




1.A.No. *                  B.It's my pleasure.    C.Good idea!


2.A.I don't think so.     B.Never mind.      C.Sorry,1 won't next.


3.A.Because he was ill.  B.Sorry.               C.I'm not sure.


4.A.I agree with you.  B.Thanks a lot.      C.No,it isn't.


5.A.Yes,you can.   

B.No,you mustn't.

C.No,you don't have to.

    Compared to those fashionable and modern girls today,I believe that I am different.

    I don't like buying pretty clothes.I like  1   music CDs instead.But they are not  2  music CDs.  Most of them are of ballet and opera music. I collect a lot of European opera CDs! Am I a strange person to you?

    Besides music.   3   are also all important part of my life. Out of all the famous novels,I like the Bronte sisters,works best.Jane Eyre,Wuthering Heights(《呼啸山庄》)and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall(《女房客》)are au fascinating! Books about  4  are as exciting as novels.My  favorite is the life story of “Mary Queen of Scots”(1542―1587).The  5  story once even made me cry.

    So now,can you see what a different girl I am?




1.           was born on June 9,1934.

A.Mickey Mouse    B.Donald Duck        C.Sleeping Beauty


2.He gets           easily but has a good heart.

A.happy                  B.sad                      C.angry



3.           ,1943,Laszlo Josef Biro gets patent(专利)for his invention.

A.July 10                B.June 10               C.Amy 10


4.Laszlo invented the          

A.ball-point Den      B.quill(鹅毛笔)         C.fountain pen(自来水笔)



5.The author started reading 2 1st Century Teens            ago.

A.one year              B.two years             C.three years




1.Li Guyi is one of the famous a          


2.Do you like watching C           just like children from the TV?


3.They           (宣布)that they had caught the murderers last week.


4.It's blowing hard outside,I feel so s          


5.Stop d           !You must face the realization l


6.Her beauty           (吸引)many directors in the last century.


7.The doctor           (发现)there was cancer in his leg.


8.It's said there was something with the           (攻击者)brain.


9.Some           (证人)can prove he was at home at that moment.


10.The bad man k           the poor boy and killed him.



1.I'll give the book to him as soon as he           (come)back.


2.           the baby           (stop)crying yet?


3.I don't know whether mother――(take)me to Beijing next month.


4.She    (put)on her coat and went out.


5.―What are they doing?―They     (get)ready for the sports meeting.


6.The boy asked his mother           (1et)him go and play basketball.


7.It           (take)him half an hour            (finish)his homework yesterday.


8.If it           (be)an interesting film,we'll see it tomorrow.


9.They usually           (do)their homework after supper.


10.When they got to the station,the train           (leave).



1.―You don't look well,what's wrong with you,Wang Ming?

   ―Last night l watched the football match and didn't go to bed           12 o'clock.

A.when                   B.until                    C.as                          D.while


2.―What would you like to have,beer or coffee?

  ―           .I'd like to have some milk.

A.Either                 B.Both                    C.Neither                  D.All


3.―           is your home from school?

   ―It's about forty minutes on foot.

A.How long            B.How much           C.How far                 D.How many


4.This is           book.You'd better read it carefully.

A.such a good         B.so a good             C.such good a            D.so good


5.―Please give me a           when you arrive in Beijing.

   ―All right.I'll tell you everything when I get there.

A.newspaper                  B.ticket                   C.calling                   D.ring


6.There is           milk here,but there are quite           empty glasses.

A.1ittle:a few                                           B.few;a few

    C.1ittle:a little                                            D.few;little


7.Jane's brother didn't work so           as the others did in his class.

A.harder                 B.hard                    C.hardest                   D.hardly


8.―Hello,could I speak to Miss Fang,please?

   ―           I'll get her for you.

A.Hold on,please.                                  B.I'm Miss Fang.

    C.Who are young                                          D.She is at work.


9.He was not sure            for her birthday.

