摘要:7.The doctor there was cancer in his leg.


     In the doctor's waiting room, sick people are waiting on their chair. Bob, a school boy, is among them.
They all look very sad except (除了) Bob. He is enjoying an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the
 doctor comes in to say he is ready for the next person. Bob jumps up and runs into the doctor's room.
     "What's your trouble?" says the doctor. Before Bob could say a word, the doctor makes him lie down
 on a bed,  "Now, let me listen to your heart." Bob tries to speak, but the doctor tells him not to say
 anything. "I'll take your temperature." Bob tries to sit up, but the doctor stops him. After a moment, the
 doctor says, "Well, boy, you don't have a fever. In fact, there's nothing wrong with you."
     "I know there isn't," says Bob. "I just come here to get some medicine for my father."
1. Bob sits in the waiting room to_____.
    A. see the doctor
    B. wait for the doctor
    C. read his magazine
    D. buy some medicine
2. All the sick people look sad except Bob because _____.
    A. Bob is too young to (太小了而不会) worry about anything
    B. his father isn't very ill
    C. he is interested in the magazine
    D. there is nothing wrong with him
3. From the passage we can see that _____.
    A. the doctor is careless
    B. there is no nurse in the doctor's room
    C. the doctor is warm-heart
    D. the doctor takes Bob as (把Bob当作) a sick person
4. While looking over Bob, the doctor might think that_____.
    A. Bob is funny
    B. Bob isn't naughty (淘气的)
    C. Bob is foolish
    D. Bob is very ill
5. When Bob tells the doctor what he is here for, the doctor might think that _____.
    A. he himself is funny
    B. he himself is careless
    C. he himself is foolish
    D. he himself is naughty

     The most common disease in the world is the cold. It often starts with a sore throat (咽部疼痛). You
sneeze and your nose runs. You usually have a headache, too. Often you have a cough later. It's not a serious
disease, but you can feel quite bad.
     There isn't a cure (良药) for a cold, but you can take some medicine to make you feel better. For example,
you can take aspirin (阿司匹林) to get rid of (去除) your headache. It is good to rest. and to drink a lot of
water, too. A doctor once told me."With the right medicine. a cold will last for seven days. With no medicine,
it will go on for a whole week!"
     A long time ago, people understood that some plants made them feel better. For example, the juice of
lemons (柠檬) makes a sore throat feel better. In modern times, scientists have found out which chemicals (化学药品) are in them. Man, of our medicines today are made from those chemicals. There are some diseases
that we can't cure yet. And nobody has found a cure for old age. But because of modern medicines, the
average people now live longer than their grandparents.
1. A cold often starts with _______.
A. a headache
B. a cough
C. a pain in your throat
D. feeling a little cold
2. What should we do when we catch a cold?
A. We only take some medicine.
B. We should rest well,drink much water and have some medicine.
C. We just wait for a whole week.
D. We only need a good rest.
3. What makes a sore throat feel better?
A. The medicine aspirin.
B. A lot of water.
C. Something inside lemons.
D. The root of a plant.
4. What is the real meaning of the doctor's words?
A. There is almost no medicine that can cure the cold.
B. There is some medicine that can cure the cold.
C. You will feel well after a whole week when you take some medicine.
D. The cold is a serious disease.
5. From the passage.which of the following is not TRUE?
A. You can feel quite bad though the cold is not a serious disease.
B. We can get some medicine to get rid of our headache.
C. Even if you don't take any medicine,you will feel well after seven days.
D. People have found a cure for old age.
      In the doctor's waiting room, people are sitting on their chairs. Bob, a schoolboy is among them. They all look very sad except Bob. He is reading an exciting story in a magazine. The doctor called "The next ! " and Bob runs into the doctor's waiting room.
      "What's your trouble?" says the doctor. Before Bob says a word, the doctor makes him lie down on
a bed, " Now, let me  listen to your heart. "Bob tries to speak, but the doctor tells him not to say anything.
'61'II take your temperature. " Bob tries to sit up, but the doctor stops him. After a moment, the doctor
says, "Well, boy, you don't have a fever.  In fact there's nothing wrong with you. "
      "I know there isn't. " says Bob.  "I just come here to get some medicine for my father. "
1. Bob sits in the waiting room to            .
A. see the doctor      
B. wait for his father
C. read his magazine    
D. buy some medicine
2. All the sick people look sad except Bob because       . 
A. Bob was too young to worry about anything
B. his father isn't very ill
C. he is reading the magazine
D. there's nothing wrong with him
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The doctor is careless.
B. There is no nurse in doctor's room.
C. The doctor is warm-hearted.
D. The doctor takes Bob for a sick person.
4. When examing Bob, the doctor might think that       .
A Bob is funny        
B. Bob is naughty
C. Bob is foolish      
D. Bob is very ill