【题目】 What do we mean by responsibility? To put it simply, it is a duty to consider the consequences of our actions. In other words, we have a duty to control our behaviour.

When we are children, we have few responsibilities. Our parents look after us and we generally don’t have to worry about food or shelter. As we grow up, we gradually need to be responsible for more and more things. We learn how to run our own baths, make our own decisions, and realize that we have moral duties. As adults, we are responsible for all aspects of our lives. If there are any problems, we have to handle them ourselves.

We also have responsibilities that go beyond ourselves. Parents have the responsibility to look after their children, ensuring that they have a stable upbringing. Beyond the family, people have a responsibility towards the community as a whole. It is in fact up to us as a society to make this world a safe and pleasant place for everyone.

When we fail in our responsibilities, the consequences are most serious. Teenagers who abandon their studies might ruin their own lives. It is even more horrible to hear about parents who, by not caring for their own children properly, are putting them in danger. Likewise, by not following the traffic rules, careless drivers kill more than a million people around the world every year. Certain professions in our society, such as police officers, exist to protect the public, and the people who do these jobs often risk their own lives in order to do their duty. However, their efforts depend on the support of ordinary people. If we ignore our own responsibilities, society will become dangerous. On a global level, our entire human civilization may be heading towards disaster unless we work together to save our environment.

Furthermore, whether we are shouldering heavy responsibilities, like doctors or lots, or simply taking responsibility for our own learning as students, we will always be judged on how well we perform our duties. For this reason, the hardest part of acting responsibly is admitting that we failed or that we made a mistake. Let’s say you visit your friend’s house and accidentally damage an expensive teapot while your friend is in another room. The honest thing to do is of course to admit your fault and apologize. Because this requires courage, some people take another route: they pretend that nothing happened. Perhaps a broken teapot might not be such a big deal, but in any given situation, we can choose to act responsibly, and it is somewhat through this choice that we decide what our lives are going to be like.

To summarize, responsibilities are an essential part of life since our actions have consequences. Responsibilities aren’t fun, but we can make the burden lighter by sharing them. If everyone considered how their actions would affect themselves and other people, the world would be a better place.

1The passage tells us that .

A.children have no responsibilities

B.adults often risk their own lives in order to do their duty

C.our responsible actions would make the world a better place

D.responsibilities aren’t fun unless we can make the burden lighter by sharing them

2According to the author, the hardest part of taking responsibility is .

A.to control our behaviourB.to handle problems ourselves

C.to affect ourselves and other peopleD.to admit our fault and apologize

3Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Consequence of ResponsibilityB.Significance of Responsibility

C.Essential Part of ResponsibilityD.Development of Responsibility

4Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?

I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion



【题目】Stories Behind Famous Company Names

Inventor Caleb Bradham had originally wanted to be a doctor but started working in a pharmacy when he returned home to North Carolina. In 1893, he made up what he first called “Brad’s Drink,” a mix of water, sugar, caramel, lemon oil, nutmeg, and other flavors. Five years later, he renamed it Pepsi-Cola. He claimed the drink could help with digestion(消化), or dyspepsia, the term from which Bradham adapted the name Pepsi.

This luxury car maker combined elements from the Ford and Oldsmobile companies when it was started in 1902 and later became known for its innovation and high quality. The company was named after the French explorer Antoine Laumet de la Mothe Cadillac, who founded the city of Detroit in 1701.

Company co-founder Gordon Bowker has said that while brainstorming names, someone brought out a map that featured the old mining town of Starbo. That may have led him to think of Starbuck, the first mate in Herman Melville’s famous novel, Moby Dick. Not only the company name but also the origin of its logo has aroused great curiosity.

The inventor of Rolex, Hans Wilsdorf, was looking to make an elegant, yet precise, wristwatch. He wanted a name that was easy to say, worked in different languages, and looked good on the watches. He settled on Rolex in 1908.

1Which company name has a close relationship with literature?



2Which of the following statements is True?

A.Caleb Bradham aimed to cure dyspepsia with Pepsi.

B.Hans Wilsdorf intended Rolex to be universally accepted.

C.Cadillac was named after the founding father of the company.

D.Starbucks was used due to the co-founder’s love for his hometown.

3From the passage, we can learn that .

A.a famous company name is easy to spell

B.a special story can make a company famous

C.a company name usually has a special meaning in it

D.a company name is related to the founder’s profession

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