    A.what was he going to buy                                B.what he was going to buy

    C.he was going to buy what                           D.what he is going to buy


10.           the first morning of the New Year,people found the little match girl dead around the comer.

A.In                       B.On                      C.At                         D.For


11.If you don't know           your dream is,you may never succeed.

A.that                     B./                       C.what                      D.where


12.He has a special personality.He           believes his own ideas and seldom changes his mind.

A.strongly               B.greatly                 C.hardly                    D.easily


13.After they watched the VCD,Josh and Dink knew          

A.who was it           B.who it was           C.who were it            D.who it were


14.The painting shows us           in the Northern Song capital,Bianjing.

A.what everyday life was like

B.what was everyday life like

C.how everyday life was like

D.how was everyday life like


15.           someone puts his diary on the Internet,1 won't read it.I don't want to know others' secrets.

A.While                  B.As                       C.If                          D.Because


Chatrooms start on the Internet. 1    (In,On)the chatrooms,people can type  2   (pictures,words)to “talk” with others far away.Today there  3  (is,are)many chatrooms on the Internet.With   4  (an,a)headphone,people don't even have to type.They can talk like on the phone and it is much  5   (cheap,cheaper).



Shaquille O'Neal is a giant(巨人)in NBA,he is 2.16 metres   1   and weighs(重)147.4 kilograms! But he moves quickly and  2   high.  3  can stop him in NBA.He is the  4  newcomer to the team Miami Heat.Last week.he began this NBA season with them.Could he take the  5   to the top  6   he did when he played for the L.A.Lakers? Shaq is  7  .He has kept Miami Heat winning since their first game.Last Thursday,Miami Heat  8  Cleveland Cavaliers 92:86.Shaq has an injured foot,  9  he still got 17 points in the game.“I'm the son of a strong man.  10  I can walk I can play.”he said.“You can't stop Shaq.”said Drew Gooden from the Cavaliers.“He is going to get his numbers.”Shaq made the Lakers No.1 three times.He was one of the NBA's all―time top 50 players in 1996.


1.A.wide                     B.tall                      C.high                             D.big


2.A.walks                    B.runs                    C.jumps                    D.sleep


3.A.No one                  B.Anyone               C.Someone                D.Everyone


4.A.happiest                                                   B.most expensive

C.biggest                                                       D.most beautiful


5.A.season                   B.country                C.team                      D.army


6.A.as if                      B.than                    C.as                          D.what


7.A.sad                                                          B.confident(有信心的)

C.strong                                                         D.energetic


8.A.hit                        B.won                    C.beat                       D.lost


9.A.because                 B.though                 C.while                     D.but


1.The boy spent           on his homework.

A.one day               B.three days            C.seven days              D.two weeks


2.The story tells us the boy was going to          

    A.travel to Michigan

    B.stand up and speak about Michigan

    C.drive a car in Michigan

    D.spend his holidays in Michigan


3.The boy was not the first one to speak because          

    A.he was too excited

    B.he wanted others to speak first

    C.he was not brave enough to put up his hands

    D.the teacher didn't see him


4.“The Apple Festival” is           -

    A.a book about Michigan

    B.a holiday in Louisiana

    C.the name of Michigan's flag

    D.a holiday in Michigan


5.From the story we learn that the boy is           at the end of the class

    A.sad                      B.angry                         C.happy                    D.surprised


    I'm only l3 years old,but I've got lots of dreams for the future.When l was five,already l  wanted to be Superman.

    Why? Because I could save lots of people and,of course,fly to Pizza Hut whenever l wanted to eat pizza! But when I tried to fly out of my window and broke my leg,I changed my mind.

    When l was nine.I saw Forrest Gump and wanted to be a famous ping―pong player! I saved my money for six months to buy a ping-pong table. When I finally got one,my friends came over to play with me every day.Two weeks later,1 was bored with the game and thought cleaning my room was more fun.

