and Tell – where readers share their own detailed methods and curriculum choices.
These exciting short stories are written by well-known crime writers. Every magazine brings you the best in criminal thrillers, stories are so good that you won’t be able to put the magazine down. And every month we leave one crime unanswered so that you, that reader, can play detective.
【小题1】Emi is a university student studying Italian and Politics. She doesn’t have much time to read anything very detailed but she is looking for something with plenty of news and information.
【小题2】Carrie is sixteen years old and loves spending time listening to pop music and lying on her   bed reading. She is always interested in finding out more about some of the stars in the world of pop and fashion.
【小题3】Bill travels a lot when he was younger. Now that he has stopped his work, he enjoys reading about foreign people, places and customs even if he has already visited that part of the world.
【小题4】 Leroy used to be a detective. He still takes an active interest in the work of the police, but these days he enjoys reading fictions after years spent chasing real criminals.
【小题5】Brigitte has a five-year-old daughter and after several talks with her husband, she is considering to educate their daughter at home. She would like a magazine to learn about this new trend.



You may picture firefighters holding a hose (水管) outside of a burning building, but the Golden Eagles Hotshots don’t fight fires quite that way. When they go into action, you may not even see a fire truck.

The Hotshots are firefighters who battle fires in wildness areas. But don’t think you’ll only find them in their home state California. Wherever there is a national wildfire emergency, the Golden Eagles Hotshots could be there.

But these firefighters don’t work the same way as firefighters in a big city. They work in areas where there are a large number of trees, bushes, and grass. They climb up and down steep hills to clear brush and burnable debris(残骸). They sometimes use water, but they often fight fire with fire!

They do that by lighting what are called “backfires,” which are small, controlled fires that burn up fuel in the path of large wildfires. That way, when the wildfire gets there, it has nothing to burn and nowhere to go, because all the burnable fuel has already gone up in smoke.

The Hotshots also clear away fuel using old-fashioned hard work. For example, they use a saw to cut away trees and heavy brush that could catch fire.

Of course there are times when the Golden Eagles Hotshots do have trucks to supply water to the fires. But the water is limited, and these guys have to rely on hard work more than anything. Physical fitness is very important. They have to be in great physical shape to handle steep hills and difficult terrain(地形) while carrying a 60-pound pack.

The Golden Eagles Hotshots definitely work hard for their pay. But thanks to their efforts, many lives have been saved, many houses have not burned, and countless trees are still standing.

1.67. The firefighters mentioned in the passenger. 

A.do much of their work in California

B.avoid climbing steep hills in their work

C.do their work equipped with advanced tools.

D.carry out their work mostly in forests and mountains.

2.68. According to the passage, why do the firefighters light “backfires”?

A.To signal for help.

B.To remove obstacles.

C.To protect trees and bushes.

D.To prevent the fire from spreading.

3.69. What can we learn about the Golden Eagles Hotshots?

A.They are firefighters working in big cities.

B.Their work requires physical strength.

C.They are voluntary firefighters working for free.

D.They usually hold a hose to put out the fires.

4.70. What is the author’s attitude towards the Golden Eagles Hotshots?







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