摘要:2.A.I don't think so. B.Never mind. C.Sorry.1 won't next.


My parents don't listen. How can I communicate with them?

Communication is hard work. It's often easier to say nothing than to talk things out. But you shouldn't make excuses not to communicate — "They never listen anyway", "We will only end up fighting", or "They will just make fun of me".

    You should also avoid(避免) communication killers. When your parents don't seem to understand you, it doesn't take long for you to form habits that kill communication. Some of these communication-killers are:

The silent treatment. You don't speak at all to your parents.

Just putting up with(忍受) it. You say what you think your parents want to hear, but then go out secretly and do what you want anyway.

Bigger, better, and nicer. You tell your parents how much better your friends' parents are.

Running away. You get so frustrated(沮丧的) that you leave the room or the house to avoid further quarrelling.

    Don't get frustrated or give up. Keep the lines of communication open. Just follow the tips


You must always keep in mind that they are your parents and that you have to respect them. If you make a mistake, admit (承认) it, and say sorry. If they do something wrong to you, point it out to them without getting loud or quarrelling with them.

    Listen to what they have to say because parents are wiser about some things and are always trying to protect you. Put yourself in their shoes and when you are talking to them, don't say anything which might be held against you. Don't let your anger put down your character.

Communicate with your parents; don't let the day end without reaching an agreement and make sure that the agreement pleases yourself, as well as your parents. Let it all go; tell your parents how much you love them.

37. Which of the following actions belong to "communication-killers"?

   ①Refusing to talk.

   ②Comparing your parents with others'.

   ③Shouting at your parents.

   ④Running away.

   A.①②③            B.①②④        C.①③④      D.②③④

38. When our parents make a mistake, we should_______.

   A. ask them to say sorry   B. avoid it        C. point it out politely  D. forget it

39. Why should we listen to what our parents have to say?

   A. Because they are always trying to stop us from being hurt.

   B. Because they are our parents and we have to respect them.

   C. Because it will make communication easier.

   D. Because they will be angry if we don't.

40. The last paragraph mainly tells us that_______.

   A. we should understand our parents

   B. we should love and respect our parents

   C. we shouldn't care only about the result of the communication

   D. we shouldn't leave the problem with our parents to tomorrow



Dear Grandpa Mandela,

      How are you? Are you living a happy life now? I hope (1) e      goes well with you.

      Grandpa Mandela, I’m a (2) C      girl

      Your experience has moved me deeply and encouraged me a lot.I realized that I should make a contribution to the world’s peace and development, especially for the developing (3) c     . I must study hard to realize my dream.

      China has(4)j      the WTO.Many things are open to the world, so some people are shouting loudly, “The wolf is coming!” Some people’s first response(反应) is “Are we ready with a knife?” I really don’t agree with (5) t      .Because we are living in the 21st century, we should challenge the future.I hope the young people in South Africa have the same ideas.

      We all know that knowledge is powerful.I have made up my mind to master the latest technology.When we (6) g      up, we’ll be the useful men and women who build our motherland.

I’m (7) p      of my motherland, so I’ll work hard to make her stronger and more (8) b     .I think the people in South Africa will do so.This will make us closer.We’ll never give up when we meet with difficulties.We should try our (9) b    

      As the owners of the 21st century, all the youth of China and South Africa should have more knowledge.At the same time, we should learn from you.

      Grandpa Mandela, I hope you enjoy every minute in life and have a (10)h      body.

                                                                                                                       Li Yawei


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