    My eyes turned to the stars after I saw “Apollo 13”.l was lo years old and dreamed of going to

    the moon and playing basketball with my friends there.  I started to build model rockets and talked  about space all the time at school.  My classmates usually just said,“You’re boring,stop it!” So finally I got tired of that dream,too.

    Then,I grew up and knew that I needed a plan.  I need enough money to do lots of funny  things.

    I'm good at Maths.So 1 wanted to be an engineer.I studied science every day.I studied more, and I also dreamed more of the money I could make.1 was really excited.But then I read that people don't get rich by working for someone else―they get rich by having others work for them.

    So I've finally decided to learn about business.In this way,I think I can be lazy and get rich at the same time! I can also use my money to help lots of people. Soon,I'll even have enough to buy my own Pizza Hut. And you know what that means? I can have all the pizza l want,for free.


1.The writer gave up his idea of becoming Superman because          

    A.he broke his leg when trying to fly out of the window

    B.he wanted to be a famous ping-pong player

    C.he dreamed of going to the moon

    D.he is good at Maths


2.The dream that the writer seems to like the best is          

    A.becoming an engineer

    B.becoming a businessman

    C.going to the moon

    D.flying to Pizza Hut


3.This passage mainly talks about          

    A.how to save money for pizza

    B.the fact that it's not good to be an engineer

    C.why the writer likes pizza so much

    D.what the writer has wanted to do when he grows up


4.As we can see from the passage,the writer          

    A.is a good ping―pong player

    B.1ikes to have dreams about future

    C.will surely become a rich man

    D.is very boring


5.Fill in the table according to the passage:



Why not?


1.five years old:to be Superman

could      lots of people,       to Pizza Hut

his leg when trying to fly out of


2.――years old:to

be a      ping-pong player

saw Forrest Gump

became      with the game  and thought that       his room was more fun


3.10 years old:going to the moon and playing      with friends there

saw “Apollo 13’

got      of that dream


4.to be an

good at      ,need enough

read that people get rich by       others work for them


5.1earn about

can be      and get rich at the same time

Who knows?


French footballer David Trezeguet,27,is known for saving his team with golden goals(金球)!

    And he has done it again.Last Wednesday,his amazing goal helped Juventus beat Real Madrid 2:1in the Champions League(冠军杯).

    It was a game between two of the top teams from Europe. Real Madrid were winning 1:0 at half-time.but later Trezeguet scored for Juventus.This gave his team more confidence.

    “I have had a troubled season with injuries(伤)and illness,but the goal made up for everything.”he said after the match.“The best is yet to come.’’

Trezeguet is good at finding chances to score.He is confident and calm in front of the net.He can really turn things around for his team and change the game.

Trezeguet was born in France.but went to Argentina with his dad when he was two.He returned to France when he was 17 but couldn't speak a word of French.His teammates drove him

home after training everyday.but because he couldn't speak French he was a very quiet teenager.


    He became a superstar when his golden goal made France champions of Euro(欧锦赛)2000.

    “I put Trezeguet on the field because he works very well in crucial(关键的)moments.”the French coach Roge Lemerre said at the time.


1.David got famous because he          

    A.practiced hard on the field                        B.helped his team win

    C.couldn't speak French                                 D.had enough confidence


2.The coach likes David very much because          

    A.he performs well in important moments

    B.he used to be very quiet

    C.he doesn’t care much about his injuries

    D.he is always confident and calm


3.“The best is yet to come” shows that          

    A.David's team is now the best in the world

    B.David has strong confidence in his team

    C.David's team will be the champion next time

    D.David will never have injuries in future


4.It can be inferred from the story that          

   A.David is now very talkative(健谈的)

    B.confidence plays an important role in one's success

    C.David is good at scoring at crucial moments

    D.David's coach is a very special man


5.The best title for this story is          

A.A Future Superstar   

B.Easy Ways to Become a Superstar

C.David and His Golden Goals

D.Juventus against Real Madrid


